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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. Always the same in these countries: maintenance does not bring in so much T-money, so.. why to do ? 

    Second: "it is the will of Allah / my bad karma", so why to spend even a setang to help them ?

    Third: fed up with all corruption around these aid-funds. Tsunami Dec 2004 brought € 208 million donations from the public in Netherlands ( 17 million people), now, Sulawesi: just over € 1 million...

    • Like 1
  2. 41 minutes ago, Moti24 said:

    It's about time May grew a pair and told Brussels where to stick their EU Membership!  The EU still wants billions from the UK, so they can support the weaker members.  Well, the ungrateful bastards have a short memory; The UK has already paid, in blood and guts! 



     I am afraid quite some British forgot the economic situation their country was in, in 1974, when they were on their knees to beg for entrace into the EU.

  3. 15 minutes ago, guest879 said:

    America might as well just let Venezuela fester. It is a continual slap in the face to the liberal socialist agenda being pushed in America. The people of Venezuela need to get back to growing their own food rather than spending their days waiting in lines for govt handouts. They were pretty good at it before the govt got them addicted to handouts. The real irony is that America is now very much a socialist economy where 49% of households now rely on welfare.

    In a city like Caracas it is quite difficultto grow your own food. Same as 30 and 60 years ago.

  4. 7 hours ago, Credo said:

    Russia's plan all along has been to weaken the US, UK and NATO.   He has used the internet and social media to wreak havoc and destabilize unity.  It has been way more effective and much cheaper than a military buildup.


    Now, he will attach himself to the growing Asian region, in particular China, who are expanding control through much of Asia.


    Meanwhile the West will be falling apart quicker than the Roman Empire.


    And the Asian nations can make up themselves to lying in the row for a knee bend for the Dragon throne… Do not forget to ask permission in Beijing when you want to fly from Hanoi to Manilla, as that sea is already occupied by the Chinese navy.

    Remember: WW2 in the Pacific was caused by the occupation by Japan of Korea, Manchuria, entire West China. The occupation of Indo China (Vietnam) per Oct 1940 triggered a US trade boycot towards Japan, who responded with an attack on Pearl Harbor, to weaken the US and get this boycott away… for rubber, oil, steel etc. It went different.  see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Events_leading_to_the_attack_on_Pearl_Harbor 

    You think, the Yanks will be so stupid again ?

    Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia are already sold to the Chinese, Thailand and de Philippines are already bowing.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, dexterm said:

    Whatever name one wants to apply to the situation in Gaza... a siege, occupation,  blockade.. Israel's brutal oppression of 2 million displaced people denyng them basic amenities is inhumane and obscene.


    It is collective punishment, and against international law.


    "Israel's duties to "protected persons" as an occupier of the Gaza Strip under Article 55 of the Fourth Geneva Convention require that it allow the passage of all aid, foodstuffs, and water given the severity of the humanitarian crisis. The blockade appears to have clearly violated this provision of the law of occupation."


    When this freedom of movement proved to be used time after time to bring in weaponry… every normal army will try to prevent that.

    • Like 1
  6. I would worry a lot more about the food situation: a few degrees more in average temperature will reduce th4 2-3 rice crops per year to only one. So, a 500 million mouths too many to fill in S.E. Asia.


    This little increase of sea level: too much capital at stake in Bangkok, so when.. for sure hugh dikes will be built. When the Dutch kan keep a city area N.E. of Rotterdam, called Alexanderpolder, 6 meters below sea level, dry, why not Bangklok, with maybe then a 1-2 mtr below sealevel ?

    See https://www.routeyou.com/nl-nl/location/view/47224932/laagste-punt-van-nederland-6-74m : this is NOW already below sealevel with lowest: - 6,74 mtr.

  7. 2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    The problem is that around half the voting public in Scotland no longer see the United Kingdom as being united; they believe that Scotland would benefit if it was to make its own decisions. Whatever happens after Brexit, the likeihood of a UK application to rejoin seems very remote.


    Fortunately, the EU has indicated that an independent Scotland, as a former member, could be fast-tracked back into the EU should it wish to rejoin. By that time, if Northern Ireland remains in the UK, we will already will have a working example of a UK/EU land border so we can replicate that and all is solved.

    Maybe… Scotland to leave the U.K. latest 29 March 10:59:59 means... is and stays in the EU.

    And that working example of an UK/EU border... could be the same as between the EU and Belo-Russ or Kaliningrad-Russia and EU... as no association agreement signed between UK and EU like between EU and Turkey or Ukraine and all North African Mediterranen countries..

  8. I believe some of Brexit is not clear: 29 March 2019, 11:00 Greenwich time, the U.K. is OUT of the EU. Result of the referendum in 2016.

    The discussion now is ONLY and ONLY about: which conditions towards the EU are still possible for an non-EU state like the U.K. 


    That in the U.K. there are still people, who wants to have a second referendum about if they LIKE the "divorse" agreement… so be it. Has nothing to do with the EU membership, as that ends.. 29 March next year, at 12:00 MET.

    Maybe the U.K. can file a new application to be member (again) of the E.U. = but that's another question.  ( accept no preferences, agree €uro and Schengen + driving on the right lane for instance ? ) 

  9. 1 hour ago, dexterm said:

    I notice you skip the first 6 decades of Israel's modern history with your glossy lopsided paraphrase. No mention even of the foundation of Zionism.Then suddenly you jump to the very handy 1948 figures from your source John Matthews co screenwriter of New Tricks and Silent Witness (your link) hardly an expert on Israeli/Palestinan demographics.

    Having omitted of course the fact that the Palestinian population (of the area of modern Israel) went from 70% in 1946 to 18% in 1948, as a result of Jewish militias' ethnic cleansing prior to the end of the Mandate
    (Israel's own www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-and-non-jewish-population-of-israel-palestine-1517-present a much better source I think)

    Whether you think these people fled during time of war as people tend to do or were terrorized, it is against international law (the Geneva Convention for one to which Israel is a signatory) not to allow them to return.

    When I would write a book, then all years, nmoths and even days could come in.


    When 700.000 Arabs rushed away from the western part, yes… the Arab population drops down there.

    Ask the millions of Germans, who left from Eastern Europe. And in many other situations.

    Do the Arabs + Iranians allow the Jews also to return to their belongings, left when they had to leave in 1949-53 ? Or is that right only for the Palestinians, parasiting for 70 years already.

    In the 70-s.80-s en even beginning of the 90-s hundreds of thousand worked in Israel, but they chose to KILL Israelis en Jews over the world. Ever heard of a Buddhist, Taist, Hindu, Jew, Mormon etc attempting terrorist attacks ? Look in Algeria, Lybia, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Mali, Nigeria: they were/are butchering each other.


    In the 20th century, Iraqi Jews played an important role in the early days of Iraq's independence. Between 1950–52, 120,000–130,000 of the Iraqi Jewish community (around 75%) reached Israel As of 2014 more than 229,900 Israelis were of Iraqi Jewish descent.

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  10. Ever met an Asian, who gives a damn for the environment ? Everything at arms lenght away does not disturb them. See all rubbish around.

    My son was hotel manager at Koh Samui. Hotel with a US$ 700 per night, so… wise to have a clean beach, no rubbish, and especially NO GLASS. Tried to explain that to his staff and clean up the area. IMPOSSIBLE. Better hire in apes...

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