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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. A nation, who threatens to kill your entire population since 1979, chased all jews away, of which some descend from immigrants ( slaves) brought in 600 BC, kills Syrians by the thousands, sends a militaty drone into YOUR airspace. YOU  respons very hard by sending at least 8 aircrafts to bomb military facilities which are  a threat for your nation, and the opposer succeed to shoot ONE plane down with all his sophisticated anti-aircraft devices ... calls YOUR defence is "crumbled"? ?

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. In the late 80-s I followed a course at the Uni of Amsterdam about  international values of currencies,  exchange rates etc.

    At the end, one of the students thanked the professor for his 13 lectures and.. asked.. can you also tell the exchange rate of the U$ towards the EU currencies ?

    The prof smiled and said: "for the US$ towards the EU currencies ( read: DM), you have to fbe at the Faculty of Psychology, NOT of that of Economics ".

    Bye -the-way: Euro versus THB, 13:15 21 Jan 2018:    38,493545  = transfer from € to THB, no furter costs above € 10.000 so quite similar as already a     l  o  n  g   time.  ( + of - 1)                     


  3. Since 1950 many Billions were spent to the Palestinians via UNWRA. Budget 2016: US$ 1,5 BILLION. Started with a 700.000 displaced Arabs  ( or also some poor Arabs, who preferred to hold up their hands? ) but ZERO to the about 700.000 Jews, who had fled the Arab world. and now 5.3 million Arab refugeees. In all these years, the costs only went up, with not so much done by the Palestinian people itsself except attacking Israël and Jews.

    In 70 years kindness of the Europeans and Americans was only answerred with terror attacks. And  LOT of money went into the wrong hands. See for instance how the widow of Yassir Arafat lives in Paris.

    So, I can imagine, Trimp uses now the other way: not anymore the carrot, but the stick.

  4. For any food hazard I always use the RASFF-database of the combined RU food authorities ( now still 28 member states) in which all their negative findings is notified. see https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/rasff-window/portal/?event=searchResultList 

    For coffee I find 89 notifications, since 1987, even 4 in 2016.

    For the rest: google + ochratoxin A in coffee give quite some insight information.


    Mycotoxines, like ochratoxin A are mostly storage problems: the fungea Aspergillus and Penicillium produce this, best to compare with their "shit" when the product is stored too wet, with result the fungus can grow and produce its "shit".

    So, just make a "moment picture" of only a very small part of the production has the same value as... being on Paragon Square, make a picture of the people passing, find two out of 4 persons with bleached hair and say: 50% Thai people have belached hear.


    Unfortunately I had to find out, many owners of Thai domestic suppliers do not have food safety at the top of their interest list




  5. On ‎4‎-‎10‎-‎2017 at 11:17 AM, Lingba said:

    The fact that toxic anything is even allowed regardless of the level is ridiculous

    Then do not consume ANY milk, as all milk on this planet contains D.D.T.

    Same for rice: all contains aflatoxin. ( very, very littlebit, as if much, the rice grains discolour, loose shininess, add deforms, which are - for the far majority - will be filtered out by sortex systems. But.. 100 % clear... does not exist.)

    Same for corn, wheat, peanuts, and all tree nuts.


    So, stop eating !

  6. 13 minutes ago, jaiyen said:

    I have a solution.....if every resident of Bangkok put out 2 buckets to catch the rain then it would stop the flash flooding when there is very heavy rain. That would be over 35 million buckets. Thats a lot of water not flowing on the streets and good rainwater to drink !  Should I tell the Government ??  Sounds better than some of their ideas !

    I am afraid, you donot have the faintest idea, how much water falls down during such am event.

    35 million buckets of 10 ltr = of a 350.000 tons.

    Bangkok gets a 1500 mm rainfall per year. 

    a 33 x 33 km area = smaller as Bangkok  * 0,10 cm rainfall = 1000 sqkm or 100.000.000 m3 mtr.  Your 35 million buckets = 1/285th of just that rainfall.  So, close to nothing...


  7. Ever tried to come in contact with an “office” girl ?

    OR they are completely busy with their smartphone ( by far the majority) or are starring in the sky or have their eyes closed, or are listening to their iPhone or so, but NEVER interested in a conversation.

    I once told a lady friend: what do YOU do when you see an attractive man looking around for .. information ..how to arrive at Wantachang Bridge ? You go to him and ask how you can help him “. Or course not, I am not a beer bar lady, was the answer.

    I advised her to do the opposite, even… “oh, I have to go in the same direction”, and join him till the demanded place was arrived. Haver a chat and.. maybe make an appointment for one of the coming days.

    Reality: now 53 and never “kissed before”, forget ever had a boy friend.


    Quite some beer bar girls are as honest as gold. Want a one-way-ticket out of misery and some help for their parents, as no state or company pension in Thailand.

    Yes, also some selfish money sharks, we read so much about.


  8. Time Thais are going to look at a world map: the Suez canal cut off the entire trip around Africa , the Panama canal around South America, but the Kra canal only a short trip around the Malaysian peninsula.

    All seem to forget, in such a canal the ships cannot go at their normal speed, but have to go a LOT slower. With that losing the majority of the distance cut advantage.

    For such a short cut in transfer time to invest such a gigantic amount of money ? Crazy !

  9. A Thai who thinks further as "prung nee" ( tomorrow)  is not born yet. 

    Why maintenance is always neglected in Thailand ? Does it not bring enough T-money in for the officials ? Where the budget for this went to ? Already disappeared ( into the pockets of several officials ? ) 

    Tourists depend on safety precautions seen the disaster of 26 Dec 2004. And then to discover... oh, mai ruh, 

    Till of course many toursts do not trust Thailand anymore and go to other places. Then it is not the stupidity of many Thais but.. their bad karma.

  10. In '88-89 I followed a course in international trade and currency relations als evening student at the Amsterdam Uni. At the end, one of the students thanked the Professor for the 13 interesting lectures of over 2 12 hour each, about ... from the Middle Ages till the beginning of the European currency. "But.. Professor, can you also tell the exchange rate of the US$ towards the European currency for tomorrow, next week, next month  ?

    His reply: "for the exchange rates of the US$ ( and many others ) in the future you have to be at the Faculty of Psychology, NOT of Economics".

    As the THB is tight up to the US$ for 90%, what do YOU think ?

    Thai rice exports have more problems with the huge increase of exports of Vietnamese and Cambodian rice than with the Thai currency. The Thai were only buzy with the decission to wear yellow or red shirts, while the rest of the world was thinking of how to earn money, for instance to continue their EU custom preferences.

    And.. do your really think many tourists let their decission to go to Thailand depend on the exchange rate: 36 THB for a Euro or 38 THB ? For ONLY the amount they spend outside the plane ticket, the alredy booked tour / hotel incl meals ?  One terrorist attack hurts more as a 10% currency increase. Ask Tunesia, Egypt, Jordan and Turkey. So, quite some might have decided for THAT to go to Thailand.

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