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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 11 hours ago, Topdoc said:

    Can somebody please tell these crooks that we have already voted.
    406 constituencies voted to leave. 242 voted to remain.
    What is the point of a "People's Vote Referendum" if parliament tries to twist the result afterwards?

    The British voting system: you need the highest number of votes in a constituency. With 2 mayor parties, and a few small ones.. let's say... 40 %

    Then.. half + 1 constituency and with 0,4*0,5 = 20% of the voters .. you can form a government, who can do as it pleases in the House of Commons. The non-elected but appointed House of Lords... ? ? ? who cares.

    5 June 1975: 67,2% of the voters voted for Stay in the EEC. Since then, at every step, a British minister was present in the votes to go ahead. Now,… a gigantic, landsliding, overwhelming, never dreamed of majority of 51,88 % voted for "Leave"( without any restriction under which conditions, and just a mare 48,11% for Remain. So, what it the problem; Why you British did not leave the next day after the election ? Do not worry about your car and plane and a lot of other make-industries: very welcome on the continental "remainers". A dense fog in the ( British) Channel, the continent is isolated again….

  2. 3 hours ago, quandow said:

    I don't get it. Didn't the citizens vote FOR Brexit? If the vote passed but the politicians don't honor the decision made by the people, then why bother having voted in the first place?

    yes, a landslide overwhelmingly dream-majority of 51,88 %, thanks to Boris the Liar Johnson c.s, while only a mare 48,11% voted for "remain", and 27,6 % were too stupid and too lazy to vote.

    But.. the British forget.. you need two for tango, so.. also the EU.

    For me.. we NEVER had to allow the UK to join in, why we did not follow Charles de Gaulle... so...throw the British out.. 29 March 23:00 GMT.

    Happily... 350 million pounds per week for the NHS... so.. you all are extremely happy.

    Boris 350 mln pounds.jpg

    • Thanks 2
  3. 19 hours ago, vogie said:

    Sky news are of an opinion that it is a domestic, a Turkish born man assaulted a woman on a bus and when other passengers intervened they were shot. 3 dead and 9 injured.

    With the knowledge of today the decissions of yesterday always can be mede better.

    As there were several witnesses, who reported the killer shouted "alla u akbar", the right decission with the knowledge of then were made. Better like this, than later "sorry". 

  4. 11 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    "...After two-and-a-half years of negotiations with the EU, the outcome remains uncertain - with options including a long postponement, exiting with May's deal, a economically disruptive exit without a deal, or even another EU membership referendum..."


    What a ClusterF**k.


    I said it before and I will say it again;


    Never before have I seen a country so utterly determined to shoot itself in the crotch.




    gambled and lost.jpg

    more difficult for May as ever thought.jpg

  5. 6 hours ago, tabarin said:

    Wonder why it is made so much bigger though, that is not Dutch at all (I am).
    Just 3 people died and another 5 wounded, that's all. Don't ask me why they blow it up in politics and the news but there is a round of elections coming.

    Nothing to actually call a terrorist attack or link to serious extremist groups,
    sounds more like a dumb spoiled Dutch turk who has too much free time on his hands with his friends and came up with this after smoking weed for 10 years.

    `Several witnesses testified the killer shouted "allah u akbar". 

    Better NOT take any risk / bring down the risk as much as possible, that say "sorry" later.

    And, not the first time a small muslim criminal, who lived haram fro quite some time, suddenly sees the holy light, and joins terroristic anty-unbelievers ( infidel) actions.

    With the knowledge of today, every decission of yesterday can be made better

  6. In th4 Mid 80's I followed an evening program at the University of Amsterdam, Fac. Economy about international affairs , and influence on currencies / exchange rates. At the end of the 14 evenings, one of the students thanked the professor, but asked: " Now we know why.. then.. etc etc, but.. can you also tell what the exchange rate of the US$ will be next week towards the European currencies ? "

    ( Just in that time, the US$ got stronger and stronger, the Bundesbank of Germany tried with a DM 3 BILLION to stop the US$ at 3 MDM. result… sfruppp.. and gone were these DM 3 Billion)

    Answer of the prof: "for currency exchanges ( of the US$ towards the EU currencies) you should not ask the Faculty of Economics, but of Psychology"

    • Like 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, vogie said:

    I'm not sure what it has to do with brexit, but it seems by the tone of your posts that the British are not on top of your Christmas card list. All this happened over 75 years ago, I think you should let go if possible, it is not healthy to hold grudges againgst posters on this forum that couldn't how ever much you tried be held responsible.

    sorry, it was a reply on a remark nr 302 of evadgib towards De Gauille, who bit the hand who fed him, 20 years earlier.  

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, AlexRich said:


    It has already been established that the UK can unilaterally revoke Article 50. They don't need EU 27 approval. It would be difficult, but I suspect welcomed by most EU countries.

    However, it’s important to note that the court added that the decision to revoke Article 50 must be “unequivocal and unconditional”. This means that the member state has to make it clear that it wishes to maintain its EU membership. This is not about extending the Article 50 process to extend the Brexit transition period beyond March 2019. That would still require agreement from the EU member states. Rather, a notification revoking Article 50 means not leaving the EU at all. In other words, it would stop Brexit completely and for at least a long period.

    Of equal importance is timing. The court said a member state can only revoke Article 50 while its withdrawal agreement with the EU, which sets outs the terms of departure, has not yet entered into force. If the withdrawal agreement has not been concluded, revocation may take place during the two-year period that starts when Article 50 is triggered, or even beyond the two-year period if the remaining member states decide to grant such an extension.

    In Brexit terms, this means that the UK can revoke Article 50 unilaterally before its agreement enters into force or, if it does not enter in force, until March 29 2019. It can also revoke it after that date if the European Council agrees to extend the transition period of Article 50 beyond 29 March 2019.


    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Back on topic. one of the reasons the EU don't want the UK to leave and if there is no deal.




    f we leave without a deal, we will set the majority of our import tariffs to zero, whilst maintaining tariffs for the most sensitive industries. This balanced approach will help to support British jobs and avoid potential price spikes that would hit the poorest households the hardest.”


    1) This is the reason the EU want a border: if not, all might be smuggled in via the N+S Irish border. When Greece joined the EU, a minimum price of raisins was put up, by which - oh coincidence - only the Turks had a problem with. In no time, Switzerland exported 700.000 tons of raisins into the EU.

    2) How you want to cover the gap into the British treasury caused by this no import duty ?

    3) It is not the import duty into the U.K. what will cause the disaster, but the import duty of British goods into the EU. For instance cars and a LOT of Industrial "make" products: 10 %. Confectionary: 13,7 % Beef, port, sheep, poultry, fish (products) : forget it.

  10. 5 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:



    It was obvious that the message on the side of the bus was pointing out that the uk was wasting a lot of money on an extra layer of corrupt bureaucracy via the eu.  Or at least it was obvious to me, personally.


    I didn't vote in the referendum for various reasons, but as a result of the farce (mostly by brit. politicians) - if there is another referendum, I will vote - to leave.

    Yes, and now, Nigel Farange and his colleagues does not miss one second of a meeting in when is explained how to get most retirement money of the EU... 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 6 hours ago, persimmon said:

    Yes, Brexit hopes are fading fast.

    Lets examine the facts -

    1) MPs cant agree on a deal

    2)MPs won`t vote for " No deal "

    So that means that an impasse has been reached.The only way out would seem to be a second referendum ( Which remain would win ) , or a general election to give Parliament the authority to cancel Brexit.

    Sorry, but.. you forget a tiny detail: just as "for tango you need two", this is an agreement between EU and UK. NOT a decission only to be made in the British House of Commons.

  12. 7 hours ago, Kwasaki said:



    Where last surviving car will be one of the 3 left UK owned manufactured cars. ????

    Sorry, but.. which UK owned car manufacturers ? see https://www.borro.com/uk/insights/blog/british-car-brands-owners/

    Aston Martin (Ford, USA. Investment Dar, Kuwait. ...

    Bentley (Volkswagen, Germany) ...

    Jaguar (Tata, India) ...

    Land Rover (Tata, India) ...

    Lotus (Proton, Malaysia) …

    MG (SAIC, China) ...

    Mini (BMW, Germany)




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