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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 4 hours ago, Loiner said:

    Yes, seriously. Was it ballot stuffing, or rigging by miscounting? These would be serious allegations that the Electoral Commission should know about. I did hear some rumours about students double dipping with both home and Uni addresses being used. I also thought the government hid it rigged, but tell me more.  

    No... the Russions did it.. before they looked around in Salisbury... of.. Trump's men...

    • Haha 1
  2. 49 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:



    1 hour ago, Jaggg88 said:

    Are you a fully paid up member of project fear? ???? The UK has never voted to join the EU! In 1975 it voted to join the EEC, just a trading block. This made sense back in the 1970s as shipping costs were very high so it made sense to trade with your near neighbours but shipping costs are now very cheap so it makes sense to trade with the rest of the world. 95% of British registered companies do not export to the EU and 55% of UK exports already go outside the EU. Airbus is not making anymore A380s as nobody wants them so nothing to do with Brexit. The car industry is depressed right across Europe as diesel cars are to be phased out over the next 20 years so Honda is concentrating on electric cars in Japan. They stated that this decision had nothing to do with Brexit in their press release but don't you let the truth get in the way of your propaganda. 

    The EEC developed - with agreement of all their members inclusive the U.K. - into the EU.

    A LOT of additional activities were organised, for instance of foods the RASFF database, and mutual acceptance of inspections, for the U.K. the FSA. 30 April thisdis over, so bye-bye beef, port, lamb, sheep, poultry and fish products export to the EU. seen vetrinary and phytosanitary inspections. Also a 13,7 % import duty for sweets, chocolate, and a lot more confectionary.

    Shipping cost.. since the invention of massive transport with containers... in 1977 a 20 ft from the USA-East coast to Rotterdam was US$ 800 and now from China + S.E.Asia the same: around $ 700-900. A "HUGE" impact compared with the value of a container of canned / bottled etc foods... of US$ 15K-20K ( = 5% ). Still, it last a 30 days, and from UK-R'dam a 10? hours.

    For your export figures: you forget what all goes to countries associated with the EU = same customs regulations. Good luck in finding new customers in Latin America, Africa, Middle east, India etc. Plus additional transport does not make high wage produced U.K. products competative there.

    Airbus makes a littlebit more as only the A380: A220, A300, A310, A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, A350.

    You believe Honda, a brand company, which depends on the purchases of their customers: "Honda lets the U.K. sink, so we British let Honda sink "?  Why you think Mini ( as British as Rover.. oh.. went bankrupt in 2005) will go to Born - Netherlands ?  Since the early 1990s many British car marques have been acquired by foreign companies including BMW (Mini and Rolls-Royce), SAIC (MG), Tata (Jaguar and Land Rover) and Volkswagen Group (Bentley). Rights to many currently dormant marques, including Austin, Riley, Rover and Triumph, are also owned by foreign companies.


    No wonder so many British believed Boris the Liar with his 350 million pounds a week to the NHS instead of wasted in "Brussels"...

    • Like 2
  3. 12 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

    We are all in the ditch looking for Boris and the bus????

    Oh, you mean that 350 million pounds a week for the NHS instead of wasting to 'Brussels'...

    Ask Liar Boris, who already swindled his messages together in what he sent to the U.K. as correspondent at the EU. Did not change at all. Even Nigel ( grasp your EU pension together) Farange was astonished.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 25 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Of course the Germans sell their cars elsewhere, but the UK is the biggest importer of German cars by a country mile. We import nearly 700,000 German cars every year, if you think that the German car industry shares your nonchalant attitude to the loss of sales of such magnitude, you may be wrong.

    Why the UK imports so many cars ? One answer: their own cars are a disaster. Mini to Netherlands, Honda back to Japan, Nission to ? ( Airbus gone). What is left ? ? Sailing ships and steam engines  ?

    The leftovers are too small in scale to survive, so matter of time, the British have to import all their cars ( when they still can generate enough money to pay for, as a LOT of "make"& grow industry will collapse) 

  5. On ‎3‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 10:47 AM, sanemax said:

    So, you are saying that referendums should have a 75 % agreement rate ?

    O.K. any future referendums in the UK asking as to whether the UK should rejoin the E.U. should have to have a 75 % *Yes* vote for it to pass .

    The U.K. referendum on 5 June 1975 had a 67,23 % vote FOR staying in the EU. In NL it needs 2 successive votes a 2/3 majority to change the constitution. Being member (or not ) of the EU is a constitution question) .

    But do not worry, in months the entire U,.K. "make" industry for export will switch to the EU ( Mini to Limburg - NL, Honda back to Japan, as EU-Japan agreed on 0% duty, while "third countries like UK after a no deal will fact 10%, Nissin-Sunderland ? Airbus ?). Then with a dramatic low employment, the U.K. will vote for a 90+ % to return back to the EU, in the hope these industries will return. Of course not !  The U.K. will return to the times of Alfred the Great, Maybe Henri VIII ! 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 5 hours ago, billd766 said:

    Really? I thought that the border/backstop was an EU invention.


    The UK has said many times that they DON'T want a border but the EU says there must be when the UK leaves.




    But, after Brexit, all that could change - the two parts of Ireland could be in different customs and regulatory regimes, which could mean products being checked at the border.

    The UK government does not want this to happen. The EU has also said it does not want any hardening of the border.

    However, the UK's current red lines, which include leaving the customs union and the single market, make that very difficult.

    Google knows all, so: Good Friday agreement AND no border.

    That "backstop" is nothing else as a last security, no hard border between North and South will occur.


    How can there be no border between two identities ? So, goods, in accordance with UK law ( whatever agreement might come), should have unlimited access to Irish republic and visa versa ?

     The EU has a bad experience with "open borders". In my profession: when Greece entered the EU, a regulation for minimum import prices of raisins was set up. By coincidence, only Turkey had a problem with it. As Switzerland had different rules… in no time 700.000 tons of raisins were exported from Switzerland into the EU.

    Another: when no border.. imagine the EU relocates all immigrants to ?? a place in the Irish Republic, 500 mtr from Nothr Ireland. I guarantee you, every morning there will be many showing up in North Ireland. No border.. so cannot be returned…

    Last-but-not least: what is going to happen between Gibraltar and Spain ? Or the Channel Islands and France ?

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

    Many in the EU still hope the UK won't leave. But the useless British politicians are so far up their own anuses they won't even see that.

    Why ? European medicine Instutute already to Amsterdam, and a LOT or industries to follow; Mini to Netherlands, Honda back to Japan ( Japan agreement zero duty on imported cars), Nisson ? ? Airbus.. will leave, and many, many others. Beef, pork, chicken fish export to EU: forget it. 

    Continental EU thanks the British for chasing all these industries away.

  8. 11 hours ago, Topdoc said:

    In the absence of a miraculous breakthrough in the talks, there is only one sustainable solution: a clean break with the EU. And if you really study the details, you will see that EU membership has made little difference to UK prosperity.

    Remember the economic situation the UK was in 1970-75: a disaster, the "poor man of Europe". Therefore 5 June 1975: 67,23 % in favour of the EU.

    See how many companies already set up a foot-hole in continentalEU. Just a 3 weeks to go, and the entire British car export = 0. Mini to Netherlands, Honda back to Japan ( seen EU -Japan agreement for car import duty), Nissin ? ?

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Loiner said:

    EU doesn’t want to deal. Not even a limit to the backstop and indefinite tie to Customs Union that he went there for?
    Better come home, Leave them to it and settle for No Deal. Not a disorderly exit - a clean break. Not crashing out - cashing in.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    If the Brisish first would make a decisssion where they want the border with the EU: between North and South Ireland, with that breaking the treaty of Good Friday 20 years ago, or.. all the Irish Island as one block in or out..

  10. 11 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    3 arch remainers who just want to overturn the 2016 referendum result or keep us tied to the EU with a BRINO. I can see these two now asking for another referendum.


    They should resign from the cabinet like those have done who disagree with the PM. I wonder who is bankrolling them?


    Completely right. With an historic landslide, overwhelming victory of 51,88% towards 48,11 %.. the U.K. had to leave immediately. Next Morning. Back to the glorious times of Queen Victoria. And the car and other making industry… happy to produce only for the U.K., as for their biggest market, the EU + its associates with a total of 55 % of the entire U.K. export.. with 10% import duty… out of competition. The British will eat their own meat, was.. with 40-44% import duty into the EU.. completely out of competition.  But do not worry, we can cope with that. Just as we British brought the Pound from 10 DM = 5 €uro to 1,25 €uro, we can bring the pound to one ounce = 4 €uro per Pound, so we can outsmart any competition. And the agreement of Good Friday, between the Northern and Southern Irish.. the f.ck.. we are GREAT Brittain, the hack to some red heared Irish natives. Brittania rules again ( at het own isles) . If ever the isolated continent wants to be a member state again… the British will accept generously the Schengen agreement, €uro, and right lane traffic.

    • Haha 2
  11. Putin forgets a small detail: in the meantime, the "West" is economically seen a LOT stronger as what is left to Russia now.  Second: nice to know YOUR missiles hit earlier, but... the revenge  is on its way, and give you just a 20 minutes extra to live. No normal leader, having his normal intelligence, will be so mad. Maybe something wrong with Putin's brains ? 

    Trump alreready understands, there should be "no hurry" in a nuclear disarmament for the entire Korea peninsula, and Kim accepts in public they have a food problem. So.. you already see the agreement in Hanoi? North Korea gets a LOT of US food aid, and Kim comes with an gesture from his side.

  12. 11 hours ago, Loiner said:

    So come up with a proper deal. Not BRINO. Not Theresa’s capitulation. Not something that ties us to the EU as a vassal state. We can see through your Remainer lies of the past few years and won’t have anymore of them. You just haven’t been trying hard enough have you?

    Again a genious, who knows a better solution. So… show it !

    20 years ago the British signed for NEVER a border between N. vs S. Ireland, and now... they cannot choise nor fulfil.

    Let the last factory worker flow out the last candle… as electic light.. the British will not be able to afford in a couple of years.

  13. Just 44 days to go, and then bye-bye to UK car manufacturers with 10% import duty into the EU, so 7.000 NIssin-Sunderland + 35.000 in the supplying industry out of a job. But especially: a lot of farmer products out of competition. Many farmers into poverty.

    Many tariff lines in the meat category with a wide range of ad valorem and specific tariffs. If you bring the two (ad valorem and specific) tariffs for beef (020110) under one denominator it adds up to 46.6% of the EU export price, and for sheep meat it makes 40.4% – see the publication on Impacts of Brexit on Dutch Agricultural trade http://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/fulltext/441200.
    For pig meat and poultry meat average tariffs are lower.

    See BBC cartoon with May in a crashed Spitfire: never so much damage has been done to so many by so few.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  14. 10 hours ago, John1012 said:

    No deal required...offer reciprocal FTA agreements with EU....no customs control...just follow EU standards for goods exported to EU. Companies that have sell to the EU must be run under EU regulations, with regular EU inspection...they can always NOT export to the EU and sell to the rest of the world under WTO standards.Free entry for EU citizens who have been EU citizens since 1/1/2012 , have been born in the EU since 1/1/2012 or have married an EU citizen who obtained citizenship before 1/1/2012..should exclude 90% of the gim-me-grants, so relieving pressure on housing and social services. 

    Only one iny-miny detail: the EU also has to agree, and.. does NOT allow the U.K. to cherry-picking. EU = free movement of goods, people and capital. NOT for only 2 out of these, being the favorites of the U.K. Remind: the British want to get rid of all Polish etc workers in their Island, being all for decades EU citizens.

  15. 11 hours ago, vogie said:

    Nissan havn't actually commented on their reason to pull the manufacturing of the XTrail, they said "we do not comment on rumour and speculation."

    "Peter Campbell, the motor industry correspondent at the Financial Times, said the fall in demand for diesels would appear to be one of the main factors in the announcement as Nissan was planning to make mainly diesel versions of the X-Trail in Sunderland."


    But it's always nice to blame everything on brexit, isn't it.

    You think, there is ANY brand owner, dependant on the goodwill at their customers, who would say: "you stupid consumers, because of your total irrespondable voting we will move YOUR jobs to elsewhere ? ". Remind Unilever, who keeps its dual headquarters in London and Rotterdam for the same reason.

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