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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. So, killingg people, blowing up with bombs.. as long as done by the right faithfull… all is allowed. Women, in fact just a breeding and <deleted> animal, are seen as … yes...

    But... a woman, who drinks out of a well, where also the Faitfull want to drink from... THAT's a highest crime of all. And just quote from the histery books, in which Mohammed has the blood of thousands on his hands, and Christ.. only his own blood… THAT is BLASPHEMY... and can only be punished by the capital punishment: death !

  2. Why any EU negotiator will have any confidence, a new agreement would lead to an enthusiastic House of Commons when concluded ? Remind, THIS amendment was accepted with 318 for and 301 against.

    Just 60 days and British beef will be 12,5% more expensive into the EU, British personal cars: + 10 % ( bye-bye Nissin in Sunderland etc ), all foods from the U.K. will be considered from outside, so every importer has to treat this as being the manufacturer inside the EU = a LOT of  D O C U M E N T A T I O N to show sufficient precautions are made to prove food safety enough, as FSA is no longer - by law - accepted. etc.  

    The problem is, too many British still live in the 20's and 30's of the British Empire.

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    • Sad 1
  3. Thai historic knowledge is in fact limited to their glorious parts. The rest is nearly forgotten, for instance; being an ally of Japan just after days of invasion ( even invited by their prime minister ) 

    Curious how the Thais will react if the French/Cambodians would celebrate the Franco-Siamese treaty of 3 Oct 1893  ( I guess 99% even would not know ) 

    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

    No Deal will be fine. Don't pay any attention to Remainers. They are, literally, petrified at the thought of leaving the EU. Sad and pathetic. 

    The Remainers were just a neglectable minority of just a mare 48,11 %. Who cares.

    Two months to go, and then Nissin cars from Sunderland and all others are out of competition with a 10% import duty into the EU. Same with mineral oil products 20%, fresh meat, 12.5%, fresh fruits + vegetables 4,7% and many others. As the British import a 60% of their foods from the EU, with seafreight a too long lasting and too expensive alternative, the Leavers will soon see the results at Tesco, Sainsbury, Morrissons, etc.

    But.. when you forget the "my money back" of Thatcher, accept €uro, Schengen and.. right lane traffic, you are allowed to file a request for new membership again.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 8 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

    Mr Corbyn wants to enter negotiations after stating that there should be no possibility of a "no deal".


    Would anyone be stupid enough to enter negotiation, for example, to buy a house, by stating that there will be a deal, no matter what, thereby enabling the other party to set the terms of the deal, knowing that eventually the buyer has to accept them or at least a modified version of them, as to do so would be the forbidden "no deal".  This man thinks that he could negotiate a better deal than that already on the table with a tactic like that?  The EU would have the opportunity to reduce their offer of a  settlement substantially, knowing that the option of a "no deal" was not on the table.  


    If he were to stick to that tactic, I would love to sell him my house on the grounds that he cannot accept a "no deal".

    Still… he is the leader of nearly half of the British parliament…

    Maybe somebody can explain them, a compromise is NOT the compromise, found at  the end in the U.K. House of Commons, but.. between the EU and the U.K. 

  6. 12 hours ago, Rally123 said:

    UK should have walked the day after the referendum. What a waste of 2 years.

    yes, and cancell per direct any money from the EU to the U.K. or any British citizens, to start with all EU staff and U.K. members of EU parliament, incl Nigel Farage, whi did not miss one meeting to find out how much he could get out of the EU "wallet"

    • Thanks 1
  7. 3 hours ago, anterian said:

    Reuters has in many articles shown itself to be anti Brexit, so I take all its comments with a large pinch of salt.

    When I see how many financial institutions from London already opened an office in Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris etc. I am curious how many will follow. Also out of other services and industries. Maybe the U.K. turns back to an agricultural society, as they wanted for Ireland, during and after the potato disaster mid 19th century.

  8. 37 minutes ago, guest879 said:

    the people have decided. they need to get a leader to sort out a decent deal. there may be some short term pain but England can take back control from the failing EU. it is hard to decide which leader is worse, May or Merkel. Trudeau would beat them both if he was in the running.

    For a decent deal you need one: the other side to agree. That's forgotten in the U.K. 

    But.. where is the problem ?  350 MILLION POUNDS A WEEK to the NHS instead of "wasting" it into the EU. Mr Boris Johnson guaranteed that in his campain. So.. keep him to that, even when he has to auction his internal organs. 

    • Haha 1
  9. 3 hours ago, pegman said:

    Stop the madness! There must be another referendum.

    Which referendum?


    - Out of the EU without any agreement, whatever the circumstances, consequences, costs etc, as.. was in June 2016, and won in an overwhelming landslide mayority of 51,88 %

    - Stay in the EU, forget the Brexit, and accept any British comment inside any EU meeting will be answered with "are you threatening to LEAVE again ? Swollow ! "

    - Any in-between, to start with: "where the border with the EU will be ?" Irish Republic inside the U.K., or.. between Irish rep end Northern Ireland .. or.. between Northern Ireland and the U.K., or.. entire UK inside the EU...  2 1/2 years of talking and.. even on THIS point the U.K. cannot make up its mind. 

    - One limiting factor: the other side = 27 remaining EU members, also have to agree. This is till now forgotten in any argumentation inside the U.K.


    And.. who are going to defend one of the 2 possibilities ? The same liars, swindlers, traitors and high-treasoners of last time ?

    Are the British THIS TIME going to inform themselves, or again.. follow the idiots ?


  10. The British system, in which county by county voters, and the majority vote gets all, opens a possibility a governmental majority can exist with only a 20% of the real votes. ( and in a system with special parties in Northern Ireland + Scotland even with less). What I see is better let the UK into the Middle Ages, but under Conservative rule, as to let the government to the opposition.

    Do we want such a nation into the EU, with 2016 a 51,88 % leave and 48,11% remain, next month the opposite, and… who knows, a half year later again the opposite ?

    Sorry, better without as with such an unreliable member state. 

  11. Happily for the Kurds, the mightiest economy in the world, the EU, will defend them. As they do not have a real working army, as their finances go to Putin-Russia to pay for gas & oil to finance HIS war machine, and therefore leans on the US war machine paid by the US tax payers, they cannot bring in more as flaming protest notes to support the flaming Kurdish light weaponry. 

    • Confused 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

    Ah the Catholic Church. Somehow being the guardians of honesty, truth, integrity and fairness just doesn't fit. Now playing politics in a dangerous and volatile election. If they know the results then they should be made to explain exactly how they know. Possibly someone up above told them 555!

    An organisation with 30% of a natuion as folowers, but especially over 40.000 of witnesses at the voting rooms, I believe more as a single person on this blog.

  13. 18 hours ago, Walter Travolta said:

    Wow a £130m??
    The cost of a top flight footballer? Hardly gonna break the bank is it?
    And when you compare it to the £40bn the EU want hahahaha - no contest. Goodbye E-Users, your gravy train from the UK is coming to an end


    Agreed. And stop per 29 March 2019 also all payments out of where this U.K. contribution was meant for; starting with no salary, unemployment paymenst and pensions to all British, who ever was an EU employee. 

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  14. Why to take all the fuzz… When their parents pay enough, they even will get a PhD in 5 years without doing anything…  Amazing Thailand.

    I graduated in Netherlands for Physics in 1973, with I estimate, 1/4 of my books in English. When I graduated for business economics ( when I was 40, an evening course) I estimate 1/3 of my books were in English and my thesis... completely in English.

    Maybe these students can ask their Chinese counterparts why they publish so much in English too… Maybe.. because also other academics need to read their publications.

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