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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 7 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    I hope you're right.  Revoke Article 50 is the answer.

    And.. the other 27 EU member states do accept this ? 

    And for the future, with any vote ever the British won't like: "You want a Brexit again ? " 

    The British will be a laughter for art leat this generation. So, maybe.. 2060 to re-apply again ? As main-agriculture state ?  Car and other make industry cannot survive at the British Isles only, and to compete with Latin America, Asia, Africa, your wage costs are too hight. For the USA, Canada etc.. the freight costs will brake your competiton. 

  2. 8 hours ago, mickymouse1 said:

    Despite failure to uphold democratic process and inability to get the Brexit deal through,the Government is refusing to resign or call an early election.

    This is worse than R.Mugabe or the fugitive Takhsin. 


    And.. did morion group 2 = Labour a better job ? Seen the British election system: the winner in the constituency gets all, just to be the biggest in 50% +1 constituency is enough to get the government. None of the 2 idiot groups did ANYHING for the U.K., but all for their own party. The rest...  'après nous le déluge '.

  3. 10 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    It isn't a dream it was a democratic referendum result. 

    Yes, a landslide overwhelminly victory of a gigantic 51,88 %. Only a few morons, 48,11 % who wanted the opposite. Who the heck… can we British do not throw these few traitors out of our beautiful country...  together with these businesses, which do not want to stay in Isle Brittain ?  

  4. On ‎3‎/‎11‎/‎2019 at 3:23 AM, steve187 said:

    not only 17,410,742 but the majority of the people that voted, in the biggest turn out since 1992 in a GE, and the biggest in a referendum ever

    Yews, alanslide overwhlming differewnc: 51,88 % leave, 48,11 % remain, so why bother just a mare 48% of the British population ? You donot like the majority.. so leave. to ? ?

  5. 10 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Yes lets wait and see what the Remainer has done. Will it be good enough to get her crappy deal through!


    If it is and the UK leave the EU on tghen29th March then there will be a lot of TV posters crying in their breakfasts.????


    Either way for me the UK and the EU friendship has hit rock bottom and will be difficult to repair. I know of friends who won't buy anything from the EU countries now. Wine from Chile instead of France and Germany. They are not anti European countries, just anti EU. Seeing the way the EU have demonised, insulted and ridiculed the people of the UK, will not be forgotten for a long time.


    Either way TM should go.


    demonised, insulted and ridiculed the people of the UK "?  You are even not able to decide where you want the border with the EU: in the Irish sea, or between N and S Ireland or... 25 miles SW of Cork or ?  Same between Gibraltar and Spain.

    Pity we EU citizens do not have the right to vote to KICK one out... Charles de Gaulle was right: do NOT let the UK into the EU

    • Haha 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Youlike said:

    The European countries already hired thousands of extra employee's to deal with the custom issues after the Brexit....who's gonna pay them if there 'll be a delay?

    The poluter pays, so in this case: the British. A reason the more finally to get rid of them so, throw them out of the EU. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 7 hours ago, steve187 said:

    not only 17,410,742 but the majority of the people that voted, in the biggest turn out since 1992 in a GE, and the biggest in a referendum ever

    correct: listen to the landslide, overwhelming 51,88 % majority, and ignore the 48,11 % loosers.. And all voted for a Hard brexit, whatever the consequenses... 

  8. 42 minutes ago, mrfill said:

    But the border between Gibraltar and Spain is a hard border with barriers, passport checks etc and the Channel Islands don't need a hard border as they are islands and people can't just walk over an invisible border. There are no barriers between ROI and the UK - some houses are even in two countries.

    Please read the definition of "hard border". Has NOTHING to do with a physical hard border, like a wall or even an ocean in between, but all with a custom border, especially if mutual governmental inspections and regulations are not accepted.

    To give you some ideas: on each food pack, the weight/volume is mentioned with an "e", meaning: average, in accordance with EU inspections, for the UK the FSA. After a no-deal, this can not be accepted in the EU,... as from any non-EU country, so has to be filled at MINIMUM. So a 1 ltr bottle "e", which could fluctuate +/- 3 %, every bottle MUST have at least 1000 ml. Drink cans are made for 250 ml "e" or 330 ml "e", but never to be filled with 250/330 ml minimum. Means.. end of export to the EU or print: 240 ml / 320 ml = new printing. Wooden pallets MUST have a "bugs free document” if from outside the EU... the CE certificate for toys, sports articles, electric devices etc... must be proven for every shipment.

    You think, the “Eton boys” ever thought about that ?

    • Haha 2
  9. 1 hour ago, cliveshep said:

    Ireland will get a choice the same as all the other EU countries - sell to us at competitive rates or not - your choice. Somehow I can see milk and beef crossing the border still with a blind eye on both sides! After all - HM Customs like a cuppa and a burger too!

    Why looking to that littlebit of agricultural products… To give an idea: 50% of all car components used in the U.K. originate from the EU. THERE lies the problem: whatever parts and components… suddenly stuck in the ports seen customs clearance, import duty etc. And back again.. cars with 10% import duty into the EU... YOU believe Honda, turning the UK car production to Japan ONLY because of the diesel engine problem ? OR.. they do not want to tell the British consumer: we leave you.. but please buy our cars… as British made cars.. we cannot export anymore… And car export from Japan to the EU.. seen the new agreement, is free of import duty.  GET AWAKE !

  10. 4 hours ago, nauseus said:

    By voting May out of office.

    Just like no civil servant in the U.K. can be voted away by its U.K. citizens, the same is valid for the EU. However, the EU parliament is voted by all Europeans. The commissioners are appointed by the elected governments of the member states: one per member state. The council of (prime) ministers, elected again in their member states, are the superiour power in the EU. We have no House of Appointed Lords.

    • Haha 1
  11. 4 hours ago, smedly said:

    Most of the Republics trade is with the UK mainland not N Ireland - go figure

    This hard border between N - S Ireland will not affect Dublin, Cork etc, but for the people 20-25 km away from this border it will be a disaster. For S-Ireland, the break-ways of Wales with all its beef, pork will be a blessing, as imports into the EU of beef, port, sheep, poultry, fish (products) is quite difficult seen all veterinary and phytosanitaty regulations and inspections. With a hard-Brexit, FSA inspections are not of interest anymore.

  12. 5 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    Breturn perhaps if there is a second referendum, or leave without a deal, let the chaos happen and reapply but then without the pound, maybe that was the establishments plan all along who knows, certainly not the pleb on the street.

    Correct. Re-apply, no privileges, accept €uro, Schengen and right lane traffic. Before that: chaos, with a lot of "make" Industries leaving the U.K., for NOT returning anymore. Back to the times of Henri VIII

    • Haha 2
  13. 6 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    If Andrea Leadsom would be so kind to tell us what are the UK proposals re the border backstop.

    Get the EU border 25 miles S.W. of Cork ! And for the border between Gibraltar and Spain..... ? Or the Channel islands and France ? ? Nobody thought about that !  Too far away for the Eton boarding school brains. And the rest of the British... still live in the Empire of queen Victoria.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
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