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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 16 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    Thanks for quoting these examples. So the bosses of Nissan-Renault or Airbus should be the go-to spokesmen for what is best for the UK? I think not, the UK electorate has already decided that, not foreign businessmen.

    While these companies are undoubtedly major employers in their towns, they are not the biggest employers in the country. Their CEOs will just have to get used to the new rules. 

    Just wait till their machinery are moved to the EU, and the British workers will be left with their unemployment allowance.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Bloody fish, ruining the world.

    No, only dead fish.

    The British see it as a sign of their independence, the rest op Europe only laughs about it. Such a small part of the economy, easy to buy-out all fishermen with the revenues import duty of UK material will generate.

    Macron is allowed to make some fuzz about it, to keep the British busy, and NOT thinking of much grater stakes like their "make" industry and their financial services.

  3. 1 hour ago, vogie said:

    Are you suggesting that the EU may use submarines to catch our fish?

    No, they just let the British do.

    And when the British fishermen discover, the British consumers does not want their catch enough, the EU will buy it... for a lousy price.

    What Helmut Kohl said a 30 years ago: "when you easily can buy (the Ukraine grain fields / the Russian raw materials)... do not fight for it... "

  4. 2 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

    If Boris doesn't surrender to the French, he will not get his EU deal, and then it's game over for him


    Boris: 0, UK: -1, France: 2, EU: 1

    For ONLY fish, 0.1% of GDP ? ( remind: a LOT of UK caught fish the British do not eat much, but is exported to the EU. From 1 Jan 2021: Export or move fish to the EU or NI from 1 January 2021 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk). Ask the Thai fish exporters. Till now no British fish processor applied for that, so.. big joke 1 Jan: stuck with their fish). The cod + salmon, the British eat, comes from the Icelandic and Norwegian waters = associates of the EU


    I think the Germans will laugh harder:

    - UK competition for a LOT of "make" industry gone, e.g. the car industry.

    - a LOT of financials now - close bye to the ECB - via Frankfurt = 6,9% of GDP 

    • Like 1
  5. 14 hours ago, vinny41 said:

    If it all goes horribly wrong the Uk will play the Turkish Card in about 20 years from now

    Since Turkey started the EU Accession process it has received billions of euros from the EU taxpayer

    Has the EU seen a return from that investment

    One of the stupidities of the EU: GIVE money. better: let others have a LOAN from the EU, even at 0,1% and pay-back in a hundred years. Or like the eternal assignats of Napoleon, see Assignat. Then every nation is remembered every year to the debt to the EU and what they thank the EU.

    Fior Turkey: they now have a president who hates the EU, but.. based on just a 52 % of the votes. Might change next election completely, especially when the 2016 Turkish coup d'état attempt will be examined.

  6. 14 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

    "More the first time it's been quite so obvious France and Germany are using the EC as a political shield - if it goes well, they'll take the credit, if it goes badly they'll let the Commission bureaucracy take the blame - hence the reason the Commission has been playing for no deal from day one, no upside to them in a 'pretty good' or 'win-win' deal."

    Time you learn how the EU works.


    There is only ONE deciding body = EU council , consisting of the heads of government of the U member states. They give the mandate to the negotiatorrs, and they get the report to decide over.

    The EU commission is a kind of advisory, investigation and execution body under the presidency of Ursula von der Leyen. ( like the French president Macron and the French gov under the prime minister Jean Castrex ).


    That's why Barrier wants to have a presentation of an agreement last Thursday, the meeting of the EU Council.  Remind: Jean-Claude Junkers and Ursula von der Leyen ONLYgot this job because the EU council wanted Barrier for the Brexit negotiations.

    • Haha 1
  7. The Maastricht Treaty, concluded in 1992 between the 12 member states of the European Communities, is the foundation treaty of the European Union (EU). Formally the Treaty on European Union. it announced "a new stage in the process of European integration" chiefly in provisions for a shared European citizenship, for the eventual introduction of a single currency, and (with less precision) for common foreign and security policies.

    Maastricht Treaty (europa.eu)

    Treaty on European union - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


    or... you want for every step the UK government do a referendum ? We had that in the Republic, till 1795: the deputy of the State of Friesland had to go along all 11 cities and 30 villages to get an agreement. We still call it: on its 11 & 30 's Result: Friesland had ZERO influence of what was decided. 

  8. 21 hours ago, Loiner said:

    The truth is M. Barnier, that you have failed totally. Failed to punish the UK into any sovereignty beating EU rules. Failed to bring back any type of deal for any of your EU industries, especially the French fishermen.
    No wonder the EU is now in turmoil with its own members and the increasing worry about the probability of more exits.

    Ah... when the British bulldog does not get what he wants, it';s always the other to blame.

    It were the British who left, so be happy the EU even granted you a discussion about custom preferences.

    • Haha 1
  9. 20 hours ago, Bruntoid said:

    There will be a deal - it is incomprehensible to believe Johnson is really stupid enough to sacrifice a few cod for access to the single market! 

    But do we really need another thread ? 

    Do the British not know where their cod is coming from ? Iceland ! So, 1 Jan 2021: import duty into the UK.

    The fish in the UK waters are: herring, mackerel, and a lot of other fish the British do not eat much. So, 1 Jan: fish allowance nr + veterinary control of all fish the British want to export to the EU. Ask the Thai fish exporters. How long you think, the British fishermen can survive this ? 

    • Like 1
  10. 21 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Tell that to manufacturers who depend on supply chains and just in time delivery.

    You think, they did not decide yet ?

    or the supermarket organisations: risk of non-delivery = empty shop shelves, aside of "what our purchase price might be "? 


    I was an retail buyer and an industry buyer since 1977... They switched already for their contracts, often 1 year or longer. That's why every manufacturer try to ship out as much as possible / customers, who store as much as is financially defendable. After that: the "diluge" = the Flood... whatever UK and EU might agree on.

  11. 21 hours ago, Hi from France said:

    You know pragmatism, cold blood and the ability to evaluate a situation used to be British qualities.

     That was a long time ago.


    Since the 19th century the British are very good in gun-boat diplomacy... China, India, Birma, Zanzibar, Fishing grounds around the Tiny Islands,   

    see Gunboat diplomacy – General History (general-history.com)  and 'Gunboat diplomacy': UK plans to use Royal Navy to stop fishing boats branded 'irresponsible' | Euronews

  12. On 12/12/2020 at 11:28 AM, vinny41 said:

    Can you provide  evidence that all Brexiteers hung on to every word that Farage stated  

    as to anything said during the referendum campaign by both sides those statements were more aspirational statements as no negotiations had taken place 

    Very Similar to Salmond saying that Scotland would retain the pound or that it could join the EU as an independent country without leaving and going through the standard  eu accession process for new members

    IF the UK had remained would the EU have to commit to joining an EU army

    would Turkey join the EU

    would the UK lose its rebate in 2020


    When all EU citizens can grow wings, do the British also have to accept ? ?


    Why all these nonsense questions... An EU army... God help us... seen how fast the EU takes decisions, an attacker already has occupied the French Oversees Territories in the Caribbean and the Pacific before any action is taken. Happy the US taxpayer provide this to Europe.

    • Haha 1
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