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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 10 hours ago, vogie said:

    When they freeze their oap pensions, yet can afford to fork out £60 million of tax payers money for this charade it sorta leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

    a £ 500 million in additional turnover in the U.K, an estimated 1.9 BILLION who watched this all more-or less, so a 1/2 cent  per viewer ( no football mach even comes close to that ) , even the Chinese CCTV, so a lot of Chinese tourists to expeect to buuy their "made in China"souvenirs back,   this is the best marketing show at lowest cost on earth. 

  2. 2 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

    1. Why would an 8 month old be anywhere near this dangerous situation? and  Becasue HAMAS insists for martyrers ! 

    2. I am definitely no expert on this topic, but I do listen to both sides of the debate.  Yesterday I heard this was not a protest against the embassy move, but an annual protest by the Palestinians tied into the anniversary of the formation of Israel. Is that right or not?   Read at MANY publications at Internet. Every year around 15 May... 

    And.. how many riots in Jordan, Lebanon, seen the low level of rights of Palestinians there ? ? Same ++ for the Gulf, and Saudi-Arabia. 700.000 jews fled the Arab world. So.. take up 700.000 Palestinians.

    Bye the way: also later, many Arab nations kept a "low profile" in taking up ther Arab brothers from Iraq and Syria. Therefore over 1 million WALKED to Germany c.s.


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  3. 3 hours ago, gamini said:

    Are you paid by the Israeli government to make lame excuses  for all their violent actions against innocent civilians.  No, I am not paid by ANYone... 
    Gaza is a concentration camp hemmed in by Israel and limiting all their freedoms. Is MADE such a camp after many terrorist actions from there. In 1971, as student, I could walk just as free from Israel into the West bank and Gaza and back, together with israeli, Arab and other students as between the EU member states.  They are freedom fighters, just like the French resistance against the German occupation. They want to return to their homes from which they were forcibly evicted No, from which they were called by the Arab leaders to leave, to give theri armies free killing fields. Thoise arabs who stayyed, are now till in even teh Israëli parliament. How many Jews are in such a position in the Arab world ?  . The Israel government,  not content with that, wants to take more and more of their land. Might be not, see https://www.wordfromjerusalem.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/the-case-for-israel-appendix2.pdf. see also "palestinian land owning during british mandates"in google

    Trump is a puppet of the Israeli government because they gave him billions of dollars ( I think it is more the opposite, as the little Jewish state simply doesnot have so much money. Second: Trump had enough of his own) for his election and he somehow has to appease them.

    Calling others dunces is rather pathetic, childish remark. One only has to read your previous post to see your appalling hatred of the Palestinians. In one of your last posts. You accused Iran of shelling Israel. You obviously don't seem to realise that it was the Golan Heights where they shelled Israeli positions. Perhaps you don't know that the Golan Heights is in Syria, not in Israel. ( not since June 1967

    This forum is supposed to be a friendly place and not one to spew hatred and propaganda.

    Don't call me anti-Semitic because I am certainly not. I have many Jewish friends as well as Jewish business partners and they all deplore the present Israeli government as most of the world does.

    Not so long ago I had an Israeli army friend come and stay with me. He was imprisoned for refusing to shoot Palestinian women and children , he told me a lot about what actually went on in Israel, so I'm well informed . So why don't you just give us all a break and keep your hatreds to yourself. I really pity you.

    I agree with you, the way the present Israeli government handles the situation is NOT helping to solve this M.E. problem



  4. 36 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

    rOK , in this case the Malaysians would only be armed with stones and burning tires as well ...?

    I seriously doubt that anyone wanted to " break through " this border , fighting against heavily armed professional killers , without being adequately equipped ?

    That would be suicidal , and they knew it .

    That was a protest and not a tempted invasion ...

     See New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/27/world/middleeast/gaza-protest-israel.html  or  https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/hamas-plans-demonstrations-on-gaza-israel-border/4322739.html  or http://www.egyptindependent.com/hamas-prepares-mass-rallies-along-gaza-israel-border/  even https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-10/gaza-barrier-can-t-withstand-an-assault-by-mob-fencemaker-says even   https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gaza-israel-violence-at-border-fence-2018-04-27/


    Read: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2018/03/israel-palestinians-us-hamas-mahmoud-abbas-speech-gaza-strip.html 

    The movement is preparing to encourage masses of Palestinians to climb the fence, be the cost as it may. The more desperate they are, the more they are likely to head for points of friction with Israel and clash with its troops. They will have nothing to lose.


    The sanctions Abbas announced will enter into force immediately. They will result once again in the suspension of wages to PA employees in Gaza, greater hardship for the enclave’s barely functioning hospitals and severe power cuts. In a few weeks, as the mass march nears, Gaza is expected to be under a blackout. This will give the Palestinians additional cause to rise up and set out for the border fence, with Hamas cheering them on so it can shift responsibility for its central role in their plight and Abbas using their plight for his own political means.

    Come on... 2018... the information age... read... so much on Internet...  not only one side... but several sides...

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  5. 7 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

    OK , in this case the Malaysians would only be armed with stones and burning tires as well ...?

    I seriously doubt that anyone wanted to " break through " this border , fighting against heavily armed professional killers , without being adequately equipped ?

    That would be suicidal , and they knew it .

    That was a protest and not a tempted invasion ...


    Look at other information sources, not only Palestinian, and you will see the difference.

    When there was a kind of Martin Luther King march... no shot would be fired.

    Remind: from 1967 - around 1990  there was nearly a free movement of people, and merchandise... I walked in 1984 over that border with MAYBE see one single guard... see 

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade_of_the_Gaza_Strip  "Since June 1989, Israel has formally restricted the movement of Palestinians, imposing a magnetic-card system whereby only those with such a card were allowed to leave the Strip"


    I helped to find , especially in building construction, to replace the then refused Palestinian workers. see https://www.jpost.com/Metro/Tel-Avivs-Filipino-shuk-490509  and https://migration.ucdavis.edu/mn/more.php?id=1299_0_5_0


    Same as in Europe: many Asians here, but problems ONLY and ONLY with ONE religion


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  6. 53 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

    This means they identified the palestinians before they killed them ? Impossible to do that ...

    Yes , Hamas sent the palestinians to die , because they want palestininan martyrs .  But the brutal killers have been the Israelis . Why did they not use rubber bullets instead of live ammunition , like a civilized country would have done ?


    There will never be peace over there ... they , the Israelis , seem not to want this anyway ...


    BTW , to the pro Israelis on this forum : What is Israels Utopia ? If Israel could get all they want , what would the world look like ?

    "identified the palestinians" Not so difficult: everyone on the other side of the fence. Even Egyptians donot want to be in Hamas controlled terrorist country.


    "rubber bullets instead of live ammunition "  Nice to stop a few idiots, but not a 10,000. In Hamburg - G20 summit - they know the results, and there, no histeric killers of Germans walking around, but only rioters against the establishment.


    Several Israëli governments already said: there can be a peace in 5 minutes: When the Palestinians accept Israel as a state, and will live peacefully with us under mutual agreed safe borders. The very unsafe military borders of 1967... no Israëli will accept seen over a century hostilities from the Arabs.

    Do not forget: 700.000 jews had to leave the Arab world, leaving behand all they had. They hoped for the same population exchange as after the Greek-Turkish war (1923,

    ), the many exchanges in Eastern Europe, and after the split of India and Pakistan. Pity: no Muslim accepts any retreat from the Umma... see their maps in which Andaluz ( Spain) should be muslim again.. 


    Look the heavy fortified and impregnable border between Belgium and Netherlands, signed for the tourists on the floor at a restaurant, as on other places... you even donot see that... see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baarle-Hertog. Not one Belgium or Dutch who wants to "rob" the other from its land, despite a...a ricuculous situation..  Good for foreign tourists...

    border between Belgium and Netherlands.jpg

  7. Imagine...


    Malaysia is turned to a fanatic muslim state. For 25 years long, many terrorist attacts into the South Thai provinces. Thai government responded by building a high and armed fence at the Thai Malaysian border. Ever 15th of May big riots at that fence, so Thai military there to prevent any invasion.

    This year , again: at 5 places even tent-camps are set up in Muslim-Malaysia: tens for the press,food shops etc... and.. a 40.000 attack the border.

    What YOU think the Thai militaty will do, knowing that, when this breaks throug, many Thai might be attacked by knifes and for sure many Thais will die.


    I think, the Thai prime minister will NOT send snipers, but big machine guns, and fire.. NOT when they crossed the fence, and are 2-300 mtrs away from Thai villages, but.. when these rioters are still on the other side.


    Why the Gazans do not protest at the Egyptian side a as also there... the Egyptions do not want to have these terrorists in.

    could you not meet half way s.png

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  8. 2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

     By example: Police forces in Europe have frequently faced large scale riots in which rioters have used petrol bombs, and in some cases small arms. They have very rarely needed to resort to live arms fire and have never in modern history killed dozens of protesters or rioters.

    Yes, and because of that, we are still in the shit here in Europe.


    But these protesters were NOT rioting to KILL Europeans... This happenes only those from a small and peacefull religion, originated from... Hindu-India? Wrong, Buddhist Thailand...wrong, Shinto from Japan..wrong, Confusianists from China... Voodoo Haïti...again wrong...

    Here the European police starts to understand now: shoot to kill, especially when Allahu Akbar sounds...



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  9. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Your argument that the victims of systematic oppression brought it on themselves is not new, look it up.


    I guess you are right though, the Palestinians could have sat quietly as they were systematically stripped of their homeland. 

    Ask the Greeks from Pontus, the Turks from Saloniki, Germans from eastern Germany, the Poles, the Ukraines, the Pakiastani, The Indians, the Chinese: when you lose a war... you are pity. When you continue your war, you might loose everything...  In 1971 I went - with Israëli's to an Arab wedding on the West Bank , same the opposite. With an Israëli "Chicken docter" I went to a Palestinian donkey in birth needs... ( did not see a border line). In 1984 to several factories on the West bank, with again... no borders... There was no stripping of land... but a crossing over as between the State of Lanna and of Sukhuthai...

    But thanks to especially HAMAS, who have only ONE wish: Kill all Jews... donot be astonished, that after 25 years experience with that, the Israëli army does not take any risk anymore...


    could you not meet half way.png

  10. 6 hours ago, dexterm said:

    In the 21st century you can't conquer lands, annex them, illegally occupy 4.5 million dispossessed people then shoot them if they want to return to their homes. Most of us nowadays live in more enlightened times under international law.


    Would love to debate Zionist mythology but in a more appropriate thread perhaps.


    Suggest you view "the Nakba" documenatries where eye witnesses from both sides are interviewed... available on youtube if you are interested in history.


    So... the Greeks can also return to their Trabson and Smyrna ( now Izmir), the Turks back to (Thes)Salloniki see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_exchange_between_Greece_and_Turkey , the Germans back to Memel, Koenigsberg, Breslau, Danzig and Stettin, the Poles back to were they originate from, and same for MANY nations in Eastern Europe see https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/forced-population-transfers.htm and 

    , the Pakistani back into India, the Indians back into Pakistan see https://sites.hks.harvard.edu/fs/akhwaja/papers/BigMarchOct2008.pdf , and the Taiwanese mainlanders... back into Mainland China...


    Bye-the-way: Americans ( N, M+ S), go home to Europe , together with the Australians and New Zealanders etc...


    The main mistake was made by leaving the Palestinians semi-locked up, instead of a refugee-swap jews ex the Arab world into Israel versus Palestinians into the Arab world.


    When the Palestinians did not start their terror in the end of the 80's... there would be now no problem, but Israëli's and Arabs mixed up over all that area.


    For history... I look to publications like of the UN, NOT one--sided of any party. 

    • Like 1
  11. As far as I have experienced since 1993: farang just means " (white ) foreigner... Never got any impression any negative meanign was included.

    But.. words in a language might change of meanings... especially when in a limited area, like... white foreigners living in ... Pattaya or....

    My kind is called over a big part of the world:  blanc / white / original European...

    My mother-in-law, Indonesian origin, but Dutch feelings, called our kind: "tottok"= "white Dutch (foreigner) ", her half-breed (children): "Indischen", and herself: "Inlandse" ( native Indonesian origin) ... Never any bad feelings with that.  

    However, I have NOTHING to do with the Caucasus mountains, so I do not understand the US word: "Caucasian".

    Same I donot understand the despise of many more-or-less brown coloured Americans, who hate the word: "Negro", already used in old Egyptian times ( NGR = God). The Romans had a name for Blacks, it was "Niger" and it meant Black or people of African origins. Thus, Septimus Niger would have meant, Septimus the Negro. 

  12. With every year a € 6 BILLION to spend, with hardly any control, in a country even under 10 million inhabitants, a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Hungary was worth 124.34 billion US dollars ( = just a € 100 billion) in 2016, even an ape could be re-elected.

    Time the EU does not just GIVE these amounts - with ZERO counter- performance for this gift, but only as a commerical loan.



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  13. On ‎27‎-‎2‎-‎2018 at 10:47 PM, cooked said:

    maybe there is a housing shortage due to the impossibility of planning for an economy that allows hundreds of thousands of immigrants in every year? 

    Dunno, that;s probably racist.

    When nodody would have hired them in for an (inofficial, so cash paid) job, many would heve returned quite quick. 

    The second ave, coming in for free medical care, also could heve ended up when only British ( or .. over one year insured) persons would get the free benefits.

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