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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Why? What happened to the furniture your grandparents left you?
  2. According to this video, it was the last remaining ferry operating between Crimea and the Russian mainland. Russia now has a problem getting heavy loads across, as the damaged bridge isn't up to it.
  3. For those who can't finish a whole one, Chinese McDonalds are now selling quarter pandas.
  4. My mum's star sign was Cancer so it's really quite ironic how she died... ...attacked by a giant crab.
  5. A woman goes to a tattooist to get a butterfly done on each of her bum cheeks. The tattooist says to her, ''I don't do butterflies, but I can put bees on there.'' She says ok and gets the tattoos done. She goes home and shows her husband. ''Who the hell is BoB?'' he asks.
  6. You know when you're getting old when you watch a porno movie & think... Damn, that bed looks comfy.
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