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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 9 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    It won't take long. In fact, it will annoy them so much that they start purchasing alternative goods at cheaper prices from countries that signed a trade deal with the UK. About 30 so far (including the likes of Japan, South Korea, Canada etc.) with 20 more agreed in principle. 


    Still, the French fisherman and German car workers that lose their jobs will no doubt be delighted that the EU has sacrificed their livelihoods to 'punish' the UK for having the temerity to leave it's corrupt anti democratic protectionist racket. 

    I worry more about the UK farmers, and.. the financial service of the City of London.

    EU car makers... will fill the gap the British car makers will loose seen 10% import duty on UK made cars. But maybe... when the GBP will drop a 15%  compared with the €uro ?

  2. 20 hours ago, fishtank said:

    Not a problem for EU but a big problem for UK.

    UK is a small insignificant country  cast aside on it's own by choice.

    I hope the racist zenpophopic brexiteers are now realising the damage that they have done but I doubt it.



    Till now, not even one UK exporter of manufacturer got any EU allowance number to export meat or fish to the EU.

    Ask any Thai exporter of these items... and have pity with the UK farmers and fishermen.

    This aside of the WTO import duty for "third countries" on many UK products into the EU, making them then out-of-competition. However, with a crash of 1GBP = € 1,10 towards € 0,90 a lot could be solved.

    Last-but-not-least, for those who still can afford: a Schengen visa, international driver licence + insurances when travelling into the EU



    Meat processors send ‘stark warning’ on Brexit: Trade volumes ‘could drop 50-75%’

    The UK’s largest beef, lamb, pork and chicken processors have warned that if Brexit preparedness efforts aren’t accelerated, trade volumes of products of animal origin could drop 50-75%.... Read more



    EU import conditions for seafood and other fishery products The European Union (EU) is by far the world’s biggest importer of fish, seafood and aquaculture products. Import rules for these products are harmonised, meaning that the same rules apply in all EU countries.
  3. 20 hours ago, billd766 said:

    Probably. But the EU have been told over the years that no deal is better than a bad deal.

    It would appear that the EU negotiating team didn't believe or accept that.

    I expect of MY government to negotiate till the last minute. so 31 Dec 2020, 23:59


    Even when the chance is less that that of getting a diamond of 1 kg.  ( and my expectation is, the chance of making a deal with the British, which stands longer than one year is total absolute zero. )

  4. On 12/8/2020 at 2:11 PM, Loiner said:

    So how successful has the EU rule setting been? They won’t be getting anything they wanted over the UK. 

    And What the EU wants to have from the Tiny Islands ? Cheddar cheese ?

    Or the "world famous" Welsh beef ?

    Meat processors send ‘stark warning’ on Brexit: Trade volumes ‘could drop 50-75%’

    The UK’s largest beef, lamb, pork and chicken processors have warned that if Brexit preparedness efforts aren’t accelerated, trade volumes of products of animal origin could drop 50-75%.... Read more

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  5. 8 hours ago, 2530Ubon said:

    Now this is laughable. Completely made up, and factually incorrect. I wouldn't expect any better from you Vogie, the man who when faced with evidence, throws a tantrum and either denies it's existence, or say's it's not true. Quite like Donald Trump.


    There was a court case that tried to sue Boris for lying throughout the campaign, however that case never got started, because it turns out it's not actually illegal to lie your way through a campaign.


    Which side was duplicitous and was fined for spending more than they should have (by half a million?).

    Which side was taken to court over using data from companies that they should not have been using?

    Which side compared the EU to Nazi Germany to try and win a few votes? (The EU is undemocratic and resembles Nazi Germany. Boris Johnson made the statement that Hitler and Napoleon both failed to unify Europe, and the EU has done the same.)

    Which side famously quoted 350 million pounds a week was going to the EU and would be funneled back into the NHS on leaving? (I'm picturing a big red bus)


    The former boss of the Vote Leave campaign, Dominic Cummings, admits that Remain would have won without the claim that the 350 million would go back to the NHS. The UK Statistics Authority wrote to Vote Leave during the campaign stating the claim was, ‘misleading and undermines trust in official statistics’. The claim excluded the UK’s rebate, as well as payments received by the UK from the EU. It also fails to take into account the contribution to the Treasury from trade and business that would not be present without the EU single market. The government also has shown no sign of spending the £350m extra a week on the NHS if the UK leaves the EU. 


    Here are 7 more lies (with evidence) that sent Britain down this stupid, foolish, arrogant, and self harming fallacy.



    The facts remain, had the leave team not lied, we would not be leaving the EU. Furthermore, the British people have realised this, and if given a second referendum, would have rejected leaving the EU. It's Boris (An American!) and his cronies that are leading this charge against the will of the British people.






    One tremendous advantage: in many countries they forgot the referendum, as too easy to manipulate the public, which is NOT interested to be well informed. Pity for the British, as THEY are going to pay the prize... after 31-12-2020 24:00 h

    • Haha 2
  6. On 12/4/2020 at 11:33 AM, transam said:

    No kiddin, just forget about trying to control UK sovereign territory, then perhaps the deal will be done.

    So, tell France to back off demanding the use of what is not theirs...... 

    When you want to do business in another country (or bloc), you have to do that on the rules of that country. When there is a dispute, you have to go to the courts of that country.


    So, EU, stop with accepting British certificates, as are not in accordance with EU (lood) laws.


    Pity... for "bio", the EU will accept British Bio-certificates till 31 Dec 2021. *( very limited imports from the UK into the EU, so nobody will notice it) 

  7. 1.4 BILLION Chinese, who also wants to have 3 meals a day ( and not only rice + rice), have nice cloths ( and not a Mao-suit), live in a decent house, go sightseeing in their own neighborhood as abroad, wants to drive an own car, have good education for their children, and a safe future. The "Western powers" did not behave so correctly against China the last 400 years.  I can imagine, they go on "safe". 

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  8. On 12/4/2020 at 3:59 AM, Oldie said:

    The EU should leave the Brits alone. The EU is an awful organization not loved by many. But the EU and also the Euro are kept alive by some that have benefits. Whatever the Brits decide - it is their country. And honestly - I admire the Brits that they leave the EU and that they kept their own currency. In respect of the vaccine - somebody has to start to use it if it ever should be used. Otherwise it is useless. 

    That's why even a British investigation gave, by far all EU citizens are happy to be in the EU.



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  9. 7 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

    Free of EU bureaucracy the UK is now able to move faster with approvals. Could be risky though. Hopefully not.

    Has nothing to thank to be "free of EU bureaucracy". The EU Medicine Agency's view is still preferred by all EU member states, which.. each - as public health is NOT an EU subject - could also decide on their own. 


    But, it is really a joke: a medicine, financed by Americans, but out of an idea, of Turkish fugitives living in Germany, produced in Ireland and Belgium, is NOT first tested and inspected by the EU, but the British - voluntarily - let themselves be the first massive guinea pigs to be tested on in an absolute scale...

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  10. 19 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


    Despite his faults, Boris is not stupid. He knows that the UK needs a deal more than the EU does.


    But he has to convince his Tory ERG backers that he is in charge, that the UK is dictating the terms. Otherwise he and Carrie will be on the phone to Pickford's early in the New Year!


    Expect a deal to be announced at the last minute which. like his WA, Boris will proclaim to be his own, personal triumph.


    Hopefully, unlike his WA, Boris then wont go back on his word and try and break another international treaty a few months later!

    Therefore... do not make any agreement with Boris the Liar. Only a new referendum, with at least 75% of all British voters in favour for a new membership of the EU, no special rights anymore, accept the €uro, Schengen, and right lane traffic. And no new Brexit anymore the coming 100 years.

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