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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. This topic raises a very good point. I have been on work provided medical insurance policies since I began working as an expat at 20, and could very well have faced the same problem when I retired, since I chose not to return to my "own" country - where I haven't lived, and have rarely visited, for 37 of my 57 years. However, I was fortunate in that I was able to continue with my company provided global health care policy, as a private individual, with no exclusions - even though they were aware of a medical issue I have when I made the changeover. It is quite expensive, and I am locked into it, as I don't believe any other company would not exclude this issue - and all the related ones they could bring up from that, but as I'm under 60 I believe it is still worth it. For now. If I had my time all over again though, I would have started my own insurance policy, with a reputable company, separate to my work provided one when I was younger (and healthier).
  2. Say what you will about Trump, but even after almost 2.5 years out of office, he continues to drain the swamp.
  3. A variation on the old "you can't fire me, I quit!" theme.
  4. Quite appropriate, given that the drone apparently tried to blow up the flag pole on the Kremlin roof.
  5. There is a fine line between a fisherman and a fish.
  6. Police have arrested a group of racist pigeons and chickens. A spokesman said "we're very disappointed that The Coo Clucks Clan has made it to this country".
  7. A married couple was celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. At the party everybody wanted to know how they managed to stay married so long in this day and age. The husband responded "When we were first married we came to an agreement. I would make all the major decisions and my wife would make all the minor decisions. And in 60 years of marriage we have never needed to make a major decision."
  8. A man leaving his apartment building runs into his woman neighbour in the elevator. "Good morning, what are you up to today?" he asks. She replies, "I'm going down to give blood." "How much do you get paid for giving blood?" he asks. "About $20 a pint." she says. "Hmm ...," the man says. "I'm going up to donate sperm, and the sperm bank pays $100 a tablespoon." The woman is left with a questioning expression on her face as the man leaves the elevator. The next day they meet in the elevator again. The man asks, "So, where you off to today?" - "Fmerm mank," she says.
  9. Hey I was Just watching the Bermuda Philharmonic Orchestra on telly and half way through the bloke on the triangle disappeared.
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