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Posts posted by LevelHead

  1. No hate in the street??? I seem to recall another view when the Pinks scooped up the Red Shirt at their rally.

    Yes, the Yellow shirt PAD see themselves as above the law, they answer to nobody. This is why when the very same people put on Pink shirts they were violent again beating up innocent single red shirts who were just watching.

    Sadly the rule of law and the judiciary appears to be under the control of an "elite" who allow their "friends" to get away with anything they do, whilst coming down hard on their "enemies". Surely it is not good for the judiciary to be seen to be under the control of, an influenced by, the elite.

    However, it is said that following the coup many top judges and judiciary positons were replaced by the CNS leaders and coup government, and so this is only to be expected until Democracy returns and the coup appointed people are replaced by a democratically elected government.

    New elections are needed. Whilst the present coalition can claim to be "legal" and "legitmate" everybody know they only came to power after the judiciary dissolved the PPP and then "elite" influence behind the scenes made up this new "coalition". The government whilst claiming to be "legitimate" cannot claim to be elected by the people, as the people did not vote for these. The people voted PTP.

    Therefore, this is the crux of the issue, the elite have got control by "legitimate" methods under the law, the same way Thaksin did many things "within the law".

    However, both were immoral and until this immoral government coaliation ends and the power is returned to the people to vote, then the problems remain.

    Just dissolve the house Abhisit, be a man for once and show you have the "all" the Thai peoples concerns on your mind, not just the ruling elite.

    Yes but what would happen if they called for elections now .

    Result A: The dems and their coalition partners would be reelected (or elected , no partisan view here) . Then what for spend so much money on election ? They here already

    Result B : a) The PTP would find itself in power in which case

    :) Stock market would likely crash , investors are banking on Abhisit staying in power , and they would withdraw if not . Chavalit and his friends is hardly a star in economic matters , my 5 years old daughter does better . And the class war thing has made investors rather nervous

    c) Thaksin would be asked to return to " Save" the thai economy and granted immunity as a special adviser

    d) THe rest is a replay of a movie that has ben played before

    But then perhaps its what you want after all

    Open your eyes.

    There is Result C,D,E,F,G,H,J and so on.

    You are limiting yourself to what the Yellow want you to think. What their newspapers put into your mind.

    There is no A or B as there are many possible results and differences.

    This is not about Thaksin now, its about the Elite and how they have, do and will try to continue to control everything in Thailand.

    Thaksin is a side issue, his supporters are just ONE PART of the Reds.

    Its more than that now, open your eyes.

    Come to Bangkok, speak to the people.

  2. That is the yellows didnt shut the airport down argument applied to this situation. Im sure you used it back then too

    Im sure you are also aware that a PPP exec actually got caught bribing local administrators to ensure PPP votes in the North and that a disbandment of party is mandatory under law if an excutive is caught doing this. It was an open and shut case. The law may not be a good one but that is another matter,. The scase was a slam dunk.

    The case against the Dems is a lot more circumstantial and invloves conflicting evidence. As such it is a harder case to conclude. However, if there is enough evidence to bring the case and the court finds an executive guilty they will be disbanded as there is no leeway on this.

    The Democrats were also accussed with evidence however what appears to be the coup appointed judiciary seemed to think only the PPP were guilty, the same way prior that with TRT and the Democrats again it was only the TRT who got disbanded.

    Those Democrats sure are lucky to never be disbanded eh.... :) LOL

    Again this time with plenty of evidence the case against the Democrats, as is the case against the Yellow PAD, is simply washed around the system and will never he heard, simply delay and delay and delay, pass it around, study some more, another meeting, pass it on....my, how quickly a year or two can pass by.

    Sad isn't it that it appears even the judiciary and regulatory bodies now might be defunct, worse so than at the time of Thaksin ?

  3. The blocking of the interesection is not shutting down any business.

    There are roads around the demonstration.

    Nobody is stopping people working or shopping, it is the owners of the places who have shut them down of their own free will.

    Bangkok has many roads, nowhere is blocked access. On foot anywhere can be accessed. By car a small diversion is needed.

    More and more are supporting the Reds now, at night when its cool and people finish work the Reds numbers swell. Thats good news.

    Many people support the Reds and demanded House Dissolution now. They also questioned why, with staggering evidence far in excess of what was used to disband TRT and PPP, that the EC still muddles on and delays for months the case of dissolution against the Democrats that is pending.

    Please explain to a shopping center where 80% of their clients drive, how their clients will come to the center when the road is blocked completely, as occurred yesterday.

    Please explain how staff who catch the bus can arrive when a bus doesn't stop near where they are going.

    Please explain to a shopping center who is advised by their insurance company not to risk opening and when each individual store wishes to not open since they will have no customers and will potentially have to deal with a mob situation their staff are unable to control that they should disregard those stakeholders and open anyway, but not have any sales.

    They will get a big push tonight, no doubt, when all the taxi driver/motorcycle/security guard etc staff go after work to support them.

    But I suggest only owners of a shopping center have to consider in deciding to open adjacent to what is currently a peaceful protest but could quickly spiral out of control. When you have a TRT family deciding to shut Bangkok's premier luxury mall and the resultant loss of sales....you can assume they are doing so taking into account the safety of all their staff, of their premises, the likelihood of being able to sell in such an environment.

    Your comments are similar to me coming to your condo, moving in uninvited, then questioning why you would not come home as I am not stopping you from sleeping or cooking food or having a party, as I am not stopping you from doing any of these things.*

    As for your 'staggering evidence'.....I can only hope that there is evidence out there which has not been in the media as yet, that you have and none of us have seen, for you to make such a bold and strong statement relative to the cheating of TRT in rigging an unnecessary election.

    * let me know when I should come around, I will bring along 10,000 people; that's more than the number of red shirts in Ratchaprasong as of this morning driving past. Hope your place is big enough. And don't think I won't use your toilet; I will lay a turtle's egg that will bring glory to the late great Bennie Goodman; a reed player of vast skill who also was widely renowned for his toilet blocking skills.

    The BTS is open, many reds are going by BTS. The BTS joins by walkway to the shopping places.

    Whats the problem ? Too elite to get the BTS ? Too elite to walk ? Just because you cannot get your Merc to stop at the door does not mean you have to close the place.

    The donations scandal of the Democrats is well known, but there appears to be influence holding up the vedict, rather than simply find them guilty as charged or not the "agencies" are passing it around each taking a month or two to view the evidence before passing to the next, and the next....... in effect to delay any verdict - perhaps for 9 months or 1 year and 9 months. The evidence is clear, sadly the verdict is being relentlessly delayed.

    Are you in Bangkok ? Or just another "outsider" who feels the need to post on here for arguments sake ?

    The Reds have very very strong support, as can be seen on the streets with your eyes open (not reading some internet site).

  4. Tomorrow is a national holiday. Bangkok residents should hold their own counter protest in the streets surrounding Rajasaprong and see how the Reds enjoy being prevented from having freedom of movement. Keep them from wandering off to restaurants and hotels and bathrooms. Make their lives as miserable as they want make the lives of Bangkok residents. If the police won't enforce the laws that have been implemented the Reds will never leave.

    What a load of absolute crap!! I live here in the middle of the Red Shirt protest literally under siege from the masses. Is my life miserable?? - Certainly not!

    If I go out now I am in the middle of thousands of generally friendly people, lot's of them singing, dancing - it's generally a happy atmosphere. Apart from the noise it's not an unpleasant experience if you don't go out with an attitude or prejudice. Do I care about the luxury shopping mall being closed? No!

    Do the average Bangkok people care about the luxury shopping malls to a degree that their life would be miserable once they are closed? Certainly not!

    I can still buy food at thousands of little food stalls in the area. If I want to get out of the area I have a working skytrain just in front of my door.

    Am I miserable because I cannot use my car now? Certainly not!

    Well - everyone is as miserable as he chooses to be... My Thai wife and all her friends and neighbours in the area have got a similar positive attitude and I don't see any hatred against the Reds. I don't see anyone's life really being made miserable because of the Red Shirts.

    I enjoy living in Bangkok and not being a Thai so I have chosen to let the Thais solve their own problems and I take a more neutral position, not condemning anyone.

    I just wonder why so many TV farangs seem to have such a destructive attitude and seem to have chosen to make their own life miserable. I have chosen not to be miserable and enjoy life in Bangkok with all its conveniences and inconveniences. And since I am living here at the same place since about 10 years I can say that this is not just a temporary mood.

    Well said Sir !!!!!

    I too am in Bangkok (unlike many people on here I think).

    There are no problems. Reds are in party mode, everyone is happy and lots of cars have Red flags and Red scarf's on them.

    The mood of the Bangkok people in the majority is understanding and often at night many Bangkok people put on a red shirt and go down and support, which is why in the evening the numbers swell.

    The English language local press appears to be "owned" at high level by the Yellow's (the media moguls) and so its not surprising to see the BP and TH spouting all sorts of nonsense and reports from "un-named sources".

    Well done the Reds !!

    You have lots of support in Bangkok and Thailand (but not so much in the Democrat loving South)

    The government has seen so many deadlines pass they now look so weak its unbeleivable. And each time they issue another deadline and it passes they get even weaker.

    The people support you Reds, keep on the fight for Democracy !!

  5. No hate in the street??? I seem to recall another view when the Pinks scooped up the Red Shirt at their rally.

    Yes, the Yellow shirt PAD see themselves as above the law, they answer to nobody. This is why when the very same people put on Pink shirts they were violent again beating up innocent single red shirts who were just watching.

    Sadly the rule of law and the judiciary appears to be under the control of an "elite" who allow their "friends" to get away with anything they do, whilst coming down hard on their "enemies". Surely it is not good for the judiciary to be seen to be under the control of, an influenced by, the elite.

    However, it is said that following the coup many top judges and judiciary positons were replaced by the CNS leaders and coup government, and so this is only to be expected until Democracy returns and the coup appointed people are replaced by a democratically elected government.

    New elections are needed. Whilst the present coalition can claim to be "legal" and "legitmate" everybody know they only came to power after the judiciary dissolved the PPP and then "elite" influence behind the scenes made up this new "coalition". The government whilst claiming to be "legitimate" cannot claim to be elected by the people, as the people did not vote for these. The people voted PTP.

    Therefore, this is the crux of the issue, the elite have got control by "legitimate" methods under the law, the same way Thaksin did many things "within the law".

    However, both were immoral and until this immoral government coaliation ends and the power is returned to the people to vote, then the problems remain.

    Just dissolve the house Abhisit, be a man for once and show you have the "all" the Thai peoples concerns on your mind, not just the ruling elite.

  6. The blocking of the interesection is not shutting down any business.

    There are roads around the demonstration.

    Nobody is stopping people working or shopping, it is the owners of the places who have shut them down of their own free will.

    Bangkok has many roads, nowhere is blocked access. On foot anywhere can be accessed. By car a small diversion is needed.

    More and more are supporting the Reds now, at night when its cool and people finish work the Reds numbers swell. Thats good news.

    Many people support the Reds and demanded House Dissolution now. They also questioned why, with staggering evidence far in excess of what was used to disband TRT and PPP, that the EC still muddles on and delays for months the case of dissolution against the Democrats that is pending.

  7. Now its all over you need to sit back and see what the goals were, who won points and who lost them.

    Firstly :

    Abhisit and the Democrats

    Awful performance for the ASEAN summit. Weak, out of control, embarressment, this is enough on its own for him to resign.

    Democrats, supported by the Army this is obvious. It now puts meat on the bones that the Army formed the government behind the scenes.

    The lack of action against the PAD by the Army and Democrats will be the next hot potato, been mentioned massively in the world media in the last few days


    He is now finished, but he also needed to be, it was apparant that there is too much propganda against him, so he needed his final two fingers up, he should go quiet now until he gets his..............pardon what was that noise.

    However, as his parting gift he has now put a real downer on tourism and made the governments stimulus plans go down the pan. This will seriously weaken the country and therefore the government (Democrats) will in 6 months get blamed for yet more and more job losses, and pressure that way will mount should they still be in power. He has in effect made the government so much weaker in the mid term and also embaressed them short term. If the short term fails to oust Abhisit, the mid term effects of this action will get him. He has also clearly put into the world media the issues of the Armies links with the PAD/Democrats, the lack of action against the PAD, and many other issues, thats what he takes with him.


    The role of the reds will now change, they will have to spin this now away from Thaksin (which will be done as above) and move the Reds into being purely about Democracy, with no links to Thaksin. As I said earlier maybe its going to be Green shirts now, protesting against the Army violence, the Army inaction against the PAD, the lack of any action against the PAD, for Democracy and for new elections (same again but with no links to Thaksin).

    So Abhisit is a loser on all scores. He was in charge for a failed ASEAN summit (after giving his word), he also is now the PM in charge whilst Bangkok burned.

    Thaksin loses and also wins, as he has seriously paid back against those who hammered him. He can now drift into being forgotten for now.

    Reds will now morph into a new anti government force, just wait. They will come out stronger now, with more "points" to raise to the worlds media.

    It still remains the only solution to get the 1997 constitution back and have new elections under it. Until that time this is going to carry on and on, and never end it seems.

  8. At this juncture nobody knows who is doing what.

    Blue shirts dressed as Red creating trouble.

    Ex-Yellow dressed as Red creating trouble.

    Thugs and hooligans using Red for fun.

    Some Red shirts creating trouble.

    Its all a mess.

    Rewind time is needed. Get rid of all Blue shirts. Get the Army off the street, allow the police to take over, get the Reds back to government house and peaceful protest.

    This all went wrong when the Army were called on to the streets, and so they need to be taken off for things to calm down again.

  9. Turning the tables - I recall when the red shirts surrounded government house, they would not let food delivery trucks in to get food to the soldiers. I guess turnabout is fair play, as the soldiers aren't allowing food and water deliveries to the 30,000 red shirt protesters at government house now surrounded by the soldiers.

    That would be very silly.

    The Army are the government. If the group at government house are peaceful then if the government by way of the Army prevents food and water being delivered then Abhisit can go to see the UNHCR and explain this little escapade.

    He claimes peaceful demonstration is ok, but then denies basic Human Rights.

    Whoops, that would be another clanger in line with the ASEAN summit "ok to go ahead" speeches.

  10. On the BBC did you see the solidier kick the red shirt (who was in handcuffs and being led away) in the head.

    I think kicking someone in the head, who is in handcuffs and being taken off by two solidiers, by a unformed solidier breaks a few moral rules.

    The Thai Army are showing their bad side to the world here. This is very bad for Thailand and is a shame and a stain.

    Men in uniform are supposed to act with restraint, not kick already handcuffed people in the head.

  11. The main thing to concentrate on now going forward is the fact that the PM disgraced the country by saying the ASEAN Summit could go ahead and it was a test of his ability to control............

    That is going to haunt him forever.

    And then the inability to prevent all the violence in Pattaya by not reigning in the Blue shirts, and then the inability to stop the violence in Bangkok, then giving orders for the Military to use excessive force.

    A whole comedy of errors that he will have to face, should be be PM at the next government meeting. If he has an ounce of good in him he would resign once the SOE is lifted. He can say he managed it and its over, and then resign as he is accountable for so many bad things that have happened, as he is the PM of the country.

    Hey man, get real. It's like dogs barking at the tree! The dogs are barking but the caravan is moving, you are in the position of the dogs. No offense, just comparison.

    Sorry, but you appear to be quite backwards.

    Politics is a multi-facted thing, all politicians are liars, and politicians never hate each other. Its all a "game" to these people.

    The game has been played and Abhisit has been humiliated, and he as PM has allowed Thailand to be humiliated.

    If you are the CEO of a company, and the company goes to the pan while you were CEO, but due to some other people WELL YOU AS CEO TAKE THE FALL.

    Abhisit here will take the fall, thats for sure.

    This is just another phase of the ongoing problems ending, there have been many phases ever since 2006, and there will be many more.

    This is not any end game, and now the politicians start to work again, after the demonstrators finish.

  12. Did you see the end picture on AJE.

    A solidier pulling a woman along the ground by her hair.

    He just kept on pulling her and ripping her hair and dragging her along on the ground, while she screamed. Only when someone else intervened did he stop.

    His face is on camera, action must be taken.

    This is the kind of thing that will divide Thailand, unrequired sheer brutality by the government and its cronies against civilians.

    I hope AJE keep showing that, thats the kind of thing people need to see to get a balance view of why the Reds are so angry at the moment, after being incited into violence by the Blue Shirts to start with.

    Need to get that clip put on YouTube. Your friendly woman beating, hair pulling Thai army solidier who picks on a woman standing doing nothing and grabs her hair and drags her along the floor.

    What an embaressment.

  13. The main thing to concentrate on now going forward is the fact that the PM disgraced the country by saying the ASEAN Summit could go ahead and it was a test of his ability to control............

    That is going to haunt him forever.

    And then the inability to prevent all the violence in Pattaya by not reigning in the Blue shirts, and then the inability to stop the violence in Bangkok, then giving orders for the Military to use excessive force.

    A whole comedy of errors that he will have to face, should be be PM at the next government meeting. If he has an ounce of good in him he would resign once the SOE is lifted. He can say he managed it and its over, and then resign as he is accountable for so many bad things that have happened, as he is the PM of the country.

  14. Did you see the end picture on AJE.

    A solidier pulling a woman along the ground by her hair.

    He just kept on pulling her and ripping her hair and dragging her along on the ground, while she screamed. Only when someone else intervened did he stop.

    His face is on camera, action must be taken.

    This is the kind of thing that will divide Thailand, unrequired sheer brutality by the government and its cronies against civilians.

    I hope AJE keep showing that, thats the kind of thing people need to see to get a balance view of why the Reds are so angry at the moment, after being incited into violence by the Blue Shirts to start with.

  15. UDD leader on AJE saying the violence is all due to Newin/Suthep/Abhisit and their plan to use "Blue Shirts".

    This started the trouble in Pattaya and its rolled over.

    Saying blood is all over Abhisits hands now, and he must resign.

    levelhead-its over, the tides turn against your man

    thickskin was battered by the interviewers on BBC and CNN

    he came over as a bumbling old fool

    the only way he is coming back to Thailand is in a box.

    Whats over ? The ideal of the Reds was to get rid of Abhisit.

    He now has to take the blame for the humiliation of the ASEAN Summit. Oppostions MP's will rip him to pieces.

    He now has to take the blame for all the violence in Bangkok, he was the PM, he is responsible. Opposition MP's will rip him to pieces.

    The Reds protest is one thing, like the Yellows, but the PPP was dissolved by the court, not the Yellow. Abhisit will be got rid of by the Opposition, not the Reds.

  16. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/04/13...cs_30100438.php


    Opposition party wants urgent House meeting

    By The Nation

    The opposition Pheu Thai Party on Monday demanded that the government stop using force to crack down on the red-shirt protesters and instead convene an emergency House session to settle the ongoing political conflicts.

    Pheu Thai leaders, including opposition chief whip Withaya Buranasiri and Deputy House Speaker Apiwan Wiriyachai, led party MPs in a press conference. The politicians had met to discuss the situation following clashes between security officials and protesters early in the morning.

    The opposition party issued the following five-point demand:

    1. The government must stop using force and violence against people.

    2. A joint Parliament meeting must be convened urgently to find a way out of the country's deepening division.

    3. Should the government ignore the two above demands, the Pheu Thai Party will mobilise more protesters into Bangkok.

    4. The media must present neutral coverage as biased reports are dangerous. The party cannot accept the government's muzzling of information. It demands that the government allow the public to get two sides of the story.

    5. Thais across the country, no matter what political colour they belong, must resort to peaceful solutions.

    3. Should the government ignore the two above demands, the Pheu Thai Party will mobilise more protesters into Bangkok.

    Pretty much definite proof that PTP is linked to the reds and now openly supports the insurgent forces in bangkok.

    i find it soo funny that the reds shirts keep trying to dig their way out of a hole. In their thirst for power they have become the worst thing to ever happen to thailand in recent history.

    The reds have

    1. Openly said that they will harm the PM

    2. Harmed the PM

    3. Threatend to blow up the democrats HQ

    4. Attacked members of the armed forces

    5. Vandalized public property

    6 Threatend to blow up 2 LPG trucks in residential neighbourhoods

    Go reds ! what's next ?

    Some saying PTP should start the "Green Shirts" to come to Bangkok and demonstrate against Abhisit, Suthep, Newin, Blue Shirts, Use of Violence against civilians.

    Perfect way for the PTP to make a statement and seperate from the ongoing Red shirts.

  17. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/04/13...cs_30100438.php


    Opposition party wants urgent House meeting

    By The Nation

    The opposition Pheu Thai Party on Monday demanded that the government stop using force to crack down on the red-shirt protesters and instead convene an emergency House session to settle the ongoing political conflicts.

    Pheu Thai leaders, including opposition chief whip Withaya Buranasiri and Deputy House Speaker Apiwan Wiriyachai, led party MPs in a press conference. The politicians had met to discuss the situation following clashes between security officials and protesters early in the morning.

    The opposition party issued the following five-point demand:

    1. The government must stop using force and violence against people.

    2. A joint Parliament meeting must be convened urgently to find a way out of the country's deepening division.

    3. Should the government ignore the two above demands, the Pheu Thai Party will mobilise more protesters into Bangkok.

    4. The media must present neutral coverage as biased reports are dangerous. The party cannot accept the government's muzzling of information. It demands that the government allow the public to get two sides of the story.

    5. Thais across the country, no matter what political colour they belong, must resort to peaceful solutions.

    Well done the PTP party.

    Must be a "no confidence" vote now, and also impeach Abhisit for total incompetance for the summit failure and everything since.

    The House must be convened for an urgent meeting and "no confidence" vote. Then the police must investigate all "live" round shooting, be in Red or Army or Blue or whatever.

  18. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/04/13...cs_30100438.php


    Opposition party wants urgent House meeting

    By The Nation

    The opposition Pheu Thai Party on Monday demanded that the government stop using force to crack down on the red-shirt protesters and instead convene an emergency House session to settle the ongoing political conflicts.

    Pheu Thai leaders, including opposition chief whip Withaya Buranasiri and Deputy House Speaker Apiwan Wiriyachai, led party MPs in a press conference. The politicians had met to discuss the situation following clashes between security officials and protesters early in the morning.

    The opposition party issued the following five-point demand:

    1. The government must stop using force and violence against people.

    2. A joint Parliament meeting must be convened urgently to find a way out of the country's deepening division.

    3. Should the government ignore the two above demands, the Pheu Thai Party will mobilise more protesters into Bangkok.

    4. The media must present neutral coverage as biased reports are dangerous. The party cannot accept the government's muzzling of information. It demands that the government allow the public to get two sides of the story.

    5. Thais across the country, no matter what political colour they belong, must resort to peaceful solutions.

  19. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7996241.stm

    Page last updated at 10:24 GMT, Monday, 13 April 2009 11:24 UK

    The Thai army has fought running battles with protesters in the capital Bangkok in a bid to end days of mass demonstrations and political chaos.

    A BBC correspondent saw soldiers fire hundreds of live rounds, some into the crowds of protesters, in a bid to clear them from a major road junction.

    The protesters reacted by hurling petrol bombs and driving buses they had commandeered at the lines of troops.

    The armed forces chief vowed to restore order using "all possible means".

    But weapons would be used only for self-defence and not "excessively", Gen Songkitti Jaggabatara said on national television.

    The government has said it is taking measures to secure major ports and airports.

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva declared a state of emergency on Sunday after the protests forced the cancellation of a major meeting of Asian leaders in the resort city of Pattaya.

    The red-shirted protesters - many thousands of whom are camped outside Bangkok's Government House - have vowed to stay until Mr Abhisit resigns. ...............


  20. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7996241.stm

    Page last updated at 10:24 GMT, Monday, 13 April 2009 11:24 UK

    The Thai army has fought running battles with protesters in the capital Bangkok in a bid to end days of mass demonstrations and political chaos.

    A BBC correspondent saw soldiers fire hundreds of live rounds, some into the crowds of protesters, in a bid to clear them from a major road junction.

    The protesters reacted by hurling petrol bombs and driving buses they had commandeered at the lines of troops.

    The armed forces chief vowed to restore order using "all possible means".

    But weapons would be used only for self-defence and not "excessively", Gen Songkitti Jaggabatara said on national television.

    The government has said it is taking measures to secure major ports and airports.

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva declared a state of emergency on Sunday after the protests forced the cancellation of a major meeting of Asian leaders in the resort city of Pattaya.

    The red-shirted protesters - many thousands of whom are camped outside Bangkok's Government House - have vowed to stay until Mr Abhisit resigns. ...............

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