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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Nothing wrong here. I always get a pack of condoms and a jar of Vaseline whenever I buy a cucumber. I'd hate for people to think I'm a vegetarian.
  2. There may well be people living in villages with no electricity, no phone or internet service, and relying on public transport to get them to the nearest hospital, over 100 km away, in an emergency. That covers five of my seven points. Of the other two, I like the convenience of being able to order, and have delivered, items that I would need to travel to Bangkok to buy. It's not a game changer, but the service exists, so I use it. And, as I said, I couldn't care about meeting other Westerners, but included it as many seem to need this. These are just points to consider for anyone thinking of moving to a village, and ones which would be harder to find in the three countries mentioned by the OP. Take them or leave them. However, if you can do without all these items, then well done to you. Though if you are living remotely then the fact that you managed to read and reply to my post rather makes my point for me.
  3. I wrapped my car round a tree and was trapped inside for hours until two cars came along, one driven by Mr and Mrs Smith and one by Mr and Mrs Balls. Fortunately, I was dragged out by the Smiths. Kenny Everett
  4. While I have frequently visited those three countries - including spending a lot of time working in Vietnam, and know many people who live in them, they all live in cities or tourist areas. No doubt there are Westerners living in villages, but I'd imagine it would be tougher than it currently is here. I'd also look at communication and infrastructure as well as your points: Fibre optic internet coverage. Quality of mobile network. Ease of ordering items that you want online (Lazada etc) and having them delivered to your door. This includes food items, electronic and hobby equipment, and whatever else you may need to make your life simpler/more enjoyable/bearable. Because there's no way you'll be getting them locally. General road quality, and how easy to buy and drive your own (or a family member's) car - being able to drive yourself about when and as required, or the fancy takes you, is, in my opinion, essential when living in a rural area. Nearby medical services. Anywhere to meet and talk/drink with other Westerners. Not actually an issue with me, but many seem to need it. Reliability of electricity supply, or ease of purchase and installation of a solar system. No doubt others will have additional requirements to these ones. Note I said tougher than it currently is here, as many, including myself, lived in villages here before most of these things existed upcountry. However, back then the first three in particular didn't exist anywhere. Now that they do exist, it would be tougher to move somewhere where they still don't. (Some may differ on this point and be able to live in a cave with no communication with the outside world, but not me).
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