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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. The Rozneft owned Ryazan oil refinery, one of Russia's largest, was attacked by multiple drones today (March 13th), seen in the video flying about in daylight picking out the distillation towers - the most expensive and complex parts of the refinery, to hit. Russian media reported all drones were shot down, with one unintentionally falling on the plant. The video puts the lie to that piece of fake reporting.
  2. Paddy in Wetherspoons: "How much for a lager?" "£2 a pint and £7 a pitcher". "I'll just have a pint then. Bugger the photo!"
  3. Apparently this weekend it will be constant rane, hale, thundre, litnin and frizzing colde. Really bad spell of weather.
  4. My wife has stood by me for 35 years. We really need another chair.
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