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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. My local gym has just closed down. Now I have to find another one not to go to.
  2. I cant believe that Netflix have cancelled "Vivaldi" after only four seasons.
  3. Phil Oakey is a singer in the Human League but not a lot of people know his sister Carrie. She can be heard in most pubs on a Friday.
  4. I went to the doctors he said "I see you have an iron deficiency." I said "how can you tell" he said "Your shirt's really creased"
  5. My wife asked me "Is it just me or is the cat getting fat?" Apparently "No it's just you" wasn't the right answer
  6. As me and the missus headed off on a romantic holiday, we talked about what kinky things we'd like to do to each other. She said, "I've always wanted to be handcuffed." So I planted a kilo of cocaine in her suitcase.
  7. I always keep emergency flares in my car. You never know when you might get invited to a 70's disco
  8. It's this modern age I know but I've got a date with a woman who identifies as a wheelie bin, but I can't remember if I'm taking her out Tuesday or Wednesday.
  9. Lets hope everything is written down as well. With multiple copies, safely stashed away.
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