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Posts posted by LevelHead

  1. Levelhead

    You talk of facts and truth, yet all all I hear from you is accusations and speculation.

    Where is your evidence of this yellow sponsored forum posting conspiracy?

    Other media sources which are not allowed to be quoted or referred to on here. Sorry.

    Shall we start with facts ?

    An illegal coup happened, one which under the 1997 peoples constitution should have resulted in those carrying it being tried for treason ? YES or NO ?

    To prevent being tried for treason the coup actuators ripped up and cancelled the 1997 constitution ? YES OR NO ?

    They granted themselves immunity ? YES OR NO ?

    The justification for the coup was nothing to do with Thaksin ? YES OR NO ?

    They then set up agencies to investigate Thaksin ? YES OR NO ?

    Its normal when coups happen for the coup leaders to find the outgoing PM guilty of many things ? YES OR NO ?

    There are lots of speculation and accusation against Thaksin, but people who carried out in reality things Thaksin is simply accused of, but never did, appear to be not the focus of attention of where the problems in Thailand all started from.

    I did not dodge the question.

    I answered it in the first line.

    There are other media sources with the information, however as per the rules of TV I am not allowed to mention them or refer to them

    So sorry, I am unable to answer the question.


  2. Levelhead

    You talk of facts and truth, yet all all I hear from you is accusations and speculation.

    Where is your evidence of this yellow sponsored forum posting conspiracy?

    Other media sources which are not allowed to be quoted or referred to on here. Sorry.

    Shall we start with facts ?

    An illegal coup happened, one which under the 1997 peoples constitution should have resulted in those carrying it being tried for treason ? YES or NO ?

    To prevent being tried for treason the coup actuators ripped up and cancelled the 1997 constitution ? YES OR NO ?

    They granted themselves immunity ? YES OR NO ?

    The justification for the coup was nothing to do with Thaksin ? YES OR NO ?

    They then set up agencies to investigate Thaksin ? YES OR NO ?

    Its normal when coups happen for the coup leaders to find the outgoing PM guilty of many things ? YES OR NO ?

    There are lots of speculation and accusation against Thaksin, but people who carried out in reality things Thaksin is simply accused of, but never did, appear to be not the focus of attention of where the problems in Thailand all started from.

  3. Good post . My gf is from nearby Khorat (small village) and of course pro Thaksin 100%.

    The dems REALLY need to get their story out .

    What story would that be ?

    Have borrowed money and put Thailand into debt but nobody knows where the money went ? Have committed electon fraud and got away with a Yellow card only (thanks elite) ? Have put the eilte first and the people and democracy in second place ? Do not care about the concerns of the majority of the Thai population ? Are happy to be put into power by the elite when the people never elected them to power ? Have likely received illegal donations and should be dissolved but are managing to keep that under wraps and prevent any resolution being made on the case ?

    The truth of the matter is the last elections were held under the control of the coup appointed government. Massive amounts of money were spent "educating" the PPP area's in why they should not vote PPP it seems. Massive amounts of intelligence gathering was done on all PPP candidates, where they went, who they spoke to, what they did etc..

    And yet, even under those conditions PPP won.

    If elections were held now for sure PPP would win with a big majority, which is why the "appointed and not elected" present government do not want elections.

    Follow the UK example, call an election in a month and dissolve the House.

  4. I'm now starting to understand why forum's such as this seem to have such a heavy helping of pro-govt supporters. Those on the other side are not even allowed under the law to make their points. Several excellent articles have been published in the Economist explaining things... of course all of those issues are banned and we can't even discuss those.

    No wonder this is suchg a cluster-f for the pro-govt anti-reds. No wonder I only find myself visiting this forum only every once in a blue moon. It's pointless!

    Well said.

    Its also well known the Yellow shirts signed up thousands of user names across the internet on all sorts of site in order to spread their rumours and lies against Thaksin, TRT, PPP etc...

    They see "media" as their power, their ability to influence and sway opinion as the "poor" in Thailand have no access to it, it allows Yellows to roam free and attempt to distort the truth and sway opinion to their way of thinking.

    A good idea by the Yellows it must be said, using something where they are strong and where their opponents are weak to their maximum advantage.

    However, the biased views have led to many untruths being told and the attempt to whitewash illegal events that their supporters did, which is now leading to more and more coming out and putting them into their place and correcting their untruths and opinions attempted to being portrayed as "truth" and "fact".

  5. Very similar with my wife's family, although I have to travel up to Isaan very regularly for business and spend a lot of time out and about near Kalasin.

    My wife's family are normally very reticent, but a cousin of hers who is in the police let go the other day about Abhisit doesn't care about the countryside and he can't understand how life is up here. People spouted up about the army and how they don't let the people really have a true say. It was quite a speech and basically everyone was nodding in agreement.

    As for the farmers themselves, well they are so piss poor that I can't blame them for loving Thaksin. But also they don't understand what the current government is trying to do for them so that is the next job for the Dems to carry out. They need to get their story out there.

    Good post . My gf is from nearby Khorat (small village) and of course pro Thaksin 100%.

    The dems REALLY need to get their story out .

    Well therein lies the real problem for free and fair elections.

    The TRT/ PPP / PTP street branches work effectively using violence,

    and intimidation to prevent ALL other voices from being heard up north.

    Control the information, control the people.

    Control how the people think, by demonizing the opposition,

    and never letting the opposition speak for themselves, you win elections.

    And thus control.

    Of course they need to get their message out,

    and it is being blocked and being replaced by lies

    and half truths twisted the local puyai's and their masterss benefits.


    Yes, its a massive problem with most of the media moguls being Yellow.

    They support only "anti Thaksin" rhetoric.

    Even the army allocated budgets and spent money "educating" the poor on how to be anti-Thaksin.

    With so much of the media and so much effort by government agencies against them its a wonder the PPP won the last election.

    But there you go, the people are stronger than the word twisters and biased media.

    The Yellow supporters here will not let you know that much money and effort was spent against the PPP last election, and still the Democrats lost.

  6. Its nice to see the UK government dissolving parliament in a few days and then calling elections in a month (yes just 1 month).

    Its easy to do and why are the Democrats/BJT not doing it ?

    Of course, should it happen to be that way that there is "vote buying" it takes lots of time to get money into various bank accounts via 3rd and 4th parties so you then hand it out during election campaigns, firstly you must borrow from Japan and other countries, then you must have some big government stimulus projects, then it must be siphoned off and spread about and then moved around and then put into small amounts. The last part possibly takes 9 months. Lets hope none of that happens and THailand has clean elections.

    So to prevent the chances of vote buying, a snap election in a month or two would be great for Thailand and great for Democracy !!

    If Gordon can, so can you Abhisit !

    It would be good to see the Red leaders talk about this today and ask Abhisit for a comment on it. Why does he need 9 months ?

  7. [in my village in Surin, there is 0% supporting the redshirt protest. There used to be 60% THAI RAK THAI/PHEU THAI supporters.

    Interesting. I've just come back from spending a week in a village in Surin. Based on informal conversations with many folks in the village, listening to their banter etc I would put the distribution there at about:

    Pro-Red: 70%

    Pro-Government: 10%

    Undecided: 20%

    That would be about correct for the majority of the country, a small amount of Yellow, a large amount of Red and a few with no colour.

    Of course down South (sparse population) it the Yellow and Red figures would reverse but they are a minority of the Thai population.

    I think Abhisit knows this, which is why he is not attacking the reds for fear of losing even more support in the next election.

    Annupong also knows this IMO, which is why he is doing nothing too.

    The only people who do not "accept" this are the Yellows and the English language papers and other papers under "Yellow" control.

  8. FAce it farangs. You dont really want democracy in Thailand.

    You already have it plenty in your own country.

    But you chose to be here.

    Aristrocracy in the other hand, give benefits to you a lot more.

    Cheap labor, higher status, money worship etc.

    The way you trying to bash Thaksin is the ONLY way you can look down the Reds.

    Just because Reds love Thaksin doesnt mean they are idiots.

    Reds love Thaksin not because he is a goodman. Take that in your ignorant face.

    Aristrocracy never let people choose one. And they will NEVER allow thais to have one.

    Thais are sadly 'forced' to adore one person.

    If you are educated enough, you should know it by now.

    WELL SAID !!!

    Excellent and welcome.

    You will notice lots of sad little petty comments against my posts, very purile but please, if these Yellow loving people attempt to flame you and incite you, ignore them.

    Keep to discussing the facts, facts they avoid like the plague.

    Facts are what sets people free, for it reveals the truth, it reveals double standards, it reveals all.

    Lets keep to good discussion on here and can you who do it please stop the purile little comments attempting to be "abusive".

  9. so you think those thai people in facebook are actually farang with multiple account (200,000) and made up their thai names and writing thai scripts on facebook?

    i think you haven't eaten yet.

    One person can sign up 100,000 user names, there are no restictions. Google translate can write in Thai for you.

    If 10,000 PAD members signed up for 20 names each, you have 200K.

    Think about it, why would anyone put a "poll" on facebook which the majority of the millions of Thai people do not even use ?????? Unless its there as a tool of the Yellow shirt PAD.

    It is not representative of anything due the ease with which it can be manipulated and abused.

  10. Its nice to see the UK government dissolving parliament in a few days and then calling elections in a month (yes just 1 month).

    Its easy to do and why are the Democrats/BJT not doing it ?

    Of course, should it happen to be that way that there is "vote buying" it takes lots of time to get money into various bank accounts via 3rd and 4th parties so you then hand it out during election campaigns, firstly you must borrow from Japan and other countries, then you must have some big government stimulus projects, then it must be siphoned off and spread about and then moved around and then put into small amounts. The last part possibly takes 9 months. Lets hope none of that happens and THailand has clean elections.

    So to prevent the chances of vote buying, a snap election in a month or two would be great for Thailand and great for Democracy !!

    If Gordon can, so can you Abhisit !

  11. The "truth" needs to be out there for all to see.

    Those who want to see freedom from oppression for the Thai people from the rich elite need to demonsrate and stand up for the cause, in many different ways.

    One way is to be on the street. There are many other ways to spread the truth and stop and "Yellow" rumour makers from spreading lies and distorting history to suit their claims.

    The majoirty of Thai's support the reds by being silent - they are working, they are afraid of their Yellow shirt bosses and losing their job, they are afraid of government sponsered violence, they are afraid of "Buri Ram" violent elements, they are too poor to travel to Bangkok, they are not strong enough to endure the heat - there are a 1001 reasons why more are not on the streets, however they all support the reds.

    Simple fact is, with media advertising of an anti-red gathering all they seemed to muster was old Yellow shirts with new Pink shirts and less than 1000, on a Saturday when its a day off.

    That tells you in plain simple terms there is not "anti red" feeling from the majority out there in Bangkok and Thailand.

    Most anti-red rheotirc is in the English language papers and on the English language internet forums (mostly Yellow supporters ????? ) :)

  12. Facebook? What is facebook?

    Most PAD people have access to Facebook.

    Most UDD people have not even heard of Microsoft, not to mention Facebook.

    Majority of Thai's no not use any "social" networking pages.

    Thai's remain real people who live in families, who meet face to face and eat together and drink together.

    Unlike flakey farangs who think that a computer "socal network" is important.

    The younger Thai's use Tagged and Hi-5 and do not use facebook, that is only a very tiny percentage.

    Therefore a poll, where anyone in the world can vote (not restricted to Thai ISP's), where the majority of users will be flakey farang or PAD activists and probably many multiple user accounts (1 person having 10 or more user ID's) is not representative of anything.

    What is representative is people on the streets in Red. The local silent majority of people supporting the reds and not getting involved in anti-Red protests. The absolute (and I mean near absolute now) support from the whole North and North East, the major population of Thailand who are cheering on the Reds.

    The simple fact the government is unable to do anything.

    The government is weak, very weak, it does not have the support of the people, it was not the "elected" government, it is a fake "coalition of the greedy" and it needs to be dissolved and new elections held.


    A lot of people in Issan are bored to death with the red shirts, ask my neighbours.

    In a poll 2 days ago 42% of those polled want the government to continue.

    The government is not weak, Anupong is. He wouldn't take action against the PAD and he won't against the UDD. He doeasn't want to be remembered like Sujinda.

    In my village in Surin, there is 0% supporting the redshirt protest. There used to be 60% THAI RAK THAI/PHEU THAI supporters.

    Thank you for polling every single person in the village, did you conduct a "private poll" allowing them to vote behind closed doors ? or an open poll ?

    However, I do not believe your findings, thats my choice :)

  13. You have no reason to fear, the Reds are a civilised bunch, not hurting anyone and will party with you if you want. You are free to access any area of Bangkok, the Reds are not blocking any access by foot or BTS.

    I have walked among the Reds, talked to them, been with them and they really are nice people and the majority (whether they like Thaksin or not) want Democracy back for their country.

    The sooner the Yellows and their "its all about Thaksin" rhetoric becomes ignored, the better. Its not only about Thaksin, its about Democracy now and the way the elite screw the normal people all the time.

    If it's not all about Thaksin, why aren't the red leaders (Thaksin's puppets) accepting a compromise of election 12 months before they are due?

    If it's not all about Thaksin, why aren't the red leaders (Thaksin's puppets) discussing with the government about projects to help the poor?

    If it's not all about Thaksin, why are the red leaders even mentioning Thaksin in their speeches? Why are the red leaders saying "When Thaksin is back, you will all get more money"?

    It's all about Thaksin. It's all about Thaksin's money.

    If its about the love the Thai people why will the government not accept elections in 2 or 3 months ? Do they love Thai people or money ?

    The Reds want Democracy, and an "elected by the people" government who will then serve the people, not the elite.

    Not all Red leaders mention Thaksin all the time, as has been said his supporters are part of the Red movement, but not "all" the Red movement, they are just a sub faction because they think he was illegally outed in a coup. which he was. So he has cause for complaint. If you are the Democratically elected PM and an illegal coup kicks you out, then you have been wronged by illegal actions. Yes or no ?

    Its not about Thaksin, its not about his money.

    ITS ALL about Democracy !

  14. Facebook? What is facebook?

    Most PAD people have access to Facebook.

    Most UDD people have not even heard of Microsoft, not to mention Facebook.

    Majority of Thai's no not use any "social" networking pages.

    Thai's remain real people who live in families, who meet face to face and eat together and drink together.

    Unlike flakey farangs who think that a computer "socal network" is important.

    The younger Thai's use Tagged and Hi-5 and do not use facebook, that is only a very tiny percentage.

    Therefore a poll, where anyone in the world can vote (not restricted to Thai ISP's), where the majority of users will be flakey farang or PAD activists and probably many multiple user accounts (1 person having 10 or more user ID's) is not representative of anything.

    What is representative is people on the streets in Red. The local silent majority of people supporting the reds and not getting involved in anti-Red protests. The absolute (and I mean near absolute now) support from the whole North and North East, the major population of Thailand who are cheering on the Reds.

    The simple fact the government is unable to do anything.

    The government is weak, very weak, it does not have the support of the people, it was not the "elected" government, it is a fake "coalition of the greedy" and it needs to be dissolved and new elections held.


  15. Thailand is near meltdown.

    The baht is too strong--artificially so.

    Farmers are hungry.

    Thailand is cooking in heat.

    The riots are near.

    Read the book

    Burn baby Burn--The riots in LA in the heat of summer.

    The riots here would be much more violent.

    I'm on my way to Bangkok in an hour for a medical procedure and some shopping...and for some reason have no fear...

    You have no reason to fear, the Reds are a civilised bunch, not hurting anyone and will party with you if you want. You are free to access any area of Bangkok, the Reds are not blocking any access by foot or BTS.

    I have walked among the Reds, talked to them, been with them and they really are nice people and the majority (whether they like Thaksin or not) want Democracy back for their country.

    The sooner the Yellows and their "its all about Thaksin" rhetoric becomes ignored, the better. Its not only about Thaksin, its about Democracy now and the way the elite screw the normal people all the time.

  16. I have many RED friends who dislike Thaksin. They protest for something else BUT Thaksin. Something which I rather let you guess.

    I am sure you do not believe such people existed, because all the government tells you, is that all the RED represent is Thaksin, and Thaksin alone.

    Fooled by Thai media?

    Sadly the local English language press is extremely biased against Thaksin, one of them is pure Yellow (you know who that is) and the other has Yellow tendencies. This all being to their owners.

    This has led to many local farang being fooled hook line and sinker into beleiving all the anti-Thaksin stuff printed, even if only 10% is true and 90% is just "opinion", these farang beleive it 100% and lap it up.

    The ability to control this has been noted by the Yellows and why they implant supporters on to web boards and all the English language sources of potential news they can.

    Just stick to the facts I say, speak the facts.

    Notice how not one of these so called "love the law" posters has answered by questions on the coup.

    The coup was illegal under the 1997 consitition, the coup leaders ripped up that constitition of the people, changed the law and granted themselves immunity. They then put in place an "AEC" in order to find (or is it find or make?) evidence and prosecute Thaksin. They changed top judiciiary and the Election Commission amongst others.

    Real hard facts, real things done. And yet this is ignored but we see Thaksin "accused" of wanting immunity, and yet people who changed the law and did it are not talked about ?

    Yes, most farang have been fooled by the local English language media.

  17. Some people here have absolutely no clue about democracy and it's like in the swimming pool: most of the noise is at the shallow end.

    1. In a parliamentary democracy you do not vote for a party, you vote for a person. It doesn't matter if the name of his party is X or Y. MPs, who used to belong to the PPP are still in parliament, although now in the Phueaw Thai Party. No re-election necessary

    2. a member of the parliament is only bound by the constitution and the laws. Not by the party whips and not by the right or wrong expectations of those who voted for him. He is free to change the party he belongs to and he is free to form alliances with whom ever we wants. This is not against the constitution, not against the law and not against the principles of democracy.

    3. During the 2007 elections, some parties announced to go with the Democrats but later changed sides and formed the government under Samak. Did anyone then cry FOUL and that's against democracy? Did anyone then claim the PPP government is illegal? No. Because it was not.

    4. The PPP government was caught twice breaking the law, even though meanwhile they had changed the name of their party to Pheuaw Thai, but their cheating could not save them. You might question if those MP belonging to the former PPP should not all be banned from politics for cheating. You might question if it is not against the spirit of the law to simply print a new letter head and go on as if the court verdict had never happened. But be this it may, both governments, of Samak and of Somchai were legal.

    5. And when some MPs who used to belong to the parties who had previously formed the government, formed a new party and joined forces with the democrats, that was also an absolutely legal and even legitimate step. No law were broken, no constitution violated. They formed a new legal and legitimate government.

    6. Of course, the Thaksin cronies and followers were not happy. But if this new government would not have been legal, believe me, someone would have filed a law suit. Thais love to bombard political enemies with law suits. (Remember Thaksin suing a journalist for revealing the truth about the cracks in the Suvarnaphum airport?).

    7. LevelHead, nobody ever voted for Phueaw Thai party and yet they are in the parliament. Do you claim they should be kicked out?

    You know, by repeating a lie, it doesn't become truth, it only becomes a stupid lie and reflects on those who repeat it.

    The discussion here would greatly benefit from posts of people who have a minimum of knowledge of democracy, law, political science and even history.

    I think you miss the point that the politicians who changed to BJT were said to be "paid well" to change sides and offered Ministry positions and power and influence to join the coalition. Many double standards occured from your 1 to 6. Blatent abuses of power and blatent breaking of the rules that was overlooked.

    However, to get to item 7 I agree, the moment that PPP was dissolved there should have been another election, end of story. This was expected as it was expected both the PPP and Democrats would be dissolved. EG they both got caught so fairly they both should be punished.

    However, strangely that did not happen. I wonder why ?????

    You seem to ingore all the abuses by everyone else and concentrate only on PPP, why is that ?

    Is it because the CNS shuffled EC and Judiciary determined that the CNS preferred Democrats should be able to do what others cannot ?

    Democracy is not a coup.

    Democracy is not changing the regulators and finding all your enemies guilty of everything but allowing your friends to get away with everything.

    Democracy is not the elite behind the scenes agreeing to form a coalition and buying off small parties and other MP's.

    You need to learn what Democracy is, and what it is not.

  18. Rainman, I would like to call you on 2 distinct lies in recent posts:

    1/ the EC was set up by the military. Actually it was formed in 1998. Do you have proof that there was a wholesale change of commissioners subsequent to the coup?

    2/ The democrats were found guilty of vote buying. The decision by the EC is due 20/4/10. Do you have insider knowledge that you would like to share?

    Rainman, I suggest calm level headed responses. There appears to be certain elements that throw abusive and stupid comments aroiund hoping to incite a response to get you banned. No need to stoop down to their gutter level, stick with the facts and take it easy. It should be about discussion, not an argument.

    OzMick, you appear to have very little knowledge of what has been going on in Thailand for years.

    Let me give you a brief update, it goes "something" like this :

    TRT won a number of elections.

    Thaksin gave to the poor by taking some from the rich elite.

    Thaksin did some deals which might be immoral but were legal.

    Rich elite did not like TRT keeping winning elections.

    Yellows come out on the streets, demonstrating even in front of Siam Paragon at times.

    Coup, sponsered by "unkowns" happens on the basis of something unrelated to Thaksin. "CNS" takes power.

    CNS rips up the peoples 1997 constitution, gives themselves immunity.

    Assets Examnination Committee is made up by the CNS

    Top Judiciary is changed by the CNS.

    Re-shuffles all over the place by the CNS.

    TRT dissolved but Democrats get away with no dissolution.

    New constitution put into place.

    Election Committee shuffled as well by CNS.

    Elections held, International Observers refused role by the interim CNS appointed government.

    PPP candidates "watched" all over Thailand to find any excuse to dissolve or red card them.

    PPP win.

    Elite not happy.

    Yellow shirts back out again on the streets.

    PPP dissolved "red card" for vote buying. Democrats not dissolved "yellow card" for vote buying.

    Elite "behind the scenes" manouvering invents new political party (never taken part in any election)

    Elite "negotiate" with many dissolved PPP members to join the new party (BJT)

    Claims made the BJT members were "purchased", offered lots of money to turn their back on PTP and join BJT and then join coalition.

    Chance for them to have some power in return for being BJT and going into the coalition.

    PTP not happy on multiple counts of "double standards".

    People of Thailand not happy with "unelected" government.

    Red shirt movement is formed to demand new elections.

    Democrats found it seems to have broken election laws in regards to donations, "red card" level meaning dissolution punishment same as TRT and PPP

    Case is put into the "slow as possible" tray.

    Drags on for over a year.

    Still dragging on.

    And drags on.

    and on

    and on

    and on

    More revent events you are aware of......... ?

  19. Things going very well, nice peaceful protests.

    The media seems in alarmist mode, but you have to expect that given its Yellow bias due to its owners.

    The reds have taken control of a few fire engines, promising not to damage them but to not allow them to be used against protesters.

    Some morons are now saying they are damaging state property and to call the troops in..... :)

    Some people are so emotionally involved in this "I hate Thaksin" game that they have lost their senses. The Reds are about returning Democracy, get over it.

    Thaksin is a small part of the Reds as he was ousted by an coup and found guilty to charges laid by a coup appointed committee by a coup appointed judiciiary.

    The Reds are bigger that Mr T. this is now about democracy and the return, finally, of the power to the people to have free elections to vote for their government, not the government the elite have put into place by using the courts and behind the scenes manipulation.

    The protests are not about democracy. They are about Thaksin. They are only about Thaksin.

    Sorry but that is totally wrong. Thaksin is a small part of this, as he too feels he has been done in by the coup leaders and what they did.

    This is larger than him, as has been reported in the free press that is not biased.

    Even posters on here have confirmed by talking with reds at the protest area that this is not all about Thaksin, its about the return of Democracy.

    Why will Yellow shirts not accept this ? Its because people will rally behind the cause of Democracy.

    So the Yellow's keep trying to say its all about Thaksin to try to weaken the Reds.

    But, if you wish to beleive its all about him, thats your choice, but its not. Please go speak to the Reds at the protest area, many are there for Democracy, yes some are there for their support of Thaksin, but many others are not.

  20. Burma - Military took over. Military Coup. Military appointed the judiciary. Military appoited all sorts of committee's to investigate and arrest people they do not like.

    Thailand - Military took over. Military Coup. Military made changes to the judiciary. Military appointed ASC to investigate the man they kicked out.

    Whats not different ? Seems to be lots of "similarities".

    Another "fake red" brought in to discredit the movement with insane rants? The only explanation. :D You forgot to call Thaksin the Suu Kyi of Thailand to complete the laughs.


    What I think is sad is that most here "avoid" mention of the law when it comes to the coup, what the coup leaders did and them changing the law and granting themselves immunity.

    Some here seem to think its ok to accuse Thaksin of wanting to be a dictator (for which there is no proof at all) and accuse him of wanting immunity (again with no proof) BUT THEN ignore people who did change the law and did grant themselves immunity.

    There is not one shred of proof behind the claims of "dictator" or "immunity for Thaksin" other than allegations by the Yellow shirts, no proof at all, and yet where there is real proof of law changes and immunity, the so called "lets have rule of law" posters ignore it.

    Strange ?????? Very IMO.

  21. Sorry, but what on Earth is going on with this Nation reporter who posts as "Webfact"? I have been following the locked thread for NEWS updates. This is one of the latest statement from this "journalist" regarding the PM:

    He is taking full responsibility. He has character. He is best to ask for our support. UDD WANTS violence.

    What the fk kind of reporting is this? Its just as bad as the red shirts. Its like watching little kids. "Am Not!" "Yes you Are" "No I'm Not" I hate You!".....

    In all seriousness, who owns The Nation and who pulls the strings there?

    I think today "The Nation" went passed just being biased as a Yellow supporting agency, some working there appear to have lost the plot totally now and are probably boiling with resentment that the Reds have so much support from the local people ??? I simply do not know, the bias is not subtle now, its loud.

    Most strange, as you say.

  22. You do have to actually commit a crime before you can be arrested (well that is unless they make something up as a crime you did).

    So the truth is "arrest warrants" have been issued but with "no names" filled in. If any of the leaders commit a crime they will fill in the details and arrest them.

    However, until they actually commit a crime, as opposed to expressing their rights under the constitition as a Thai citizen, they cannot be arrested.

    Its all very simple to understand, unless you beleive the nonsense being spouted by the Yelllow shirt propganda engine which is working overtime at the moment.

    Oooops sorry I completely forgot it was you, the same guy posting yesterday that has NO clue as to what is actually happening of the legality of anything being done. Don't know how to break it to you but a number of the RED leaders have warrants outstanding already and they have in fact broken Thai law during their little sit in. You should really refrain from posting if you have no clue what you are talking about... IMHO

    Try reading from other media sources. The Nation article fails to mention "no names" but other media sources correctly say "no names filled in".

    Open your mind, do not get oppressed by the "Yellow" view, what they spout is very wrong at times.

  23. I fail to see how people demanding that Democracy is returned to them is "anarchy".

    Anarchy actually means there are no leaders. So how can there be anarchy if there is a leadership.

    I find the amount of scare mongering in the Yellow owned media quite amusing.

    The simple fact is that Democracy was crushed in Thailand and the rule of law was not obeyed by the coup leaders and that problem has resulted in all problems to this day.

    Democracy was crushed once by men with guns and secondly by people appointed by the men with guns.

    Until free and fair elections are held then Democracy remains crushed in Thailand.

    The government came to power by courts and manipulation behind the scenes and is not "Elected" by the people.

    This is the problem and a problem that is easy to resolve.

    Simply dissolve the lower house, say there will be elections in 3 months and in the interim period a "unity government" will oversee the period leading up to elections.

    The Reds would accept this.

    How do YOU know the REDS would accept that offer?

    If that is the case why did THEY not offer that instead of saying 15 days or nothing over and over again?

    Seems like you have your own agenda that has NOTHING to do with the REDS

    They have democracy right now or they would have been run over by Tanks quite a while ago... please tone down the hyperbole...

    Its called negotiation.

    One side starts at 9 months and says it over and over again, so the other says 15 days over and over again.

    You negotiate until a reasonable middle period is agreed upon.

    Look at both sides, not just one.

    This government coaliton was not elected by the people, and therefore the people want Democracy back and to be allowed to vote for the government of their choice.

  24. This court decision that leaders can only be arrested on stage i.e. while actually committing a crime, seems very strange to me. If they are observed, and probably videoed, committing a crime, why can't they be arrested as quietly as possible.

    To force your way through a large crowd would be difficult, lead to chaos, and probably be ultimately futile, the birds would fly the coop. On the other hand, how difficult would it be to determine at which hotel they are staying, and do a 3am arrest? If the fat cats had to endure the conditions of the protesters, this whole thing would be over much sooner. Hope they enjoyed the croissants!

    You do have to actually commit a crime before you can be arrested (well that is unless they make something up as a crime you did).

    So the truth is "arrest warrants" have been issued but with "no names" filled in. If any of the leaders commit a crime they will fill in the details and arrest them.

    However, until they actually commit a crime, as opposed to expressing their rights under the constitition as a Thai citizen, they cannot be arrested.

    Its all very simple to understand, unless you beleive the nonsense being spouted by the Yelllow shirt propganda engine which is working overtime at the moment.

  25. I fail to see how people demanding that Democracy is returned to them is "anarchy".

    Anarchy actually means there are no leaders. So how can there be anarchy if there is a leadership.

    I find the amount of scare mongering in the Yellow owned media quite amusing.

    The simple fact is that Democracy was crushed in Thailand and the rule of law was not obeyed by the coup leaders and that problem has resulted in all problems to this day.

    Democracy was crushed once by men with guns and secondly by people appointed by the men with guns.

    Until free and fair elections are held then Democracy remains crushed in Thailand.

    The government came to power by courts and manipulation behind the scenes and is not "Elected" by the people.

    This is the problem and a problem that is easy to resolve.

    Simply dissolve the lower house, say there will be elections in 3 months and in the interim period a "unity government" will oversee the period leading up to elections.

    The Reds would accept this.

    Who cares what the Reds want? They are just one small part of the people that make up Thailand and when they pull the BS they are pulling now ... only an utter moron would believe they should have any part of running this country. Here is one of the Red leaders now rallying the troops to come to BKK ...

    The majority of the people of Thailand support the Reds.

    Thats the major issue and why the government is very very scared to do anything against them

    You say who cares what they want ? Well, they want Democracy.

    I think that is very relevent.

    Hold an electon in 2 months time and see who wins, then you will see why the present minority running the country do not want elections to be held until as late as possible.

    The Reds rejected the 9 months as the government said "9 months and change the consititution" which would have meant following a year of wrangling there would be no early dissoluton, it would take the full 1 year and 9 months the present government has. And in 9 months when they do not step down who is going to support another rally with just 12 months left.......

    Please, think about the games being played on both sides and understand more.

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