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Posts posted by LevelHead

  1. I have said before, as have others, but sadly its been drowned out by the Yellows as the truth does not support their cause.

    So, I will say it again.

    All political parties "vote buy", they have for decades HOWEVER it is a "neutral" thing.

    They all give to the same people, so someone in Udon gets 500 baht from PPP, 500 baht from Democrat, 500 baht from whoever else.

    They pocket all the money and then they decide who they want to vote for. So its a non-effect.

    These "promoters" come around in the middle of the night, waking everyone up as the dogs all bark, and deliver the money.

    HOWEVER, the Yellows decided vote buying was a good thing to say only THaksin did, and its why he won, any easy excuse for them to say he purchased his votes.

    THEY KNEW full well all parties do it, however that is not good for their propaganda against Thaksin, for if everyone does it then it becomes a nothing, however if they can twist it so only Thaksin is accused of it, it serves them well for years as a propaganda tool.

    NOW IT COMES full circle, and so rightly so.

    You can guess what the donations are for........ :)

    And now Abhisit and the Democrats are guilty.

    So everyone in Thailand can now say how bad Abhisit is, how corrupt the Democrats are. All those accusing TRT and PPP of vote buying can now enjoy accusing Abhisit and the Democrats of the very same thing.

    Lots of egg on faces now, shame it took 21 people to die before the EC finally becoming "fair" again and not one sided.

    I think its probably quite clear the money went to vote buying and so it should be not only the executive, but perhaps all Democrat MP's should be banned for 5 years.

    Sadly, I think this is just a softening policy before a Yellow backed coup is attempted. Watch out for a coup in the coming weeks, this time it might also not be a "bloodless" one.

    Likely it will be attempted and then a "New Politics" type appointed government put in place to finally end all Democracy for the moment.

  2. The government said there was no live ammo.

    That was a lie.

    They then said there was some but only fired in the air to scare.

    Then the story changed to it was only fired into the air OR only used when necessary.


    Perhaps they saw this video leaked out and had to change their story fast ?

    Looks to me clearly the soldiers are firing directly at the people at the end of this video on this report.



  3. BBC just announced head of army calls for dissolution of government.

    Who controls these people.

    This would be the same man who, when the police used tear gas (purchased from China long ago) that killed a yellow or two when they were illegally and against the constitution stopping parliament for meeting (a far worse crime than most), called on the then PM Somchai to resign and who said if the Army ever killed anyone like that in crown control operations like the police did, he would resign.

    Have not heard any request for Abhisit to resign, or any offering of resignations from anywhere else.

    Wonder why ?

    So many things are coming full circle now, this is the Buddhist way...................

    Also do not forget coup leader Sondthi in 2006 who said he was not interested in politics.............. who now is of course in politics in 2010.

  4. Looks like someone has finally bitten back at the BP and TN about their irresponsible bias for many years in supporting the yellow and being anti red. TN is always accused of being yellow, and does not really attempt to hide it if you read their articles and opinon, and BP has yellow owners which explains their actions, is what many say

    http://<URL Automatically Removed>/2...r-f-k-up-lives/


    Also saw a letter in the BP today moaning about their bias. Perhaps the BP owners have decided that with most of the country sympathetic to the reds now, it might be better for sales to be a little less biased ?

  5. BBC just announced head of army calls for dissolution of government.

    Who controls these people.

    This would be the same man who, when the police used tear gas (purchased from China long ago) that killed a yellow or two when they were illegally and against the constitution stopping parliament for meeting (a far worse crime than most), called on the then PM Somchai to resign and who said if the Army ever killed anyone like that in crown control operations like the police did, he would resign.

    Have not heard any request for Abhisit to resign, or any offering of resignations from anywhere else.

    Wonder why ?

    So many things are coming full circle now, this is the Buddhist way...................

  6. Where can we see pictures of the terrorists as the govt. described them who shot the red shirts? My staff said she saw in a Thai newspaper. Dressed in all black with black masks. This is some sick stuff here. I wonder who hired them. Their is motive everywhere you look.

    The red leader Sae Daeng has already admitted they were his. Thaksin needs the violence to overthrow this government. Martyrs do most of the work for Thaksin as no government in Thailand seems to last long after violence on the streets.

    Arisman, Sae daeng, Nattawutt, Jatuporn, Veera, Dr Weng, etc have all called for violence for quite awhile now ... why? Thaksin needs it.

    Reds on the board here have stated that the Reds won when they got Abhisit to agree to talk and then agree to dissolve parliament early. Why didn't the reds take that "win"? Simply because Thaksin cannot have an organized government in place that stands for the rule of law for that long. Thaksin MUST get the government replaced before the charter is ammended (via referendum) and before next year's budget is set, and before the military reshuffle.

    I wondered about that myself. Govt said okay, they will dissolve at end of year. Reds said no. Must be now. Seemed a bit odd. What happens after the charter is amended that would spell the end to Thaksin's hope of a comeback?

    What "win" ?

    The Reds want Democracy now, and and end to the elites corrupt hold on power since the coup. They want an end to what is now a very basic lack of any "checks and balance".

    If someone beats you up, takes your children and your money and leaves you with nothing how do you feel ?

    If they give you back one child but keep the others and your money, do you accept that "win" ?

    Given the lies being pumped out now, and the media propaganda, can you be sure that if they agree to elections now they will not change their mind later ?

    They said "9 months is the earliest". Impossible quicker.

    Now they say "well it can be quicker".

    So they lied about 9 months !

    Whoever said 9 months and lied, obviously now has blood on their hands for causing the events that followed.

  7. The government first said

    No live ammo.

    Then they changed the story to "some had live ammo but only shot in the air, none fired at protestors" (although how they know that given the darkness and lack of control is anyones guess)

    Finally they said some had live ammo but only shot in the air OR used in when circumstances needed it.

    The outright lie of "no live ammo" has now been buried under later denials of differing things.

    Why does the story keep changing ? Changing of the story means you are telling lies ? Why the need to tell lies ?

    If you have sent soldiers in with live ammo as part of their options, you can expect people to be killed. Abhisit and Suthep agreed to and authorized the use of force. They sent troops in with batons, shields, rubber bullets (themselves possibly lethal) and also LIVE AMMO.

    The UDD have shown lots of live ammo on the stage, taken from government forces.

    Suddenly now its all Osama Bin Laden ilk and friends causing the trouble ??????? Pull the other one.

  8. I have not posted for 36 hours, out of respect for the dead, as I said I would pause whilst the loss of life occurred.

    There must be an immediate enquiry set up. Independent and not involving any Yellow shirts at all.

    The government first said

    No live ammo.

    Then they changed the story to "some had live ammo but only shot in the air, none fired at protestors" (although how they know that given the darkness and lack of control is anyones guess)

    Finally they said some had live ammo but only shot in the air OR used in when circumstances needed it.

    The outright lie of "no live ammo" has now been buried under later denials of differing things.

    It also appears the "rubber bullets" were lethal too.

    An investigation must be set up t study these "local made" rubber bullets and the method in which they were fired. At what distance is a hit to the body potentially lethal. Reports are one protester with a rubber bullet that went into his lung. That is not "non lethal".

    A proper study needs to be set up, and if the rubber bullets are lethal or potentially lethal in the way as used and shown in the videos, then appropriate action must be taken against those who ordered their use.

    Statements made early on must be compared to later ones and if stories are changing then people need to be disciplined.

    Independent study must be made of the bullets and the guns used to fire them, and work out if they can be lethal and then at what range they are lethal. It must them be worked out from video's if people were using these at lethal distances. If they were there is no difference between rubber and live, they will both kill and the effect and intent of pulling the trigger is the same.

    There was an enquiry into the tear gas canisters used in 2008. There was an enquiry into the bomb detectors recently.

    There must be an enquiry into the "rubber bullets" now, who made them, what specification, what instructions for use, the guns used to fire them, velocity and to find out if they are in fact lethal, and if so at what distance and in what way.

    If they are poor specification and in fact lethal in close range use, as they were being used, then people must be held accountable for them, and the decision to use them.

  9. Where can we see pictures of the terrorists as the govt. described them who shot the red shirts? My staff said she saw in a Thai newspaper. Dressed in all black with black masks. This is some sick stuff here. I wonder who hired them. Their is motive everywhere you look.

    The red leader Sae Daeng has already admitted they were his. Thaksin needs the violence to overthrow this government. Martyrs do most of the work for Thaksin as no government in Thailand seems to last long after violence on the streets.

    Arisman, Sae daeng, Nattawutt, Jatuporn, Veera, Dr Weng, etc have all called for violence for quite awhile now ... why? Thaksin needs it.

    Reds on the board here have stated that the Reds won when they got Abhisit to agree to talk and then agree to dissolve parliament early. Why didn't the reds take that "win"? Simply because Thaksin cannot have an organized government in place that stands for the rule of law for that long. Thaksin MUST get the government replaced before the charter is ammended (via referendum) and before next year's budget is set, and before the military reshuffle.

    Lies Lies Lies.

    Nobody has "admitted" to this. If they did they would be in prison.

    Sae Daeng merely commented that there might have been some but he does not know who they are.

    So please, do not lie.

    He is also not a core "red leader".

  10. Where can we see pictures of the terrorists as the govt. described them who shot the red shirts? My staff said she saw in a Thai newspaper. Dressed in all black with black masks. This is some sick stuff here. I wonder who hired them. Their is motive everywhere you look.

    People dressed in black means nothing. Photo's can be "photoshopped".

    Given how the media spin and propaganda works did you not expect some "plants" to be walking around with guns ready to photo'd so they can put the photo's into the media if things went wrong ?

    Prior to the evenings deaths I was watching www.uddthailand.com and the Red Guards arrested a few men who were not red shirts, who were mingling with the crowds and who were said to be "government plants" to cause trouble.

    Perhaps if the government had not blocked the signal more people could have seen the arrests of the "plants" in the crowds, but hey, why have free and fair media when you can abuse state controlled media to say whatever you want them to ?

  11. The protestors should remain defiant in most peoples view.

    The protests were non-violent until the government ordered the oppression of the opposition media, which must be considered an act of aggression.

    Even with this there were no real injuries, a few bumps and bruises but that is it.

    Nothing more violent happened until the government (Abhisit/Suthep) ordered the army to take back all area's using force.

    That was the first act of aggression. The army failed, and also in the process many people were killed, some beaten to death, some shot.

    The government objective failed (clear the area) and people died, and yet the leaders fail to appreciate this, refuse to resign and now blame others.

    Anupong was very quick to call for Somchai to resign for his orders to the police, and yet they are all tight lipped when Abhisit and Suthep cause many more deaths due to their orders to the army.

    However, looking back to the negotiations, Abhisit said "9 months is the earliest".

    His decision to stick with 9 months caused the negotiations to end.

    Now suddenly people are saying it can be quicker than 9 months.

    WHY ?

    Why the initial lies then, that led to the deaths of people, that it could not come quicker than 9 months ?

    Are we now to see that 9 months was a lie, and it can be quicker ?

    Whoever said 9 months, if they now change it to quicker it will mean they were a blatant liar, and helped caused the deaths of many people.

    "Double standards" is the new standard.

    The Reds have a slogan that many wear on them.

    It says .....

    "Everything I do is wrong, and everything you do is right".

    Negotiation is not the solution, it never was. House dissolution and return the power to the people, it was the only choice, it now is the necessary choice too. This government was put in place by the action of the courts and a parliamentary coup hatched by the military it is said.

    The people want the power back, give it to them and stop ordering actions that kill people Abhisit.

  12. I have not posted for 36 hours, out of respect for the dead, as I said I would pause whilst the loss of life occurred.

    There must be an immediate enquiry set up. Independent and not involving any Yellow shirts at all.

    The government first said

    No live ammo.

    Then they changed the story to "some had live ammo but only shot in the air, none fired at protestors" (although how they know that given the darkness and lack of control is anyones guess)

    Finally they said some had live ammo but only shot in the air OR used in when circumstances needed it.

    The outright lie of "no live ammo" has now been buried under later denials of differing things.

    It also appears the "rubber bullets" were lethal too.

    An investigation must be set up t study these "local made" rubber bullets and the method in which they were fired. At what distance is a hit to the body potentially lethal. Reports are one protester with a rubber bullet that went into his lung. That is not "non lethal".

    A proper study needs to be set up, and if the rubber bullets are lethal or potentially lethal in the way as used and shown in the videos, then appropriate action must be taken against those who ordered their use.

    Statements made early on must be compared to later ones and if stories are changing then people need to be disciplined.

    Independent study must be made of the bullets and the guns used to fire them, and work out if they can be lethal and then at what range they are lethal. It must them be worked out from video's if people were using these at lethal distances. If they were there is no difference between rubber and live, they will both kill and the effect and intent of pulling the trigger is the same.

  13. http://twitter.com/journotopia

    French photographer tells me she saw troops open fire on medics trying to evacuate wounded.

    14 minutes ago via mobile web Shooting continues even as ambulances arrive to take away the injured.

    28 minutes ago via mobile web Colleague says he saw one man shot in the groin. The tarmac around Democracy Monument spattered with blood.

    29 minutes ago via mobile web The Royal Thai Army is killing its people. Again.

    31 minutes ago via mobile web Eyewitness reports of other injuries. Soldier dead or near dead. Man with brain blown out.

    32 minutes ago via mobile web People are dying now. Just saw a red shirt, looking very dead, taken away in ambulance.

    33 minutes ago via mobile web Cars and buildings in Khao San riddled with bullet holes.

    39 minutes ago via mobile web Barricades going up at Khao San. Reds preparing for soldiers' return. Several pools of blood on road.

    40 minutes ago via mobile web Don't listen to bland Thai govt reassuarances. Khao San is a dangerous place. I've seen 2 tourists with injuries.

    about 1 hour ago via mobile web Khao San lis shuttered up, red shirts everywhere. It looks like a warzone.

    about 1 hour ago via mobile web Streets littered with broken cars, bricks, other projectiles. Soldiers have retreated.

    about 1 hour ago via mobile web Pitched battles in streets around Khao San. Tourists ducking for cover. A red shirt with an AK47.

    about 1 hour ago via mobile web A Thai journalist carried out, bleeding.

    about 1 hour ago via mobile web Massive explosions, gunfire around Khao San.

    about 1 hour ago via mobile web Scenes of chaos at Khao San. Tourists tell me they saw horrific inuries, an old man with an eye hanging out.

    about 1 hour ago via mobile web Walked past Govt House. 100s more soldiers, some heavily armed, facing down 500 or so reds.

  14. http://twitter.com/journotopia

    French photographer tells me she saw troops open fire on medics trying to evacuate wounded.

    14 minutes ago via mobile web Shooting continues even as ambulances arrive to take away the injured.

    28 minutes ago via mobile web Colleague says he saw one man shot in the groin. The tarmac around Democracy Monument spattered with blood.

    29 minutes ago via mobile web The Royal Thai Army is killing its people. Again.

    31 minutes ago via mobile web Eyewitness reports of other injuries. Soldier dead or near dead. Man with brain blown out.

    32 minutes ago via mobile web People are dying now. Just saw a red shirt, looking very dead, taken away in ambulance.

    33 minutes ago via mobile web Cars and buildings in Khao San riddled with bullet holes.

    39 minutes ago via mobile web Barricades going up at Khao San. Reds preparing for soldiers' return. Several pools of blood on road.

    40 minutes ago via mobile web Don't listen to bland Thai govt reassuarances. Khao San is a dangerous place. I've seen 2 tourists with injuries.

    about 1 hour ago via mobile web Khao San lis shuttered up, red shirts everywhere. It looks like a warzone.

    about 1 hour ago via mobile web Streets littered with broken cars, bricks, other projectiles. Soldiers have retreated.

    about 1 hour ago via mobile web Pitched battles in streets around Khao San. Tourists ducking for cover. A red shirt with an AK47.

    about 1 hour ago via mobile web A Thai journalist carried out, bleeding.

    about 1 hour ago via mobile web Massive explosions, gunfire around Khao San.

    about 1 hour ago via mobile web Scenes of chaos at Khao San. Tourists tell me they saw horrific inuries, an old man with an eye hanging out.

    about 1 hour ago via mobile web Walked past Govt House. 100s more soldiers, some heavily armed, facing down 500 or so reds.

  15. More and more people going to Bangkok. The Thai population is starting to stop being neutral or "silent" reds, now they are being real reds.

    Well over a hundred thousand reds in central BKK and more flowing in it seems.

    The closing of PTV and shutting down of opposition media was a grave mistake.

    Firing "live" rounds was an even bigger one.

    PTP MP's will be looking to impeach Abhisit and Suthep next week, if they have not fled the country by then perhaps ?

  16. An interesting question and possibly part of the psychological warfare being put out by the Yellow, warfare that has lasted over 5 years now.

    Lets flip the question a little, "What are the Yellow Shirts/PAD/NPP/Democrats/Elite fighting for, justice or preservation of power".

    I think if we answer that question we will answer the red question and prove that beyond a doubt that the Reds are for Democracy.

    More dumb logic: If the reds love only bananas, the yellows must love only apples.

    Why do you keep posting nonsense propaganda that harms the reds 'cause'? It just makes you look silly.

    Thaksin had his chance at PM and blew it. The majority of educated, intelligent people can see he did no put Thailand first, he put himself first, and strung along some of the poor to help his remaining in power.

    No amount of your pissing-contest claims about the Yellows in every post you make is going to change the mind of Thais or foreigners who can see clearly the behaviour of Thaksin and his red followers for themselves.


    From what I see in Thailand, the majority of Thai's support the Reds.

    There are no large gatherings against them, just a few Yellows now and then pose for the camera's to allow the biased Yelllow media to report "anti-Red" things.

    I see Thai's giving them food and water. I see more Thai's cheering them.

    I see the foreign media is going into details about the crisis and whats behind it.

    In this instance here, the Yellows have nothing but "zero democracy" on their agenda. The Reds have "Democracy" on their agenda, so yes, it is comparing apples and pears.

    Pleading ignorance over the allegiance between Yellow / PAD / Democrats etc... does not make the questions go away.

  17. I put this post on the "Are the Reds battling for Thaksins money or Democracy" thread, however it is very relevant here too, as the people are battling for Democracy and their rights, against a Yellow Elite who wish to oppress them, and having failed to do it under "fake Democracy" since 2006, will now push to control the poor by taking control again under their ultimate plan of "New Politics".

    "An interesting question and possibly part of the psychological warfare being put out by the Yellow, warfare that has lasted over 5 years now.

    Lets flip the question a little, "What are the Yellow Shirts/PAD/NPP/Democrats/Elite fighting for, justice or preservation of power".

    I think if we answer that question we will answer the red question and prove that beyond a doubt that the Reds are for Democracy.

    Lets rewind to the coup. Prior to the coup the Democrats refused to take part in the election as they knew they would lose and so refused to play.

    The CNS were in power after the coup and members of the CNS are on record as saying they will deal with Thaksin by "years of mass psychology" ahead "similar to how we battled the Commies" . In other words there will be a concerted effort to disgrace him, to drag him through the dirt. to find him guilty and to turn him into a villain.

    This is very normal, its very common for Junta's and Coup leaders around the world to "make up" all sorts of evidence and find the previous regime in power guilty in Kangaroo courts.

    So what we have here is the first time the Thai people (majority) have not been suckered into the media manipulated psychological warfare of the state.

    The Thai people have said "Ok, you say he is a villain and bad, but even if he is he is better than you Yellow PAD Elite, you are far worse than him".

    That really slaps them in the face. They held a coup, they put into place control of the checks and balances system, they controlled the media, some say they control the courts and yet, to this day, the people say they prefer the Thaksin over the Elite, as even if he was bad, he is not as bad as all the Yellow and Elites and PAD and NPP and Democrats.

    Part of the psychological warfare ongoing is to make this all about Thaksin and not let the real reason that the rural people want Democracy come to the forefront.

    New Politics - by taking away any voting power from the people and giving control to the Elite by majority, and allowing the people to vote a non control minority is their only way forward now, they know they have lost the battle of control over the people, the people will no longer sucker up to the Elite, the people prefer politicians now, people who might take 10 and give back 5, as opposed to the Elite who take 100 and give back 1.

    This is why you will see the Yellow Elite attempt to continue to push "New Politics".

    This is why you will see the Yellow Elite attempt to continue to push "its all Thaksin"

    They have to keep pushing their psychological warfare, they have to keep saying its all about Thaksin.

    They do not want the world to see that the Thai people have finally said "Elite / Yellow you are so evil and so corrupt and so bad that even the villain you made, the made up villain you threw out of power, we prefer him over you".

    Democracy gives the people the power to choose who rules them.

    This is not about Thaksin as such, this is about the Elite attempting to struggle to remain in power. They now know that they have lost fake Democracy as a way to control. They will now, in my opinion, attempt to push "New Politics" as its the only way they can remain "in control". "

  18. An interesting question and possibly part of the psychological warfare being put out by the Yellow, warfare that has lasted over 5 years now.

    Lets flip the question a little, "What are the Yellow Shirts/PAD/NPP/Democrats/Elite fighting for, justice or preservation of power".

    I think if we answer that question we will answer the red question and prove that beyond a doubt that the Reds are for Democracy.

    Lets rewind to the coup. Prior to the coup the Democrats refused to take part in the election as they knew they would lose and so refused to play.

    The CNS were in power after the coup and members of the CNS are on record as saying they will deal with Thaksin by "years of mass psychology" ahead "similar to how we battled the Commies" . In other words there will be a concerted effort to disgrace him, to drag him through the dirt. to find him guilty and to turn him into a villain.

    This is very normal, its very common for Junta's and Coup leaders around the world to "make up" all sorts of evidence and find the previous regime in power guilty in Kangaroo courts.

    So what we have here is the first time the Thai people (majority) have not been suckered into the media manipulated psychological warfare of the state.

    The Thai people have said "Ok, you say he is a villain and bad, but even if he is he is better than you Yellow PAD Elite, you are far worse than him".

    That really slaps them in the face. They held a coup, they put into place control of the checks and balances system, they controlled the media, some say they control the courts and yet, to this day, the people say they prefer the Thaksin over the Elite, as even if he was bad, he is not as bad as all the Yellow and Elites and PAD and NPP and Democrats.

    Part of the psychological warfare ongoing is to make this all about Thaksin and not let the real reason that the rural people want Democracy come to the forefront.

    New Politics - by taking away any voting power from the people and giving control to the Elite by majority, and allowing the people to vote a non control minority is their only way forward now, they know they have lost the battle of control over the people, the people will no longer sucker up to the Elite, the people prefer politicians now, people who might take 10 and give back 5, as opposed to the Elite who take 100 and give back 1.

    This is why you will see the Yellow Elite attempt to continue to push "New Politics".

    This is why you will see the Yellow Elite attempt to continue to push "its all Thaksin"

    They have to keep pushing their psychological warfare, they have to keep saying its all about Thaksin.

    They do not want the world to see that the Thai people have finally said "Elite / Yellow you are so evil and so corrupt and so bad that even the villain you made, the made up villain you threw out of power, we prefer him over you".

    Democracy gives the people the power to choose who rules them.

    This is not about Thaksin as such, this is about the Elite attempting to struggle to remain in power. They now know that they have lost fake Democracy as a way to control. They will now, in my opinion, attempt to push "New Politics" as its the only way they can remain "in control".

  19. Where on earth has anyone got the idea from that PRP/TRT represent democracy? It was under thaksin that all the democratic institutions that were put in place by the 1997 constitution were usurped so that Thaksin could turn himself into a de facto dictator. This was precisely why the other elites (notice that I say other - because Thaksin and everyone in PRP/TRT is part of the same brand, they're just in-fighting over the spoils).

    You are blind if you think anything to do with PRP/TRT is about democracy.

    I think a lot or even most of these people fooled by the democracy rhetoric weren't in Thailand at the time of Thaksin's rule.

    LOL :)

    Perhaps they were on the side of the 90% who were better off under Thaksin, as opposed to perhaps you who were on the Yellow 10% side who were worse off.


    The "coup" was worse than the accusations against Thaksin.

    And may I remind you, the CNS were publicly rebuked by, you know who, the Democrats for failing to find any evidence against Thaksin. It was, IMO, a veiled threat by the Democrats, and reported in the papers, that if the CNS cannot find anything against Thaksin then they will leave themselves open for attack, which kind of encouraged a "super secret" AEC (I kid you not it was all super secret and nobody on the outside of this tiny team was allowed to know or verify anything) to find things wrong with Thaksin.

    You seem to forget, many people were here when Thaksin was around, and we did not fall hook line and sinker for the PR campaign against him.

    I remind you that Sondthi, the coup leader, is on record as part of the the CNS saying words to the effect " we will use mass psychology in the next years" against Thaksin and the TRT, to the effect their propaganda machine will turn him from hero into villan, do not worry.

  20. I hate to teach people to suck eggs, but please look backwards.

    Sondthi, the coup leader who granted himself immunity and said he would never enter politics, who now is in a political party............. (tells you everything)

    Sondthi said that he was scared Thaksin would invoke the SOE, as once the SOE is invoked the top brass can be replaced for failing to follow orders.

    I think we are seeing a massive fight between Annupong and Abhisit/Suthep.

    In order to appear to follow orders its why the Army put up a weak fight, fired some tear gas and then fell back at Thaicom.

    Annupong has followed orders so Abhisit and Suthep cannot replace him.

    Its all a game but it tells you loud and clear that the invoking of the SOE was a game by Suthep/Abhisit to get rid of Annupong.

    We now have the Reds against the Democrats and the Army against the Democrats.

    There could well be a coup soon, or more likely Annupong, the man said to be behind getting the small parties to go with the Democrats, will tonight get the small parties to join PTP and get the Democrats kicked out of office.

    Possible. Amongst many other possibilities, but I seriously doubt Abhisit or Suthep want to square off with the military.

    Tonight may well be the final night of the Abhisit/Suthep "nightmare" team in charge of Thailand.

    Hopefully by the end of tomorrow either the House will be dissolved or changes will be made and the Democrats kicked out of office.

    If PTP can get back into power (former PPP) then perhaps we can see the 1997 "Peoples" constitution back into place, which would be a great thing for Democracy in Thailand.

  21. Yellow shirt leader has just admitted that the Abhisit & Anupong's days are numbered.

    Just to go over something put on another thread.

    Sondthi, the coup leader who granted himself immunity and said he would never enter politics, who now is in a political party............. (tells you everything)

    Sondthi said that he was scared Thaksin would invoke the SOE, as once the SOE is invoked the top brass can be replaced for failing to follow orders.

    I think we are seeing a massive fight between Annupong and Abhisit/Suthep.

    In order to appear to follow orders its why the Army put up a weak fight, fired some tear gas and then fell back at Thaicom.

    Annupong has followed orders so Abhisit and Suthep cannot replace him.

    Its all a game but it tells you loud and clear that the invoking of the SOE was a game by Suthep/Abhisit to get rid of Annupong.

    We now have the Reds against the Democrats and the Army against the Democrats.

    There could well be a coup soon, or more likely Annupong, the man said to be behind getting the small parties to go with the Democrats, will tonight get the small parties to join PTP and get the Democrats kicked out of office.

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