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Posts posted by LevelHead

  1. IF, and it is a big IF, but IF the Reds do resort to guerilla warfare after a crackdown, are you all going to be happy seeing bombs go off in Siam Paragon, in Panthip Plaza, in Emporium, full of shoppers all cut to pieces by bombs.

    It's not really a "big IF" is it, if it's clearly being considered...?

    It's an "if", and the full sentence most likely goes "if you don't agree with our demands"

    I don't need to tell you right now how I feel about you.

    Exactly, nobody condones violence. It is disgusting.

    The answer here is NEGOTIATION.

    But we have pig headed Abhisit "refusing" to negotiate.

    His words.

    Arrogant and pig headed and "bloody hands", would that be a fair description ?

    A wounded and cornered animal will do anything, if Abhisit forces them into a corner wounded, then he must be aware of the risks.

    Negotiate...... its the peaceful answer.

  2. The red shirts are not terrorists, they are peaceful protesters. Governments use the word terrorists as an excuse to kill innocent people. Its very irresponsible of some posters coming on here labeling these ordinary people as terrorists. I think posters on here would prefer Thailand to be ruled more like Burma.
    The red shirts are most certainly NOT a non-violent protest movement. Nobody really believes that anymore, even the pro reds trying to sell that lie.

    Violence begets violence.

    Everything was peaceful until Abhisit/Suthep stopped the freedom of the media.

    A grossly unfair act of denying media access to all red channels. Unconstitutional and condemned worldwide.

    Did they care ?


    That event started the violence. When you take basic freedoms away from the people you can expect them to use force to get it back.

    And so begins the cycle of violence.

    That event was even condemned by some coalition partners. It was the spark to start violence.

    Now ask Abhisit and Suthep why they knowingly did this and started this ?

  3. For those wanting a crackdown please think of the possible consequence.

    The US army today is still battling against insurgents.

    They had the great idea of using military force and putting in their own "desired" leader.

    The people were against it.

    Thailand, the military has by its control by the Elite removed the elected government of TRT and put in place, finally, its desired leader Abhisit.

    The people do not want it.

    IF, and it is a big IF, but IF the Reds do resort to guerilla warfare after a crackdown, are you all going to be happy seeing bombs go off in Siam Paragon, in Panthip Plaza, in Emporium, full of shoppers all cut to pieces by bombs.

    Is that what you want to see ? If that what you wish for ?

    An insurgency is very easy to run and its impossible to put down. Just ask the USA.

    So, as despicable as any threat maybe, if it happens to pass that the crackdown happens and so an insurgency is started it would be easy for Reds to link up with Southern separatists and move the fight from the South right into Central Bangkok.

    Think carefully, for your dreams might deliver something you thought was only in nightmares.

    I think Anupong knows this and is keeping a cool head, whilst Abhisit and Suthep remain the loose canons who are out of control and demanding the Police and Army do this and that. Suthep demanding yesterday the police do more, today Abhisit demands a crackdown. They are loose canons and in my view, complete idiots.

    Negotiation is the way out of this, but Abhisit is in my view being pig headed and a complete fool, he is a loose canon but you can expect no more given the allegations of "bloody hands" now.

  4. Update:

    AFP: Myanmar opposition leader Suu Kyi says Thailand's political crisis shows that constitution drawn up by military can never deliver stability

    She may be on to something. So fix the constitution. Write it with input from citizens, business leaders, social activists, NGOs, military, police, judges, lawyers, politicians, civil servants, academics, all political parties etc. After all parties agree, hold a referendum to let all the people decide. Then dissolve parliament and hold elections.



    Done that in 1997, had the 1997 Peoples Constitution agreed by all to be the "best ever", even to this day.

    Yellow side kept losing elections.

    Yellow side arranged army to hold a coup and throw the constitution into the bin.

    WHAT IS THE POINT of trying to make another new one ? Delaying tactic thats all.

    If you want to reform the constitution first you must REFORM THE MILITARY.

    Make there be just 1 army (not the Thai style many many armies all with different generals).

    Make the army responsible to the people of Thailand.

    Only when you have done that can you even think of talking about a new constitution.

    The 1997 constitution is fine, the only problem was the that Elite could not longer rig elections so they won them. Hence a coup in 2006 and throwing it in the bin.

  5. I too think the change will come and will be slow, very slow. What has now started will not be stopped in the long term.

    The Thaksin link is overemphasised. His powerful friend(s) may not, probably will not, always be in silent support.

    The world community is saddened by these events and America is advocating jaw jaw not war war. And America is not without real influence in Thailand.

    Interesting too how many expats and thais are now becoming fence sitters and not so partisan. No one wants to be on the wrong side.


    There isnt really a side to be on for most people, just competing forces and at the surface those visible elements of them and those that seek to ride or control them. Evolutionary change to a point that most society as a whole accepts means everyone or virtually everyone is a winner. That is the beauty of it. Revolutionary change or the crushing of both of which do see temporary at least winners is something we seem to have stepped back from.

    The interesting thing is that evolutionary change usually sees those in the middle coalesce and those the extremes left out while revolutionary change or the crushing of it usually sees those at the extremes lead. That is another beauty of evolutionary change. Those that cant control it tend to be small in number and on extremes.

    The Thaksin link is overemphasized as it is all they have.

    All prior uprising against the Elite has been squashed by playing the "un-loyal" card and then releasing the soldiers to kill the people protesting.

    Team Yellow are trying to run that same headline but its not working this time as the Reds openly love their country as all Thai people do, and the military is presently balanced and they know what the fight is about, and its not about that issue the Yellows are attempting to say it is.

    Therefore all they have is the "Thaksin" card and its why they are non stop in their using of it.

    Its not washing off on the people know. That is why this is a long drawn out thing.

    Team Yellow want to reshuffle the military to remove the balance, once they do that they can then hold a coup anytime they want, and they probably would stop elections, as was done last time in 2006.

    You can see Team Yellow struggling with the Thaksin "link" now as he has stepped away totally. This leaves them now pushing once again for a crackdown based on the same reasons they used to kill all those students some years back.

  6. ^The greande shown here is the one that exploded near Cafe au pain, and not sala deang BTS, and the arc is consistent with it having cleared the Rama 4 flyover, the bright light is not caused by the explosion, its an arc light.

    I hope people do indeed look at the footage for themsleves, and not rely on the rubbish you spout.

    So you know that was the one that landed near the Cafe, why ? did it have a name on it ?

    Do you know as you know who fired it ?

    You seem to "know" so much.

    All I see is a light, and for sure its the wrong height to land on the roof of the BTS.

    Are you clutching at straws ? Many people appear to be doing that today, given no evidence or crackdowns yesterday ?

  7. This is what you call "Yellow Idiot" brains.

    To land on the roof of the upper station the grenades would either have to be shot over a massive arc and be coming downwards to land on the roof, or they were shot from a higher building down on to the roof.

    The Forensic experts viewed the scene and declined to comment........ wonder why ?

    If anyone has the real video of what happened its best to keep it quiet and under wraps. For that could be a very powerful weapon ahead. If the government does not release a certain and 100% correct version of events, then all someone has to do is wait, let them run that story for a week and then release it, wow, a killer PR event that would smash things wide open.

    Are you guessing why the delay on the release of "evidence".......... ??? If its so clear cut, are you wondering why nothing is happening ? Was it in fact Team Yellow who did it to "stitch up" the red side ?

    All we can do is wait and see what the government say, and then see if anyone releases video after the event which disproves it.

    Like the French TV who showed soldiers firing ammo directly at protestors...........

  8. I'm 90% with you but there has to be a 'truce' which includes pardoning all (except those 'blacks' who sniped - they are unforgivable and must be caught and punished). It would not be wise to keep pushing the 'Thaksin' button - better to just get to a 3 month election compromise and stop the carnage. However, a caveate, I do think there has to be some sort of 'outside' monitoring of elections.

    And what if it can be proven that the grenade throwers are funded by PTP/PPP/TRT MPs or Thaksin, or were acting on orders from the red leaders? They too would then be tried on terrorism charges.

    anybody... individuals (not parties) should be held fully accountable

    Abhisit/Suthep ordered the army in, with live ammo, and people were killed with the live ammo on April 10th.

    Therefore based on this the Democrats should be dissolved and should have terrorism charges against them.

    Using live ammo against protestors is designed to "terrorize" them with fear, thats what terror is.

    If of course you wish to go down these silly emotional "thoughts for the moment" kind of nonsense.

    I am amazed at some of the nonsense spouted on here.

  9. ]

    It took me a while to see what was happening, at 1:01 is I think just a rocket, but at 0:58 just to the left of the bright light (it is in the location of the dusit thani/cafe au pain) you can clearly see a fast moving projectile, coming from lumpini park followed by a bang, there is another bang at 1:01 when the firework explodes.

    I just mention as I have read other posts who only concentrate on the bang at 1:01.

    Red leaders - you are so busted. :) .

    I missed the one that you mentioned. Can see it very clearly now. Looks to me to be the same weaponry. One projectile clearly coming from Lumpini and exploding on Silom and the other coming from the picture's right and exploding on the Sky Walk. Busted indeed.

    Hard to now deny that the grenades that came down on the roof of the SkyTrain station were fired by the same group. Busted indeed.

    The only trouble with this is that the "bright light" is about 10 metres too low to land on the roof of the upper station. Its traveling on the horizontal as well, perhaps coming down a little, not on an arc from being fired far away.

    Which is why these clips are talked about in the Yellow media but nothing "official". Its all to do with creating a mindset through the media it come from the reds, without doing it with official evidence.


    How that bright light ends up being a grenade 10M higher is only in the fantasy minds of the Yellows.

    Isn't it interesting no OFFICIAL VIDEO is released.

    This is what you call the "waiting period" - Reds probably have some video they want to show but will wait for Government to show theirs first so they can prove the government are telling lies, the government meanwhile will wait and see if the Reds released anything which might blow away their video.

    In other words the ruling party does not have an solid video evidence of what happened, if they did it would have been released yesterday morning.

    God gave people brains to think, no just to go with the propaganda flow.

  10. How does this improve the situation? So they are JUST GONNA let the red shirts n yellow shirts kill each other?

    Well now that appears to be the plan, and it sounds like a good one to me.

    The government needs a good reason to call marital law and an imminent clash between relatively sizable groups willing to kill each other in the streets of Bangkok is a good excuse for martial law. Few would argue it or accuse the military of a coup when it would be clear they were protecting unarmed, uninvolved citizens.

    The Yellows would probably go home, but I suspect the Red leaders would have a big problem. They would have to either tell their followers to go home with the usual 'we will be back' or tell the women and children to stay and fight against martial law. My guess is that the Reds' leaders would defy martial law if they couldn't work out personal deals. Reds leaders now are looking at jail sentences with some looking at death sentences now that Methee has admitted the slaughter on April 10th was pre-meditated with daily planning sessions that some of the Red leaders were present at. He has named names and locations.

    Moreover, despite expected protests to the contrary, the Silom attack came from behind the Reds' lines. That was the downside of their barricading themselves in. It delineated their area and with different camera angles of the M79 attacks (which exist) as well as an independent confirmation of a reporter of where the grenade attacks came from, it is clear the authorities have another example of a Red violent act.

    As for Abhisit, i think he will have to continue to sit back until the military has a good excuse to call martial law.


    There is reason enough for a coup already if they could, its just that the present leaders in the Army will not allow a coup. They have been asked and pressured but because the control of the army is balanced they have been unable to do it.

    Team Yellow is desperate for a coup.

    This is why Team Yellow now wants Yellow v Red fights, to again pressure and push for a coup.

    Its why Team Yellow has tried to prevent Chavilit/Somchai having their meeting with the top man.

    Team Yellow are going all out for a coup, they have the puppet Abhisit on a string and do not want to dissolve the House, they are desperate to stay in power long enough to reshuffle the military so that they can call a coup.

    Thats their plan and why there is presently stalemate.

    In order to break the stalemate Team Yellow wants more violence - which is why Chavilit/Somchai are trying to stop it happening by going above Team Yellow's head.

    Its all very simple to follow.

  11. Told my absolutely loyal (to me - farang) red shirt employee already that Sunday the Thai world would look differently. He asked back "sure?" Hope I can be sure - Methi and the grenades coverage from Lumpini Park could do the work.

    Methi - ? What difference is that going to make.

    How about the Thai soldiers held by the red shirts on April the 11th who made similar confessions but against the other side. Both sides will deny anything said, both will claim its coerced information and untrue.

    Coverage from Lumphini ? There is none. Some might be being manufactured now, but there was nothing released yesterday morning. Any real information would have been released directly, not sat around for days hidden away. Govt say from Lumphini area, Reds say likely from Government agents to create unrest and make more people anti-Red. Nothing is clear at all, the only thing that was clear was that the multicolor campaign was designed to incite violence and allow someone to get killed.

    Whats the score now ?

    Reds 19 dead

    Solidiers 5 dead

    Japan 1 dead

    Multicolors 1 dead.

    Is that how some of you here look at it ?

    Media coverage in THailand has been only of Soldiers and Multicolor deaths.

    Reds and Japan has been ignored, not shown, censored, not allowed to be on TV, not talked about, kept quiet, mention it just a little bit but make it out that they killed by other Reds and MIB

    Free and fair press in Thailand ? The media and the government of Thailand are showing themselves up very very badly in the eyes of the world.

  12. (((((On Wednesday, Thai Rath, a local mass daily, hinted that Thaksin might decide to fly into Thailand soon in order to salvage his sagging political base, with the defection of Newin Chidchob, the political kingmaker, and the possibility of the breaking apart of the Pheu Thai Party.

    Thaksin down to his last US$500 million? ))))

    What really should be said is

    The army and the Police can not touch the Red leaders because they are protected by the red shists

    If Taskin return the protection by the red shirts will be 10 times stonger

    If Taskin returns ti Thailand he will be as free as the masses that protect him allow

    Their is NO LAW & Order in Thailand

    Today Thailand is at the rule of the MOB

    wake up and face the facts

    Its all over

    Can we get this straight please.

    The "Thaksin down to his last 500m US$ and might come in" story was run in Dec 2008.

    Someone has copied it word for word on to a blog sight with a new date of April 2010. Its just propaganda. Someone who is anti-Thaksin trying to stir things up again.

    What you must remember is that since 2006 coup there has been an unprecedented campaign of hate and slur and accusation against the man kicked out in the coup. Many people following April 10th have now seen how biased and controlled the Thai media is, and they are asking questions now about everything else in the past, just how true that has all been.

    With regards to Thaksin if every Thai sits down and asks themselves "What did he do bad to me" then you will find 99.9% of the population can think of nothing he did bad for them personally.

    Control of the "populace mind" through manipulation of the media is the 21st century, it was also used quite well in the late 20th century.

    To put it bluntly, there are some people who have put everything on making Thaksin out to be a criminal, put everything on dragging his name through the dirt and finishing him off.

    For them its now 4 years down the line and yet all their work has not had the results they needed and in fact many aspects are now crumbling down revealing the naked truth of the system.

    These people have everything to lose. For the Thai population if Thaksin comes back it will have no negative effect on 99.9% of the people.

    However, for those who put everything into the coup, manufacturing "evidence" and disgracing him, his return would signal their demise.

    Retribution and revenge against them would be swift no doubt.

    Therefore you can see why a small amount of people remain so vehemently anti-Thaksin and retain control of the media, for if their near 5 year campaign of propaganda fails, they themselves know its the end of them and their families.

    For those unclear of Thailands past, when Thaksin was first elected as leader of the TRT, the people elected him with the view "we know he is corrupt but at least he will give us something". He delivered on giving them something.

    The people to this day have not forgotten that, they also knew he was corrupt so you are hardly going to succeed in turning them against him with corruption charges as every Thai knows every politician is corrupt to varying degree's so its said, something that those Yellow shirts forget in their media campaign of propaganda.

  13. Something is happening down the red stage. They are talking like it is over. Maybe some splits in the reds between stopping and going on. Confusing now Guess we will find out soon

    Sounds like reds are asking government for talks

    They have made an offer after foreign Diplomats visited the Reds rally site.

    The offer is Dissolve the House in 30 days.

    60 days of election campaign.

    Then elections.

    So 90 days from now elections.

    Great offer, lets hope Abhisit and his ilk will see sense and stop their war against these people.

    Accept it Abhisit, lets return Thailand to normal and lets have an election !!

  14. Good offer from the Reds.

    Dissolve House in 30 days. Followed by 60 days of campaigns before election.

    Meaning elections in 90 days from now.

    Excellent, lets hope Abhisit and his cronies do not now spit in the face of the people and refuse this offer. It will look very bad on them if they do.

    LOL .. you really are funny --- Abhisit made a good offer -- elections 1 year early. The reds spit on it and escalated violence. Abhisit should make the same offer again.

    Lets go back then, the Yellow side spat in the face of all Thai's when they held a coup in 2006.

    They then spat in the face of the people by putting in place a constitution by force and threat.

    They then spat again by holding elections under what was in effect martial law in places.

    They then spat again by dissolving the PPP and letting the Democrats get off for similar charges (PPP paying small parties to run in 2006, Democrats paying small parties not to run in 2005). Same offense, one dissolved and one let off.

    They then spat again in the face by arranging a "behind the scenes" parliamentary coup and getting the small parties to run with the "hated" Democrats in a coalition government.

    Or you want to forget all that........ ?

    A good offer, it came after foreign Diplomats visited the Reds area and discussed with them.

    Obviously the diplomats did not see any terrorists, perhaps lots of old people and children but not anything else ??

    Well done the Reds for listening to the Diplomats and making a good offer.

    Now its up to Abhisit to accept it, or spit in the face of the people once more.

  15. http://www.facebook.com/notes/prachatai/fo...ia/385692413892

    Former Thai senators call on government to stop blocking and manipulating media

    Statement from Former Thai Senators (2000-2006)*, “Demanding the government to stop blocking media channels and using the state-run media to present one-sided information on the crackdown of the demonstration on April 10, 2010”

    The crackdown of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) demonstration by the government security forces under the Emergency Decree on April 10, 2010 has resulted in 24 deaths of demonstrators and soldiers, more than 800 injured and many went missing. Not only have we yet to hear a straightforward and credible explanation of this tragic event from the Government, we have also seen unreasonable blockade of voices from the UDD side. Hundreds of community radios, TV stations, websites and SMS, which the government branded as “Red-shirted media” including the satellite-based People Channel television station (PTV) and Thairednews have been shut down by the Government.

    Worse, the Government has used state-owned televisions as well as private channels (such as TNN) to provide one-sided information to deny its responsibility for the tragic violence and pass the blame onto the demonstrators who simply exercise their constitutional rights to demand a fresh election by Parliament dissolution.

    Such media control by the Government and concerned agencies (especially the Centre for the Resolution of Emergency Situations (CRES), the Royal Thai Army, the Public Relations Department, TV channel 11 (NBT), TV channel 3, 5, 7, 9 and Thai PBS), is a serious violation of people’s basic rights under the Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights.

    In the name of members of the Senate 2000-2006 undersigned, we urge Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, the Democrat Party, the rest coalition parties as well as media professionals who appeared to have acceded and cooperated with the Government in providing biased information about the April 10, 2010 crackdown, to show responsibilities for the acts that led to the great loss of Thai people as follows;

    1. To immediately cancel the State of Emergency and related legal instruments in the name of national security as the said declaration and the enforcement is an unlawful act under the Constitution and laws.

    2. Stop all the obstruction of public information flows and news reports presented in print media, radio and TV stations, telecommunications, the Internet and all other kind of media, in order to return the constitutional rights to information and expression to the people.

    3. We urge media institutions and media professionals to uphold highest professional ethics by providing fact and giving equal opportunities for all concerned parties to present their information and evidence. It should stop allowing one-sided information and evidence from the government.

    Last but not least we, members of the Senate 2000-2006, express our political stance here that we consider the demonstrators demanding for the House Dissolution as an exercise of rights to demonstration in order to express their political views according to laws and democratic system under the constitutional monarchy as guaranteed in sections 3, 7, 26, 28-30,37, 39-41, 44 and 65 of the 1997 Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Please note here that we do not recognize the present Constitution (2007) which is the legacy of coup d’etat). A deprivation and violation of these rights to freedom by unlawfully using the State of Emergency Decree, therefore, is a humiliation of human dignity. This violation against people’s rights to freedom is an abuse of the state power and hence justifies the people’s invocation of natural rights to uprise against the rulers who use injustice power to govern the country as President Abraham Lincoln states:

    "Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.” By Abraham Lincoln

    * Former Senators 2000-2006

    Panat Tasneeyanond (Tak)

    Napinthon Srisanpang (Ratchaburi)

    Wiboon Shamsheun (Kalasin)

    Montri Sinthawichai (Samut-songkram)

    Sawai Phramanee (Nakhon Ratchasima)

    Boontan Dokthaisong (NakhonRatchasima)

    Prakiat Nasimma (Roi Et)

    Surachai Danaitangtrakul (Roi Et)

    Boonya Leelead (Songkhla)

    Sompong Sakawee (Songkhla)

    Khampan Pongpan (Udon Thani)

    Somkiat Soralam (Nakhon Sawan)

    Gen. Manas Aramsri (Suphanburi)

    Prateep Ungsongtham Hata (Bangkok)

    Sb-Lt. Amnuay Thaiyanont (Prachuapkhirikhan)

    Porn Penpas (Buriram)

    Pol.Gen. Wirun Fuensaeng. (Chiang Rai)

    Adul Wanchaitanawong (Mae Hong Son)

    Thaworn Kiatchaiyakorn (Chiang Mai)

    Kamnuan Chalopathump (Sing Buri)

    Pha Aksornsua (Khon Kaen)

    Amorn Nilprem (Ubon Ratchathani)

    Manu Vanitchanont (Surat Thani)

    Nanthana Songpracha (Chainat)

    Anuchart Banchongsupamitr (Uttaradit)

    Paiboon Upatising (Phuket)

    Sutat Chansaengsri (Petchabun)

    Niwet Pancharoenvorakul (Ayutthaya)

    Srimuang Charoensiri (Mahasarakham)

    Given the above and the pressure of keeping up the PR against the reds I am shocked that the alleged "BTS video camera's" footage is not all over the news and the internet if it really shows anything that can be linked to Reds.

    Any delays, like now, in releasing it will have a very detrimental effect on whether to believe its not doctored when it comes out.

    It should have been released direct into the public domain, not be talked about in the media but "no signs" of it. Delays mean generally it either shows nothing, or it shows something they do not want which needs deleting, or it needs doctoring to make it show what they want it to show.

  16. ""It is a good thing you weren't there are you might do something - throw something - at a Red Shirt and get deported. Luckily I am here in Phuket because I am so sick of seeing those neanderthals that I could spit. "

    this appalling piece of bigotry is so symptomatic of many of the posts here - remember like it or not those grouped around the

    Redshirt coalition will almost certainly win any straight election - so it might be an idea to make your peace......or at least get up to speed on the situation.

    You have to remember many posters on here are likely in Phuket, Pattaya, Samui and other places that need tourism for income and also cheap prostitutes for their bars.

    The status quo was excellent for them, cheap labour, cheap prostitutes and lots of tourists.

    The Reds have created problems with tourism and might also effect future generations of cheap prostitutes if life improves for the poor.

    Therefore you can expect many to be "pro Yellow" and "anti-red" as it effects their cash flow. And they do not generally care about Thailand, all they care about is money. They want everything the same as they are happy with the system.

    Its like the middle class in Bangkok, they do not want change as they are ok with the way things are, they get cheap cleaners, cheap nannies, cheap employees, cheap girls in the massage parlors and life is good, so the last thing they want is an upset to their way of life, I mean, how does a vibrant Isaan region with lots of factories and jobs and new hotels and roads and schools help Bangkok people ?

  17. If you notice my post (the OP) it says "tonight or the following days".

    Lets wait and see what they do tonight and in the following few days first.

    And now let me ask you.

    Did people die in the following days as I suggested in the post ?

    Yes they did, last night one. Maybe tonight some more.

    Its following a script, playing out like a soap opera.

    Open your minds to the reality of what is going on. Sadly from now until Monday there are likely to be more deaths, its going to be a hot weekend as the Yellows hiding in multicolors attempt to incite more violence and third hands possibly supply it.

    Are Team Yellow trying to mount pressure to take Anupong out and then use Martial Law ?

    Given all the "experts" its strange there is no reply to this.

    It was obvious that certain "black hands" on the anti-reds wanted to incite violence to get a martyr and make the reds look bad.

    And as I suggested it happened exactly as suggested it would.

    Sae Daeng also suggests today it was "Government men in black" who fired from a high rise in the vicinity.

    Whoever did this crime needs punishment, however the "script" with which the story went was all too obvious from well before this person died, which raises many questions marks,

  18. I think it is more to do with not allowing the dems to hold the military reshuffle, if a 'dem' general gets to head the army then it is hard for the reds in the future, and vice versa

    Getting close now, if Team Yellow get their way and rig the reshuffle how they want, then there will never be another election.

    There will be a coup once the reshuffle is done.

    Then "New Politics" will be introduced where the government is 60% "appointed" and only 40% "elected" meaning never again will any elected Political Party be able to control the country, the country will forever be run by an "appointed" government majority.

    Appointed by, well, the "old money" Elite, or Team Yellow for want of other words.

  19. If you notice my post (the OP) it says "tonight or the following days".

    Lets wait and see what they do tonight and in the following few days first.

    And now let me ask you.

    Did people die in the following days as I suggested in the post ?

    Yes they did, last night one. Maybe tonight some more.

    Its following a script, playing out like a soap opera.

    Open your minds to the reality of what is going on. Sadly from now until Monday there are likely to be more deaths, its going to be a hot weekend as the Yellows hiding in multicolors attempt to incite more violence and third hands possibly supply it.

    Are Team Yellow trying to mount pressure to take Anupong out and then use Martial Law ?

  20. Mr. Abhisit is now suggesting that he could call an election at the end of this year. That stall is dangerous and unlikely to work. The army commander suggested Monday that it might be necessary to meet the protesters' demand that the parliament be dissolved and a new election called immediately. Meanwhile, Mr. Abhisit's party is under threat of being forced from office by a court order -- just like the past two pro-Thaksin prime ministers.

    If the red shirts are so confident in their ability to win an election then the government agreeing to call elections later this year can be considered a victory as, after all, it will ensure that they will shortly be coming into power.

    The red shirts can negotiate a fixed date for the election and leave Bangkok after holding press conferences declaring how this is a victory for democracy and the voice of the people has been heard- it would appear to observers to be the moral high ground.

    Yet the red shirts press on with their current campaign, refusing to accept anything beyond immediate dissolution of the government. Why risk loss of life and potentially bring the situation to a crisis point for the sake of just a few months of time?

    But previously Abhisit thought house dissolution should be immediate, wouldn't that also solve the problem.

    Abhist also claims (as he did on CNN in his interview with Dan R. ) that the Democrats would win.

    And back then the PPP also didn't waiver. Anyhow, that is history and I find it hard to believe that the red shirts would be motivated by a grudge against Abhisit. What they should be concerned about is what is the best possible outcome for them at the moment, and risking victory in an upcoming election seems unwise unless they don't have a high level of confidence that they will win or there are other motivating factors at play here.

    The thing most people are missing and which "prevents" them from seeing a more clear picture and that leaves them "puzzled" as to why no action is being taken was raised on page 1 of this thread. Read the initial post and my post there.

    To emphasize again :

    Reds want immediate house dissolution as this prevents the military reshuffle.

    The plans in the reshuffle are to bring all pro-Yellow commanders up and then after that hold a coup before any election.

    Therefore any offer of any election after the re-shuffle is pointless, as there will be a coup before any election, just like in 2006 where a coup was held 1 month prior to the planned election.

    The military in its present form is quite "fair" in that there is sufficient balance to prevent a coup.

    The Reds want an election held under the present Military set up.

    Therefore in very simple terms one major issue of the present battle is to stop the Military reshuffle being rigged by Team Yellow, which will then firm up Team Yellow power again such that they can hold a coup before any election gets near to happening.

    This is why the Police are dis-interested, its not their fight.

    This is why the Army is split, as Army Team Not Yellow are quite happy to spoil the plans of Army Team Yellow.

    Such it is that you now have a stalemate.

    Team Yellow or Camp 1 want to shuffle and allow them to hold a coup.

    Team Red or Camp 2 are fully aware of those plans and doing their best to stop it happening.

    Why is that major aspect so difficult for many TV forum posters to understand.

  21. When I read people talking about dissolution in 4 months, Thaksin, negotiation etc.. they simply do not get it do they, they just do not understand Thailand.

    This is about a COUP, and preventing the military re-shuffle that will lead to a COUP before any election ever gets a chance to happen.

    The only way to stop it is to get the House dissolved now.

    Which is why even Annupong has said "Dissolve the House now".

    The PRO COUP group are all set to promote their clan to all lead positions and will then lead a COUP and take away all democracy. This is why you see Army, Police, Reds and everyone else all in the middle and all trying to apply pressure to get the House dissolved BEFORE the reshuffle.

    If the reshuffle is done then democracy in Thailand is dead and buried.

    Be aware of the real facts and do not fall into the abyss of believing the propaganda.

  22. Nice to see some mainstream are now picking up on what I posted weeks ago, and that this is a war between "old money" and "new money".

    The article is correct in many area's but also missed out glaring facts, and also facts which of course cannot be talked about.

    To put it bluntly this is MY OPINION, and only OPINION :

    The reason this is happening now is due to the elections in 2011.

    Democrats and Coalition parties have messed their beds and know they will lose the next election.

    Unless they can implement a coup or change the constitution they are finished.

    At present a coup is not possible, they need the "military reshuffle" in order to promote their people and then can hold a coup.

    Based on this the elections in 2011 were likely never going to happen, after the reshuffle this year a coup would be implemented prior to elections, just like in 2006, a month before elections were due.

    The "other side" of course knows of the plans for the military reshuffle and then coup and is stopping it from happening.

    Army is split and with "third party snipers" taking out any commanders they will remain doing nothing.

    Army (pro coup, pro reshuffle) can only call upon those commanders due to be promoted and "pro coup" to lead the soldiers, but they know now they will be sniper shot dead, so they will hide away.

    Army (anti coup, anti present reshuffle plans) will leak all plans to the "third party" to ensure plans can never actually happen as any commanders will be sniper shot.

    Police are simply fed up with all this bull, they hate the Army and know the Army play politics, so they just keep out of it totally, its not their fight.

    So it simply boils down to one section of the elites want a coup, so they can forever change things and replace Democracy with fake Democracy. Camp 1 = Yellow and many middle class/privileged

    The other section of the elite wants more democracy and is anti-coup and wants regime change. Camp 2 = Red and most normal Thais, the majority

    In centuries gone it was this situation that often led to countries falling, as stronger neighbors would invade while the country is in turmoil over regime change.

    Abhisit, by refusing to dissolve the house, is stuck in Camp 1, he has made his bed and there he must lie now.

    Army is split 50/50 between the camps and Camp 1 is trying to reshuffle to make Camp 1 in total Army control. And there is the problem, all laid out bare and why it is happening now, before the Military reshuffle where Camp 1 aims to put in charge all "pro Camp 1" people and then hold a coup not long after.

  23. Sadly the TV forum is filled with too many people who have no idea about things "Thai" and who sit in Ivory Towers dictating they know everything and the Army will do this and the police that.

    If you watch the link below you can see :


    Multicolor shirts have come looking for a fight, they are throwing bottles and objects at Reds.

    Police move in to move them back.

    Mutlicolors attack police.

    Police push them back while under attack from them.

    Then you see the Mullticolors are in front of "Army" lines.

    The multicolors retreat and finally run behind the army lines while chased by the police.

    Army did nothing to stop them or apprehend them.

    With regards to the attacks by grenades, all violence is wrong. People getting killed is sad and not right. However, if the leaders of the PAD/Yellow had not invoked the "Multicolor" protests again these deaths would have been avoided. That does not take anything away from whoever fired the grenades (very likely a third hand), but as ever, it takes two to tango.

    So at blame here are :

    1/ Army for letting them incite the reds.

    2/ Police for letting them incite the reds.

    3/ Leaders of Yellow who incited the multicolor groups.

    4/ Whoever shot the grenades.

    5/ Reds for being there.

    6/ Elite/Democrats for all the ills they have done from the coup in 2006 culminating into where we are today.

    Everyone is at fault

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