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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Banks and brokerages where I have non-resident accounts, in Australia, Singapore and the Isle of Man, all sent me a CRS form a few years ago, where I had to state my country of tax residency and give my tax number for that country, or enter "not required". None of my banks in Thailand have done so yet, so, unless they do just report to the country of my passport - where they'll be greeted with the online equivalent of blank looks, I'm not concerned about the Thailand end of this. (And, even when/ if they do start asking for my tax residency details, I still won't be too concerned).
  2. Disneyland with the death penalty. Ghastly place. Welcome to ‘Disneyland With the Death Penalty’ | WIRED
  3. More like "I'm ignorant, so why should I bother educating myself?"
  4. To go with the Salisbury Cathedral ones from a few years back.
  5. "This settlement reflects FOX's continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards..." There they go. Still lying through their teeth.
  6. ^^^ Not to worry. I found the problem and fixed it.
  7. Any electricians know what this warning light means?
  8. Disgusting. Laying around in public with his pecker out.
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