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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Luckily he did survive as long as he did. The war would most likely have had a very different result had someone competent been in charge of German military strategy. The atrocities by the Wagner Group, and general incompetence of the remaining Russian leadership, do have an eerie familarity when viewed against the crimes of the SS troops and general military blunders committed by Hitler (attacking his Russian ally arguably being the biggest of these). Let's hope Putin goes the way of his mentor.
  2. I only wonder why his few fervent supporters on here haven't joined up already. Age or disability aren't an excuse as you don't need to be able bodied to be pushed towards the enemy by a gun wielding maniac. Come on boys, Uncle Ivan needs you!
  3. Further to my post above, a comparison of global GDP per capita PPP. Thailand ranks right in the middle, above Brazil, South Africa, India and Indonesia, amongst others. Obviously, relatively wealthy, low population countries, do well here. A few others of interest: The UK is around 50,000, Germany 58,000, Australia 56,000, New Zealand 46,000 and China 19,000 - which, when considering its enormous population, is really rather good... GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) | Data (worldbank.org)
  4. GDP per PPP gives the "Gross domestic product (GDP) in purchasing power standards", which creates a level playing field between countries in terms of how much money they generate and the price of what they buy for it. For example, a country with a medium level GDP, but where prices are low may have an equal, or even higher GDP per PPP than a high GDP country where prices are expensive. The next step is GDP per capita PPP, which further divides it by the population to show the true purchasing power GDP of each citizen. The effects of the 1997 "Asian crisis", the 2008 GFC and covid are clearly seen. Despite what many doomsayers were telling us about the Thai economy, Thailand was showing rather rapid growth up till covid hit, but looks to be improving again, with the forecasted data in the blue shaded region: Thailand GDP per capita PPP - 2022 Data - 2023 Forecast - 1990-2021 Historical - Chart (tradingeconomics.com) And an explanation of the PPP calculation is shown here: PPP Calculation and Estimation (worldbank.org)
  5. Does your laptop have a slot for a Kensington lock? If so, you can get keyed and combination types. Wrap the cable around a desk leg, or other immovable object, plug the end into the slot and lock it. Though, in over 35 years of staying in hotels all over Thailand, I have never used a hotel safe, and never had anything stolen.
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