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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. The Sultan forgets the huge foreign debt ( US$ 468 Billion )  and the imbalance of their trade deficit ( 27,4 BILLION over Jan - April 2018) .


    The trade deficit: “Turkey’s foreign trade balance showed a $27.4 billion deficit from January to April 2018, a yearly increase of 56.2 percent, the country’s statistical authority announced on May 31”. see http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkeys-trade-deficit-grows-in-first-four-months-132638

    The foreign debt: “Turkey’s gross external debt stock stood at $466.67 billion, more than half of its gross domestic product (GDP) - 52.9 percent - at the end of March 2018”, the Treasury announced on June 29, see http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkeys-external-debt-stock-reaches-466-7-billion-in-first-quarter-133976

    All NOT coming from liars and swindlers abroad, but TURKISH government info in Turkish newspapers

    So, nothing economic miracle, but pumped foreign financial air in a Turkish balloon

    • Like 1
  2. When "target of economic war, than "civil war", casued by their own politicians. Remind: this is the 9th Turkish bankrumptcy since 1800


    In Feb 1999 1 € = 382.505 Turkish Lira. End of 2001 1/1.292.245, an increase of 338%(!). Seen the many 000, they decided to drop 6x0’s, and ended 1 Jan 2005 at 1 € = 1,81 TL.

    Last Monday afternoon the fall was stopped every time just before 1 € = 7,99 TL. Tuesday at 7,35 and Wed 15 Aug 10:35 MET at just under 7. Only ONE organisation has the power and the reason to do so: the ECB, to protect EU banks from further damage caused by a default of the financial genius in Ankara.

    Remind: EU banks have US$ 224 BILLION outstanding in Turkey, e.g. the Spanish 83 B, French 38 B, Italian 17 B, all banks with financial trouble themselves.

    The trade deficit: “Turkey’s foreign trade balance showed a $27.4 billion deficit from January to April 2018, a yearly increase of 56.2 percent, the country’s statistical authority announced on May 31”. see http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkeys-trade-deficit-grows-in-first-four-months-132638

    The foreign debt: “Turkey’s gross external debt stock stood at $466.67 billion, more than half of its gross domestic product (GDP) - 52.9 percent - at the end of March 2018”, the Treasury announced on June 29, see http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkeys-external-debt-stock-reaches-466-7-billion-in-first-quarter-133976

     All NOT coming from liars and swindlers abroad, but TURKISH government info in Turkish newspapers.

    So, nothing economic war, but complete incompetence to handle their own financial and economic position, a situation of pumped foreign financial air in a Turkish balloon seen a growth based on major state-backed construction projects as well as spending by companies and private households — all financed on credit.

  3. 1 minute ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    I have to admit I enjoy seeing stupid people reap what they sowed. But trying to ignore these bad thoughts, we have to admit that:


    1. There are many people who did not want this, but who will equally effected because of the stupidity of others. Some of them are my friends. They don’t deserve it because they didn’t vote for it. 


    2. Many of those who voted for it did so because they’re illiterate and easy prey for the people who manipulated and lied to them. They don’t deserve it because they should have been protected from their own inability in the first place by not exposing them to such a complex matter. 


    So while I tend to think สมน้ำหน้า, we should be fair and hope for the U.K. that someone will get their senses back and undo this Desaster. 

    at 1) the consequence of democracy and 50% + 1 vote is enough for such an enormous change.

    at 2) the consequence of 1 head = 1 vote, even when that head is filled with air instead of brains. Therefore a task for politicians, to explain and not to lie. For me, quite some British politicians belong in jail and not in Parliament.


    UNDO... sorry, can not turn the time back, Brexit is a fact. A re-entry might be possible, but alo here, just as an agreement of the special conditions of a departure.. all other 27 EU member states have to agree.


    When somebody leave his sports club, big chance his locker is not for him anymore...

    • Like 1
  4. The problem with the Turkish autorities is, they do not know how to handle money and their economy.

    In Feb 1999 1 € = 382.505 Turkish Lira. End of 2001 1/1.292.245, an increase of 338%(!). Seen the many 000, they decided to drop 6x0’s, and ended 1 Jan 2005 at 1 € = 1,81 TL.

    Last Monday afternoon the fall was stopped every time just before 1 € = 7,99 TL. Tuesday at 7,35 and Wed 15 Aug 10:35 MET at just under 7. Only ONE organisation has the power and the reason to do so: the ECB, to protect EU banks from further damage caused by a default of the financial genius in Ankara.

    Remind: EU banks have US$ 224 BILLION outstanding in Turkey, e.g. the Spanish 83 B, French 38 B, Italian 17 B, all banks with financial trouble themselves.

    The trade deficit: “Turkey’s foreign trade balance showed a $27.4 billion deficit from January to April 2018, a yearly increase of 56.2 percent, the country’s statistical authority announced on May 31”. see http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkeys-trade-deficit-grows-in-first-four-months-132638

    The foreign debt: “Turkey’s gross external debt stock stood at $466.67 billion, more than half of its gross domestic product (GDP) - 52.9 percent - at the end of March 2018”, the Treasury announced on June 29, see http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkeys-external-debt-stock-reaches-466-7-billion-in-first-quarter-133976

     All NOT coming from liars and swindlers abroad, but TURKISH governmental info in Turkish newspapers

    So, nothing economic miracle, but pumped foreign financial air in a Turkish balloon

  5. Sorry, but I do not understand all these complains. The British, voted in complete freedom, with access to all information sources on the world, but.. they decided to believe Liar Boris, with his 3.5 million pounds per day for the National Health Service, a slogan even Nigal Farage had his doubts. As thanks, Liar Boris was appointed minister of Foreign Affairs...

    This vote was without ANY restriction about conditions, and what next ? When a nation has such a low interest in their future, so their own choice.

    As Brexit started with the acceptance of the letter off May to the EU, the U.K. is scheduled to depart at 11pm UK time on Friday 29 March, 2019. Maybe wise to start re-entry into the EU at 11:00:001 ? under new conditions, for instance: no preferences anymore, accept Schengen, the €uro, and driving on the right way ?

  6. On ‎8‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 10:56 AM, simple1 said:

    Leaders of Turkey and Russia are meeting tomorrow, Wait and see what if any agreement/s are announced for trade / defense matters

    An announcement of trade etc does not solve the real problems of Turkey: a foreign debt of over € 450 BILLION and a trade deficit of " Turkey’s foreign trade balance showed a $27.4 billion deficit from January to April 2018, a yearly increase of 56.2 percent, the country’s statistical authority announced on May 31". see http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkeys-trade-deficit-grows-in-first-four-months-132638

    • Like 1
  7. Who guarantees the testing for (inorganic) pesticides went correctly ? Thai governmental auditors ? Or commercial auditors, from BV, DNV, Intertek, Moody, SGS, TUV....

    See how a government official of the Dutch food autority NVWA, and responsabe for the EU for everything what enters via Dutch ports, think about certifications outside the EU = third countries:

    Als u vervolgens af wilt gaan op de certificaten uit derdelanden, dan zult u het met me eens zijn dat hier nog vaker het predikaat "onbetrouwbaar" op geplakt kan worden, om niet te spreken van "fraude".

    If you  want to rely on certifications from third countries, then you have to agree with me that here even more often these could be classified as "unreliable", not to speak of "fraud".

  8. For 15 years Erdogan financed the investment in infrastructure with foreign money. Result a state debt of € 231 BILLION. This aside of the borrowing of companies and private persons. From the EU a total of €224 BILLION went to Turkey. An inflation of 10% via 16% now going towards 20%, so higher as the interest PER YEAR you pay when you borrow money. That means, when you borrow to invest in goods, you win.

    Second: Turkey has a permanent trade deficit = buy more as they can sell. When then also one of their mayor "sales items"= tourist destination, goes down dramatically, even a child knows this is a big reason for trouble. And.. Erdogan was well aware of this. Therefore is election drawn from 2019 to 2018, as he know, with a collapse of the Turkish economy, he could get an investigation about what really happened with the so-called coup. 

    But... don't worry: ALLAH will come to resque him… despite the last 18 Turkish bankrupts since 1800 He did NOT do...

  9. 2 hours ago, simple1 said:

    To whose benefit? Not for NATO / EU, not for ME stability, but potentially for Russia. Comes across Trump is an empty barrel for new initiatives on the diplomatic front, rather more like an ignoramus.

    Russia has enough economic problems of its own to support another megalomanic dictator, with zero knowledge how economy works. And be sure Purtin is again pointed at the fact the Russsian economy depends on oil & gas exports. When these world proces go down, he is per direct in problems 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 1) As President AND government leader of the mightiest state of the world, he is at last equal to the Queen of the U.K., who is even not a government leader.

    2) He is NOT an U.K citizen.

    So, why bow, etc for the head of state of a much smaller country ?

    3) That being a chevalier /gentleman would give him the excuse to give respect to an even 20 years older woman, who is also much longer as he will ever reach the head of state… is another story.

  11. When the West-WWEuropeans asked the US to stay with a military presence, they did, withotu much interfearance in these coutnries. The Soviets invited themselves and did one after another coupe d'etat in Eastern Europe.

    When France asked NATO and the US to leave… they did. When Poland, DDR, Czechoslovakia, Hungary asked the Soviets to leave, they send tanks.

    When The US and the Soviets signed an agreement the Soviets witdrew their military and the US promised NEVER to invade Cuba. Till today, that agreement holds.

    When the North-Koreans had a military manouvre, in 1950, they suddenly invaded the South

  12. 9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I didn't even realise she was half black till the media started screaming about how wonderful and modern it was for Harry to love a "black" woman.

    I have seen many light till even dark brown persons, but NEVER a black one.

    Even the mother of the bride has a middle-light brown skin. So  ? 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  13. 2 hours ago, DUNROAMIN said:

    The millions of pounds spent for this wedding could have just about built a new hospital. Royals are a dying race, time to move on and stop wasting endless amounts of taxpayers money for people who are mere figureheads for a country.

    The VAT over the £ 500 million in additional turnover in the U.K, is already more as the total cost of that wedding. What extra tourists brougth in even a multifold of that amount.

    But.. probably you did not learn that a small investment could be needed to gain a lot more ?

    A Dutch old saying ( proverb) says: you have to throw out a small fish to catch a big one..



  14. 13 hours ago, Kadilo said:

    No. No interest to me whatsoever apart from the conservative estimate of 30 million security money for the day the British tax payer has to find from somewhere. ().


      Why not: "Please don't say all the extra tourism will pay for it there's a good lad" ?? 


    I think the British will wish, they have every year such a low cost possibility to attrack so much tourism.


    But I presume you OR are jealous OR cannot calculate and think OR a combination of all.

    • Sad 1
  15. 13 hours ago, Enoon said:


    Why should it not land on their territory.


    It is in their posession.


    They own it.


    No one has done anything to stop them.


    No one is doing anything to turn them off of it.


    It was surrendered to them when they dropped the first shovelful of ballast.


    It's theirs now.


    Paper tiger - Wikipedia


    Can you imagine, the Danes, made out of a rock in the Doggersbank, North Sea, an Island, 500 km away from their own shores, but 30 km in front of the U.K, claiming it as.. they as Vikings sailed this sea already for over a 1300 years ?+

    South Chinese Sea.jpg

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