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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. The main cause of human to human airborne transmission of any virus is through water droplets expelled from an infected person, usually through coughing, sneezing, speaking, or even just breathing. Once these droplets evaporate and/or fall to the ground or other surfaces the virus may either sit there, adsorbed to dust surfaces, or be truly air carried, by wind or other means, until it dies. Wearing a mask when an infected person isn't is not going to fully protect you, as the virus could still land on your clothes, skin, outside of the mask, or surfaces you brush against. On the other hand, wearing a mask when you are infected is a very effective way to prevent these droplets spreading as you exhale them*. It prevents both direct person to person transmission, and infected droplets from contaminating surfaces. You are not wearing a mask to protect yourself, you are wearing one to protect others. You may well argue that you don't have covid, but how can you be sure that everyone around you is free from it? You may as well argue that you don't need to wear a seatbelt because you're not going to crash, when you can't guarantee that someone else won't crash into you. *For anyone doubting the effectiveness of a mask against exhaled water droplets, I have a simple challenge. Stand facing someone, both without masks on, and have them cough, splutter and sneeze into your face. Then both put on masks and do the same to them.
  2. Went to a Cannibal wedding today. It was all going well... until they decided to toast the Bride and Groom.
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