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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. It came up on the old Top Gear more than once. And, a quick Google on the matter...
  2. When the MFP talked about changing the lese majeste law, that was used as an excuse to deprive them of their election win and potentially disband the party while banning its leader from politics. I take it a suitably similar punishment will be applied to anyone asking the law to be redacted for their personal benefit? (Sarcasm). I can't help but wonder if this was the generals' plan all along. Use the second highest polling party to ease the pain of stealing the election, and then, knowing the nature of the beast, relying on Thaksin to break his parole conditions and use that as an excuse to seize power again.
  3. You know those strips of land that are higher than normal but lower than mountains? For some reason I just can't help laughing at them. They're hill areas. Another taxi!
  4. What do you call a length of fake spaghetti? An impasta.
  5. A young man had been working as a bag boy in a supermarket for several years. One day the supermarket got new orange juice machines. The bag boy was excited and asked the manager if he could work the juice machines. The manager turned him down. The bag boy said, "But I've been working here for five years. Why can't I run the juice machines?" The manager said, "I'm sorry, but baggers can't be juicers." Taxi!
  6. Mike hated his wife's cat so much he took him to the next town and dumped him When he got home the cat was there. Next day he drove 50 miles to a further town and dumped him. When he got home the cat was there again, The third day he drove to the other side of the country and dumped him again. 6 hours later he phoned his wife. "Is the cat home"? "Yes" "Can you put him on the phone? I'm lost"
  7. An Indian gentleman sadly died and went to heaven. He was stood patiently outside the pearly gates and finally he rang the bell. Out came St Peter, “name” Rajiv Singh sir”. St Peter poked his back through the gates and shouted.. “ANY ONE ORDERED A TAXI”
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