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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Brings a whole new meaning to the term 'mounted policeman'.
  2. Johnathon Pie, doing what he does best and telling it like it is:
  3. We stayed at this hotel recently. It was just your usual hotel, nothing fancy, as far as I could see. We had a nice enough room on the 14th floor, no complaints there. But, as it happened I had occasion to phone the Management. I said to the chap at the front desk " My wife and I are having an argument, and she is threatening to jump out of the window!" "I'm sorry sir, he replied, we class that complaint as a domestic issue, nothing to do with the Management." "That may be your policy, I retorted, but I think you've failed to grasp the severity of the situation. You need to send someone up because I can't get the window open!"
  4. Did you hear about the Italian chef that died? He pasta way. He is now just a pizza history.
  5. I phoned Amazon Customer Services to complain about the obscene insult I get every time I log into their website. They explained that I was merely misreading the words 'Your Account'
  6. Mixed metaphors really annoy me. It’s not rocket surgery, is it?
  7. Meanwhile in India... No, I asked for a fluorescent light starter, not a fight starter!
  8. Bloody millennial witches. Texting while flying.
  9. What's the difference between a Boeing airliner and a Jehovah's Witness? You can shut the door on a Jehovah's Witness.
  10. James Bond has been caught by the baddie and tied to a wall. "Do you expect me to talk?" "No, Mr Bond, this machine will throw Ninja stars at you. I expect you to be starred to death!" "Shurikenned, not starred."
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