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Posts posted by LevelHead

  1. shutting down the station is a huge error of judgement - and will drive more people to the reds - the yellow banans were breaking the law to with the airport but you say nothing... you spout about the law - but only when it suites you

    Very much a massive error.

    Yesterday night for the first time ever I have heard Thai's openly talking about matters that in 25 years of experience in Thailand I have never heard before in open conversation.

    The Reds overall plan appears to be to walk the Yellows/PAD/Democrats down a road which will alienate them and their backers from the normal Thai people. Its working is all I can say if that is the "master plan".

    Now who said its not about "Democracy" ? :)

    Hook, line and sinker to the Reds "master plan" ?!

  2. Abhisit's last role of the dice.

    The SOE brought him 48 hours (and a few hours more on top maybe).

    Failure to control it and end all demonstrations by Sunday will be a massive failure of his leadership and his coalition government.

    If the Army and Police turn their backs on him and his "manipulated" coalition government then thats the end.

    Extreme precedents and double standard application of the law is now common place - the system is collapsing because the system has been abused since the coup and everything that happened after the coup.

    Resign Abhisit, save your face and get out quick, if you fight it you might win the battle but you will lose the war.

  3. Well done to him and well done to any foreigners joining the rallies.

    It would appear many people on here support the Burmese Junta and say "thats their problem, keep out" and they support Mugabe in Zimbabwe and say "thats their problem, keep out".

    Its rather lucky that foreigners invaded Nazi Germany or else that would never have ended.

    Any human being has a right to be interested in the well-being and the freedom of another, regardless of race and religion.

    He was expressing his opinion, which he is entitled to do. There is no law against it.

    You live in the world, borders and governments are not recognized by Mother Nature or God - they are an invention of people who wish to control others.

    Well done, and hopefully more foreigners will join the reds, it makes it much more difficult for the government to use violence !!!! And thats a good thing.

  4. Level --- not only are you repeating the same lie over and over, you are also posting the same thing on multiple threads. Check the appropriate reply on the other thread as I can't be bothered to repeat myself in this one.

    I thought it was you repeating your lie over and over again ?

    Misrepresenting facts and all that nonsense you were doing is it not ?

    Back on topic.

    It is very wrong for the government to have acted in this way and stopped the freedom of the peoples as so given under the constitution. I am very glad to hear that the PTP party are going to try to get Suthep over this, for he appears to have acted against the constitution.

    And there is no excuse for member of parliament to ever do that.

  5. So the government breaks the constitution and shows double standards in the LAW again according the report.

    But hey, its the Yellow Democrats, they are immune and can do anything they want ?????

    No, but repeating that lie seems to make you happy.

    They did however express an opinion. An opinion that a law has been broken that certainly will NOT hold up in court given the current SoE.

    Double standards? Try "2 different governments chose different actions in 2 different circumstances."

    If you want to talk about immunity and double standards, compare Arisman's group NOT being teargassed with RDX laced chinese military teargas, with the PAD being teargassed with RDX laced chinese military ordinance when both groups moved against Parliament. There at least you are comparing apples to apples ... but again 2 different governments chose different actions, but this time in the same type situation.

    That was about day 120 of the Yellow shirt mayhem.

    So when the Reds get to day 120 of the protests and they "block" parliament (which is what the Yellows did) to stop it from working, then I too will support some gas canisters to be used against the Reds, after day 120 and if the try to "BLOCK" parliament as the Yellows did.

    The Reds just wanted to speak to Suthep.

    The Yellows laid out an objective to prevent parliament from meeting and blocked access.

    Very different - or you just want to misrepresent the facts ?

  6. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/Thai-...s-30126738.html

    Thai Journalists Association, Thailand Cable TV Association condemns blockade of PTV broadcast, closure of website The Thai Journalists Association and Thailand Cable TV Association Thursday issued a joint statement to condemn the government's blockade of the PTV's satellite transmission and the closure of www.prachatai.com.

    The joint statement said the actions were unconstitutional and double standard law enforcement.

    The Nation

    Against the constitution, well thats illegal then isn't it ?

    Double standards of LAW enforcement, again.

    But hey, its the Yellow Democrats here, they can do anything and are immune are they not ???

    Disgraceful to go against the constitution, but then again a coup is against the constitution and not one coup leader or coup backer has ever been tried for treason.

    Wonder why Thaksin is tried in courts, but the obvious coup leaders and backers are never tried for treason ?

    Double standards in the law courts ? Double standards all round ? Elite can do what they want and others cannot ?

    Do you ever think before you post anything?

    A bunch of private broadcasters release a statement that is THEIR opinion, no court has ruled on it, no charges filed etc..etc... and you somehow take that as having some deeper meaning?

    You have clearly got to get out more... maybe go hang out with your red buddies so you can report first hand the maiming and murdering the gov't forces are doing


    No COURT could ever rule on it, did you not know the Democrats are immune from any charges so it seems, charges never get to the courts so they never have to make a decision, its always "lost in the paperwork".

    So easy to run a country when you have everything fixed so that no true justice can ever take place.

    Why has no coup leader or backer from 2006 ever been tried for treason ?

    Why has no Yellow shirt ever been charged for vandalism, damage of government property, terrorism at the international airport ?

    LAW ?


    Since the coup the rule of law has been so one sided the present situation is far worse than what they ever accused Thaksin, without proof, of trying to do in terms of checks and balances.

  7. Its getting more like Burma every day.



    Non-elected (by the people) government put into place by the elite.

    Banning protests.

    Cutting off opposition media outlets.

    Oh Abhisit, you really are turning Thailand into Burma, is that what they taught you at Oxford ? I think it would suit him now, Abhisit and Suthep in military uniforms on the TV saying how well the Thailand Junta is running the country.

    How to turn Democracy into a Junta in 101 steps.

    1/ Have a coup in 2006.

    2/ .......

    Well on the way now, perhaps step 55 or more ?

  8. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/Thai-...s-30126738.html

    Thai Journalists Association, Thailand Cable TV Association condemns blockade of PTV broadcast, closure of website The Thai Journalists Association and Thailand Cable TV Association Thursday issued a joint statement to condemn the government's blockade of the PTV's satellite transmission and the closure of www.prachatai.com.

    The joint statement said the actions were unconstitutional and double standard law enforcement.

    The Nation

    Against the constitution, well thats illegal then isn't it ?

    Double standards of LAW enforcement, again.

    But hey, its the Yellow Democrats here, they can do anything and are immune are they not ???

    Disgraceful to go against the constitution, but then again a coup is against the constitution and not one coup leader or coup backer has ever been tried for treason.

    Wonder why Thaksin is tried in courts, but the obvious coup leaders and backers are never tried for treason ?

    Double standards in the law courts ? Double standards all round ? Elite can do what they want and others cannot ?

  9. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/Thai-...s-30126738.html

    Thai Journalists Association, Thailand Cable TV Association condemns blockade of PTV broadcast, closure of website The Thai Journalists Association and Thailand Cable TV Association Thursday issued a joint statement to condemn the government's blockade of the PTV's satellite transmission and the closure of www.prachatai.com.

    The joint statement said the actions were unconstitutional and double standard law enforcement.

    The Nation

  10. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/Thai-...s-30126738.html

    Thai Journalists Association, Thailand Cable TV Association condemns blockade of PTV broadcast, closure of website The Thai Journalists Association and Thailand Cable TV Association Thursday issued a joint statement to condemn the government's blockade of the PTV's satellite transmission and the closure of www.prachatai.com.

    The joint statement said the actions were unconstitutional and double standard law enforcement.

    The Nation

  11. :)

    They were all caught buying votes.

    Its only the PPP who got convicted of the offence.

    All the others had the evidence thrown away it seems.

    Why would the coup appointed EC and the EE want to find only PPP guilty ? Any reason ? :D


    Levelhead. I expect lies from you so that's okay. You just go on ahead. I suggest you read up on what precisely the law is, which non-executive representatives were banned, and which executives caused their parties to be banned. The truth is out there and it is only a couple of mouse clicks away. But I'll lay some serious odds on your not doing that. I suspect you'd rather continue posting your inaccurate and uninformed drivel.

    Were those laws put in place by the military junta that came just after the "legal" :D military coup ?

    Yes that "illegal coup" that nobody has ever been convicted of treason for holding.

    Just like the airport closures, no convictions.

    Anything the Yellow's do, be it illegal coups or whatever, nobody is dealt with by the LAW.

    They are immune, just like the Democrat Party..... immune, they can do anything they want and they are immune from any prosecution it seems ?

  12. Abhisit should dissolve the House.

    Its very simple.

    His government is corrupt, there has already been many scandals.

    Thaksin should come back to serve his prison sentence BUT also all those behind the coup and who actuated the coup she be tried for treason and dealt with by the laws of treason.

    I think thats very fair.

    Will the Yellows accept that ?

    Of course they will not, whilst they push for Thaksin to be tried for many "alleged" crimes they took a couple of years to create the evidence for, they want total immunity for all their people.

    How is this the LAW ?

    The LAW applies to all ? or just to none Yellow shirts and supporters ?

    I think that would be fair balance if there was a thorough investigation into the coup, all those behind it and all those involved in it are tried for treason and Thaksin returns to do his time in prison ?

    Why does Abhisit not suggest that as a "peaceful" solution to the problem ?

    What corruption scandals have the Democrats been involved in?

    Do you really think Thaksin would come back and serve his sentence?

    Have not a few MP's resigned due to corruption ?

    Have not the papers had plenty of scandals in them. Milk. Fish. Buses. and all sorts of corruption.

    But, this is Yellow shirt corruption so its all ignorable isn't it. Democrats are immune from all allegations ?????

    Lets get back to the case and question.

    Why does Abhisit not offer to Thaksin "Come back and serve your time, and in return all those behind the coup, and all those who actuated the coup will be tried for treason".

    Thats FAIR APPLICATION of the LAW is it not ?

    Or should Yellow be immune from the LAW ?

    Now, if all those behind the coup and who actuated the coup were tried for treason and sentenced then I am sure Thaksin would return to serve his sentence. Why does Abhisit not offer this ? It would make Thaksin look very bad if he refused.

    Perhaps the rule of LAW is only applied to those who the Yellow shirts and EE do not like ????????

  13. :)

    They were all caught buying votes.

    Its only the PPP who got convicted of the offence.

    All the others had the evidence thrown away it seems.

    Why would the coup appointed EC and the EE want to find only PPP guilty ? Any reason ? :D


    Levelhead. I expect lies from you so that's okay. You just go on ahead. I suggest you read up on what precisely the law is, which non-executive representatives were banned, and which executives caused their parties to be banned. The truth is out there and it is only a couple of mouse clicks away. But I'll lay some serious odds on your not doing that. I suspect you'd rather continue posting your inaccurate and uninformed drivel.

    You do not seriously expect me to talk about the smaller parties do you ?

    CT and PP and others were in allegiance with the PPP, I class them all as PPP under those rulings.

    If you want to say "It was only the PPP and PPP coalition linked parties" then I can, but really, if people do not know that then why are they here discussing these issues ?

    I expect lies from you, and the other Yellow shirt posters on here.

    Pure lies designed to hide the reality.

  14. Abhisit should dissolve the House.

    Its very simple.

    His government is corrupt, there has already been many scandals.

    Thaksin should come back to serve his prison sentence BUT also all those behind the coup and who actuated the coup she be tried for treason and dealt with by the laws of treason.

    I think thats very fair.

    Will the Yellows accept that ?

    Of course they will not, whilst they push for Thaksin to be tried for many "alleged" crimes they took a couple of years to create the evidence for, they want total immunity for all their people.

    How is this the LAW ?

    The LAW applies to all ? or just to none Yellow shirts and supporters ?

    I think that would be fair balance if there was a thorough investigation into the coup, all those behind it and all those involved in it are tried for treason and Thaksin returns to do his time in prison ?

    Why does Abhisit not suggest that as a "peaceful" solution to the problem ?

  15. More lies from you. If you have evidence that the judges were paid or instructed to ban the PPP present it now. Otherwise you are making a statement of fact that has no factual basis. That makes your statement a lie.

    The court had no discretion to act otherwise. Executives of a party were caught on video red-handed committing electoral fraud. There were no mitigating circumstances. The law required the dissolution of that party. And they were dissolved, along with a couple of other parties.

    Then the law need to be changed ... or applied equally to other parties as well .

    Personally I believe it needs to be changed , a personal opinion of course

    It was applied equally to other parties. No other parties executives were caught committing electoral fraud.

    So you think the laws need to be changed so that political parties can commit more electoral fraud? Strike one for democracy!

    Nah no dems nor any other parties but the PPP MPs were ever caught buying votes :):D:D


    They were all caught buying votes.

    Its only the PPP who got convicted of the offence.

    All the others had the evidence thrown away it seems.

    Why would the coup appointed EC and the EE want to find only PPP guilty ? Any reason ? :D


  16. In fact, had the Yellow EE just kept their noses out and not put in place a coup and all the troubles since, its quite likely Thaksin and the TRT would have been blamed for the financial crisis problems and would have been voted out in an election by now already.

    However, the stupid Yellow have, rather than letting people learn and mature, interfered and created an even bigger problem than there was already.

    The EE needs to stop meddling and let the people mature in the knowledge of Democracy, what it means and how important their vote is. Its not about education, its about experience.

    House Dissolution now !! Its the only real answer.

    If there hadn't been a coup, then Thaksin would still be in power.

    He would have had control of the army, so there wouldn't be any protests against him, or they would be quickly shut down.

    There wouldn't be any critical comments of him in the newspapers, because he would sue them all.

    There wouldn't have been a chance to vote him out, because either he wouldn't hold elections, or, as was shown in the 2006 elections, they wouldn't be free or fair.

    Nonsense, that is called justifying what you did based on fantasy scare mongering. It never happened its only what the Yellow side used as an excuse for doing something worse, and that was holding a coup.

    Do you not see that the coup itself was far worse than anything they accused Thaksin off. A coup is a coup, and its far worse.

    You fail to appreciate that the Established Elite have become very worried about Politics and Politicians.

    The "peasants" are no longer happy to accept some food to eat and little lao kao to drink. They want education for the kids, they want money, they want more for the next generation.

    The "Established Elite" system does not allow that to happen, the peasants must remain that way for ever. They must have no say, they must have no control, only the EE can control.

    The Politicians "awoke" the peasants by giving them healthcare, by improving roads and infrastructure and making their lives better.

    The EE absolutely detest Thaksin for doing that, but its why the people loved him and many still do. Its why the EE have been so aggressive in trying their best to eliminate Thaksin from history and turn him into a criminal, to shatter his reputation, for they think they people will not "like a criminal" so they have done their very best under the coup system to wipe him out.

    However, the people see the EE now as having done worse than the "criminal", having committed more crimes than the criminal they made, the double standards have now made the EE appear far worse.

    And so the fight today is the EE in Yellow and in power by using the courts, and the people and politicians in Red on the streets demanding Democracy.

    The only solution is to allow democracy to prevail and let the people vote, and the EE have to accept that, however the EE still retains enough power and influence to over ride Democracy, as it did in 2006 and in 2008. This is what must stop.

    EE interference must stop.

    Dissolve the House and hand the power back to the people and ACCEPT the results and the will of the people.

    Its the only solution, but the Yellow EE in power will fight tooth and nail to stop it happening.

  17. With the SOE in place, with the denial of elections, with an un-elected by the people government coalition in place, with the shutting down of all opposition media outlets now.....

    Well, the next thing for Abhisit to do is to put on a Military Uniform and declare that the "Thai Junta" is now in complete control and any opposition will result in dissidents being sent to jail. Anyone with the name Su Kyi or Thaksin is under house arrest. Monks supporting the opposition will be shot, beaten or sent to jail too and that THailand and Burma are now on a level of "new understanding" and that a new capitol city will be made near to Hat Yai as the people down there understand things better about Yellow support.

    Can we have that option added to the poll ? :)

  18. After the coup there should have been in a very short span of time (not one year) a general election in which Thaksin having to face the courts for his misdeed would have been disqualified of participating , while no banning of the TRT .

    And who then wins , wins . Until the next election

    That you dont like TRT , PPP or now PTP is pointless . If the majority of the thai people want them then they should be in power .

    Thats democracy

    Currently the majority of Thai people don't want them in power.

    That's democracy.

    No, the majority of Thai people do want them in power.

    The elite have held biased (against PPP) elections that the PPP still won, so they then used the courts to dissolve them.

    Elections, solves the problem.

    Dissolve the House now and call elections in a couple of months.

    Its simple.

    But the Yellow Elite are still clinging on to power and want to change the rules to suit them by altering the constitution, ahead of the next election. What they are trying to do now, is what they accuse Thaksin of doing, even though he did not.

    CAN YOU not see that ? Is your hate of Thaksin making you blind ? That is the whole Yellow propaganda campaign, invoke so much anti-Thaksin into everything that what really is going on will be hidden under it.

    New Politics and the Yellow NPP should be watched, they are the most dangerous of them all. Any suggestion of "unity" government is the NPP and the Yellow elite getting their way.

    Elections and now is the only solution, but that is the very thing the Yellow Elite do not want, they do not want the people to be able to choose the future, they want to control it and it can only be the future they want it to be.

  19. I think it needs clarifying as some people squirm that "Thaksin" is Elite as well so whats the difference.

    The difference is here, the Yellow, the "EE" "Established Elite" are the old school, those that deem power is theirs forever, and nobody can challenge them for it or take it away from them. Kind of like "old money and new money".

    The likes of Thaksin are the "new money". Business men who now represent more of what politics around the world is moving to, movers and shakers who show little respect towards the old money as they deem them lazy and living off what their ancestors did as opposed to working for they position.

    Before anyone can claim any different I am at NO stage talking about those that cannot be talked about. This post is nothing to do with them.

    So this is a battle between the "Established Elite" in Yellow, and the Politicians in Red.

    The Politicians in Red have risen in power and strength as they have brought in populist policies to help the poor.

    The Established Elite in Yellow are bemused by the peasant uprising and want to control the situation and bring it back to being what it always has been, them in control and thats it.

    The answer lies in the middle somewhere. As much as TRT and Thaksin did some immoral things, the Yellow Elite have now done since 2007 even more immoral things and the situation is that both are now as guilty as each other, however one is trying to convict one whilst ignoring what they are doing is exactly what they are attempting to convict the other of doing.

    The best way for THailand to mature is just to let it happen, let the people use their votes and just let it be.

    The EE need to step back and just accept this is 2010 and not 1910.

    People only learn by making mistakes, so let them make mistake and let them learn. The EE are unwilling to let control go but they must if the country is ever to move forward.

    Dissolve the House and let their be elections within a couple of months.

    In fact, had the Yellow EE just kept their noses out and not put in place a coup and all the troubles since, its quite likely Thaksin and the TRT would have been blamed for the financial crisis problems and would have been voted out in an election by now already.

    However, the stupid Yellow have, rather than letting people learn and mature, interfered and created an even bigger problem than there was already.

    The EE needs to stop meddling and let the people mature in the knowledge of Democracy, what it means and how important their vote is. Its not about education, its about experience.

    House Dissolution now !! Its the only real answer.

  20. I think it needs clarifying as some people squirm that "Thaksin" is Elite as well so whats the difference.

    The difference is here, the Yellow, the "EE" "Established Elite" are the old school, those that deem power is theirs forever, and nobody can challenge them for it or take it away from them. Kind of like "old money and new money".

    The likes of Thaksin are the "new money". Business men who now represent more of what politics around the world is moving to, movers and shakers who show little respect towards the old money as they deem them lazy and living off what their ancestors did as opposed to working for they position.

    Before anyone can claim any different I am at NO stage talking about those that cannot be talked about. This post is nothing to do with them.

    So this is a battle between the "Established Elite" in Yellow, and the Politicians in Red.

    The Politicians in Red have risen in power and strength as they have brought in populist policies to help the poor.

    The Established Elite in Yellow are bemused by the peasant uprising and want to control the situation and bring it back to being what it always has been, them in control and thats it.

    The answer lies in the middle somewhere. As much as TRT and Thaksin did some immoral things, the Yellow Elite have now done since 2007 even more immoral things and the situation is that both are now as guilty as each other, however one is trying to convict one whilst ignoring what they are doing is exactly what they are attempting to convict the other of doing.

    The best way for THailand to mature is just to let it happen, let the people use their votes and just let it be.

    The EE need to step back and just accept this is 2010 and not 1910.

    People only learn by making mistakes, so let them make mistake and let them learn. The EE are unwilling to let control go but they must if the country is ever to move forward.

    Dissolve the House and let their be elections within a couple of months.

  21. House Dissolution is the best way to solve this problem.

    Dissolve the House.

    Call for elections in 2 to 3 months.

    Have International Observers in Thailand to verify the election !!!!!!!!!

    (You can note the Coup appointed government / Elite refused at the last election to have International Observers in any active role. It was likely due to the pressure they put on PPP with spy squads and "education by the Army" programmes in rural areas).

    The "Elite" Yellows would also attempt to prevent IO's coming in for any new election, its not in their interest to have free and fair elections AS THE PEOPLE would chose something that the Elite do not want.... again.

    Do you really think the reds will allow international observers in their electorates? They threaten anyone campaigning that is not red. They wouldn't be able to do that if there were observers.

    Can you please quote an example from the 2007 election held under basically Martial Law in many places, and under the Coup Government where anyone was threatened ?

    Or is this just more "Yellow" newspaper nonsense stories ?

  22. If the Red Shirts truly wanted democracy, they would form their own political party and run in local and provincial elections and then on the national level. But that's not want they want and not what they are able to do, because they know that on a national level they don't stand a chance.

    They already have their own party. I think you'll find many of the red shirt leaders are current or formers members of the PPP/PTP.

    Its the simple fact they keep winning the elections that causes the problem.

    They have won every election for over a decade now, but the Elite Yellow hate that.

    The Elite Yellow have used a coup, court judgements, dissolutions of parties and all sorts to try to prevent Democracy.

    Some people have no idea about Thai politics, how can anyone suggest the Reds make their own party.......... ?? The Reds represent the TRT/PPP/PTP which has won every election for over a DECADE, but which the Yellow Elite hate and whom the Yellow Elite keep using their undemocratic power to kick out.

    Elections tomorrow, next month, June or July...... bring it on !!!!!!!

    Pardon me? The courts ruled on evidence placed before them. They had nothing to do with your so called "elites" (a group that must certainly include Thaksin).

    Do you mean the coup changed top judiciary, who had evidence given them from the coup appointed Election Commission, who had evidence gathered by paid for "spy squads" ? The same EC who did not bother it appears to gather all the evidence and submit it about the Democrats, leaving the courts the simple decision to Red the PPP and Yellow the Democrats based on "what they saw".

    Its very easy to manipulate the process at the bottom to make it very simple and "legal" to make the decisions needed at the top.

  23. House Dissolution is the best way to solve this problem.

    Dissolve the House.

    Call for elections in 2 to 3 months.

    Have International Observers in Thailand to verify the election !!!!!!!!!

    (You can note the Coup appointed government / Elite refused at the last election to have International Observers in any active role. It was likely due to the pressure they put on PPP with spy squads and "education by the Army" programmes in rural areas).

    The "Elite" Yellows would also attempt to prevent IO's coming in for any new election, its not in their interest to have free and fair elections AS THE PEOPLE would chose something that the Elite do not want.... again.

  24. If the Red Shirts truly wanted democracy, they would form their own political party and run in local and provincial elections and then on the national level. But that's not want they want and not what they are able to do, because they know that on a national level they don't stand a chance.

    They already have their own party. I think you'll find many of the red shirt leaders are current or formers members of the PPP/PTP.

    Its the simple fact they keep winning the elections that causes the problem.

    They have won every election for over a decade now, but the Elite Yellow hate that.

    The Elite Yellow have used a coup, court judgements, dissolutions of parties and all sorts to try to prevent Democracy.

    Some people have no idea about Thai politics, how can anyone suggest the Reds make their own party.......... ?? The Reds represent the TRT/PPP/PTP which has won every election for over a DECADE, but which the Yellow Elite hate and whom the Yellow Elite keep using their undemocratic power to kick out.

    Elections tomorrow, next month, June or July...... bring it on !!!!!!!

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