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Posts posted by LevelHead

  1. This is like watching a comedy of errors.

    Total and utter nonsense. A government totally out of control. A country out of control.

    Now they are fighting in Bangkok, when thats finished are the government going to fight to win back all the northern citiies now in the throws of red protests.

    The only solution is for them to stop being so greedy and wanting the power in their hands, and dissolve the House and give the power back to the people. I mean, its not as if they have paid millions of dollars to various people to get into power is it ? or is it ?

  2. Someone tell me how Abhisit plans to win this? According to his own government, the estimated protesters are at 50,000.

    Those 50,000 won't just go home, so he needs to shoot at them (already done). They won't go home now because it just made them more angry. Now what? Kill 50,000 and be done? Then he's gone too.

    He's fighting a losing battle. And the sooner he realizes it, the better for Thailand and Thais.

    they can't go home now to issan and to the north as most stations are full and transportation standed. don't you know that 90% of the REDS are not from bangkok?

    Does this government care ?

    They have proved now they have no respect for Thai citizens life by taking brazen decisions and actions that have inflammed the situation.

    What are the government doing about the Blue Shirts ?

    Are the links between Newin / King Power / Blue Shirts being investigated ?

    How can they arrest any red when not one yellow has been arrested ? If they do the same as the yellows they have to simply ask them to report at the police station and give them a few weeks to do so.

    Had this government weeks back simply dissolved the House then all would have been ok.

    Had the courts dissolved the Democrats weeks back things would have been ok.

    Quite simply too many people appear to have spent so much money getting this lot into power, they cannot and will not allow the people or anyone to now stop the process , or it will be money wasted - so many people say.

  3. What I am surprised is people sympathy towards Red. I hear a old women shouting(more like crying) every time we heard the firings. Everyone I talk to seems disapprove of the firing. :o

    As I have been saying.

    Thai's will not accept the use of guns against civilians. If the Army kill any reds then a whole load more Thai's will be out on the streets.

    They will incite the "civil war" by the use of weapons against civilians.

    Stop being farang, this is Thailand and works the Thai way.

    Abhisit, dissolve the House and put an end to this with new elections.

  4. I just came of the phone with a police friend of mine as I was getting pissed of with the police doing nothing. He is a very nice guy and he speaks perfect English and he is a Colonel.

    He explained that it was very simple. Even if a government, any government would order them to go in, they wouldn't do it. Not because they like the protesters. But because of the law.

    He said the last few times the police did anything towards any protesters the commanding officers found themselves in front of criminal court and were disgracefully dismissed from service. He said no sane police officer would have themselves disgraced anymore for following orders from any government being red, yellow, blue. As they would always betray them afterwards by letting the police officers take the fall for the failure of the government.

    He said he is personally itching to put down the riots. Willing to be wounded in the process. But he isn't willing to be disgraced for doing his duty and following orders. He said that the majority of the police officers is feeling that way.

    The problem is with the law according to him. There are laws protecting protesters rights. There are no laws that protect a police officer from acting against protesters even when under orders from the government. The police officers are by law responsible for any wounded from their actions. Even when ordered. and that is why they will not do anything.


    Utter nonsense.

    NAME YOUR SOURCE, or its a rumour and nothing more.

    Under an SOE the Army are responsible, not the police.

    The police are quoted on AJE as being "not under the control of the government with many joining the reds".

    No more "I talked to a friend posts" rumours.

    Name the source, or shut up.

    Why should I threathen a friends safety. If you consider it a rumour. Than fine. Treat it as one. But do not criticize me for trying to get information out to people. Let everyone judge for themselves how much worth they give to this. We are all adults and can all make up our own minds.


    Rules of the Forum.

    No rumour.

    All sources must be named, or do not post.

  5. I just came of the phone with a police friend of mine as I was getting pissed of with the police doing nothing. He is a very nice guy and he speaks perfect English and he is a Colonel.

    He explained that it was very simple. Even if a government, any government would order them to go in, they wouldn't do it. Not because they like the protesters. But because of the law.

    He said the last few times the police did anything towards any protesters the commanding officers found themselves in front of criminal court and were disgracefully dismissed from service. He said no sane police officer would have themselves disgraced anymore for following orders from any government being red, yellow, blue. As they would always betray them afterwards by letting the police officers take the fall for the failure of the government.

    He said he is personally itching to put down the riots. Willing to be wounded in the process. But he isn't willing to be disgraced for doing his duty and following orders. He said that the majority of the police officers is feeling that way.

    The problem is with the law according to him. There are laws protecting protesters rights. There are no laws that protect a police officer from acting against protesters even when under orders from the government. The police officers are by law responsible for any wounded from their actions. Even when ordered. and that is why they will not do anything.


    Utter nonsense.

    NAME YOUR SOURCE, or its a rumour and nothing more.

    Under an SOE the Army are responsible, not the police.

    The police are quoted on AJE as being "not under the control of the government with many joining the reds".

    No more "I talked to a friend posts" rumours.

    Name the source, or shut up.

  6. Many are saying that if the PAD had been prosecuted then none of this would happen but do not forget the leaders have been charged & court cases are pending which we all know move notoriously slow in Thailand. Anyway that is just one of many excuses to justify the current protest. It is all about Thaksin the magalomaniac wanting his money & power back which is being obstructed bythe old elite. He knew exactly waht was going to happen which is why all his family have fled the country. I do not agree with how the PAD went about their business last year but for the Reds to shut down a summit which could have led to direct benefits for the whole country was inexcusable.

    I agree that treason charges may be laid for inciting revolution & while they are at it the fugitive should be charged for crimes against humanity for all the senseless deaths during the drug war. See how he fares in The Hague.

    Thaksin can now claim political asylum on a genuine basis after calling for a revolution. This has cleared the way for many countries to now give asylum (and therefore ignore extradition) to a person who called for a revolution. One of the upsides for Thaksin at the moment, if you are looking for upsides to this.

    Upsides for Abhisit appear zero, he has been shamed, humiliated and now has blood on his hands. Looks very grim. Thaksin did tell them that if they tried to kick and beat and attack him too much then they too would be dragged down to the level they pushed him to.

    Any reasonable person would question now why the government will not simply call elections. They would rather many people are injured and possibly die, ahead of them being reasonable and stepping down and simply calling elections.

  7. Some posters seems suspiciously absent... The ones who first said there were only a handful of reds.. The ones who then said they'd just go home to their Lao Khao for Songkran.. The silence is deafening.

    Congratulations. Your red shirts are more violent and and deranged than most thought possible. :o

    The 4am crackdown on Din Daeng intersection has shown that the army and police are behind the PM. Today would be a good day to stay home, for all those of you in and around Bangkok.

    Stay safe everyone.

    The 4am crackdown and injuring civilians might be all part of the larger plan.

    Anyone who knows Thai's knows they will not accept the Army using force against civilians.

    This action will now lead to more people joining the reds, more protests across the country.

    The Army appear to be doing nothing.

    The police appear on the reds side.

    This is just "livening up things" to get the situation out of control, at which point the Red supporting Army side can stage a coup, which may lead to some gun battles against the Yellow supporting Army side. This is one likely scenario.

    The government is now out of control of the country - the promised quick action at 5:20pm yesterday - but nothing happened.

    Abhisit and the Democrats have blood on their hands, and Thais will never accept that. No government has ever used force and survived.ry

    Vert interesting day today - could see the country paralysed by the reds.

    Certainly the little bit of Din Daeng action today will have made many hundreds of thousands now move into the red camp.

    Think Thai, not Farang.

  8. George

    PLEASE can this site be confined to news - I have just waded through pages of peoples opinons -- Yes I agree that everyone has the right to express an opinion but I live in Thailand and want to know what is going on regardless of which side is right or wrong -- My children and Grandchildren are in Bangkok -- I am in Pattaya -- I was threatened by red shirts here as I come from England and they are angry about Englands treatment of Tax---in and wife.

    I find it hilarious people try to play the :

    Brits beware of Thaksin cause of the Visa.

    Everyone knows that countries must abide by international agreements, and Thaksin knows that the conviction in Bangkok invalidated his UK visa.

    Stop being idiots and trying to portray such narrow minded "scare mongering".

  9. Other footage around Bangkok showing Red's being clubbed and fleeing.

    Just the same old Din Daeng footage played over and over again.

    Unless Din Daeng is all of Bangkok.

    Use of force against protesters at Din Daeng, Abhisit is now a violent man, use of force.

    Democrats must now dissolve the House.

    20 Thai citizens injured by government action.

    Blood is now on Abhisits hands.

  10. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingne...d-at-protesters

    Tear gas fired at protesters

    At least 20 anti-government protesters and military offiers are injured on Monday morning as the government has employed a force to dispearse the protest near Din Daeng Intersection

    Intitially, the injured people are sent to the Rama Hospital. Most are wounded by tear gas.

    The force uses tear gas. They are equipped with guns but insist that they only shot into the sky to threaten the protesters and did not aim at them.

    The protesters have gathered and obstructed the traffic near the intersection since Sunday after the government has announced the State of Emergency in Bangkok and suburbs.

    There is no report of police firing tear gas at any other place apart from Din Daeng. There is no action from the government at the main rally near the Government House. The crowd at the Din Daeng is not as big as the group's main rally site.

  11. Notice its only one place, and just tear gas.

    But it fulfills the "use of force" that will now bring more to join the reds. This should act as a call to the streets for many other people now, and Abhisit has gone past the "non use of violence" and will now be remembered as a Thai PM who ordered use of force against Thai people, and will be treated as such.

  12. LH & Rainman

    Do you really want to see ee-Chalerm as PM?

    Have you ever seen me mention the name Chalerm before? :o

    One last one before my beer/s.

    Never seen me mention him either. Why do these people bring up someone who has said he does not want to do it?

    How about Suthep as PM for the Democrats, or Kasit as PM?

    How do yooooooooooooooooooooooooou feel ?


    See you in the morning.

  13. This is about something far bigger than Thaksins money.

    If you really have not worked that out, then you really should not be commenting on the situation.

    I see you are another new user name just signed up today, looks like lots of muzzled and banned posters are eager to get back on here and start telling lies all over again, not saying you are one of them, just commenting on your recent sign up.

    Interestingly, if you look back through the threads you'll see that it's mainly Thaksin supporters who get banned. What happens is they start demanding facts, and when facts are given they change to another angle, and another, until eventually they come back to the original one again. Then they start ranting, and writing in capitals. Next they begin commenting that anyone who disagrees with them is a lier and an idiot, and shouldn't be on the forum. Sooner or later they break the rules and thus endeth that incarnation.

    Back on topic, as I posted in another thread, we aint seen nothing yet. The scenario I think will happen is that sooner or later the men really in charge of the country will send in the big boys, BPP and elite troops, and they won't be pussyfooting about. The rent-a-mob survivors will flee, the militant reds will fight it out with no hope of winning and will eventually either be killed, also flee, or last long enough till the proclamation is made that an appointed PM will take charge, and the country allowed to settle down for a few years before elections are held. All this madness and potential bloodshed and we'll be back to where we were over a decade ago. The mystery is what will happen to Thaksin. Traditionally, all sides are pardoned and sent on their way, but he has broke with tradition, and remains an enigma. They may give him a pardon and let him into the country, but I don't think they will allow him back into politics, he remains too divisive, and potentially dangerous to them. My reaction would be to strip him of every asset, rank and title, along with his citizenship, and make him apply for a visa along with all the other Nicaraguan passport holders should he ever wish to come back - making sure he didn't overstay. And lock him up for two years should he be rude to the immigration official who only gives him 30 days on arrival.

    It all boils down to who presently has the power. Whose side are the BPP and Elite troops on? Will the other toops attack the attacking troops?

    The normal thing to happen is that every party sends out their people, to ensure the other does not make the first move.

    This is why so many "army divisions" are now out on the streets.

    Why do you think nearly all countries have 1 Army, but Thailand has many Armies ?

    Don't tell me you didn't know Thailand has more than just one single united Army........................

    The power could swing tonight, everything is in the balance.

  14. The poster ealier said

    Reds want to Kill Anhisit.

    This is not true. And this is why the ongoing debate has been happening.

    The OP of that comment has since corrected their mistake, and said that it was wrong, and nobody said they wanted to kill the PM.

    The red leadership did tell their minions to assault Abhisit, however. What is your reaction to that LH? Inquiring minds want to know.

    I do not condone any violence. But I also do not condone people posting false statements. But as was said, the OP of that post has retracted the incorrect statement, so all is ok in that respect.

  15. Please show me the evidence where they say "Kill the Prime Minister"

    Nobody is saying Kill Abhisit.

    For anyone to try to suggest this is the case is a liar.

    Jatuporn Promphan Sunday urged red-shirted protesters to rise up against the government and attack Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban as first sight.

    He said there was no longer rule of law so the red-shirted people would attack the government.

    He claimed that he had been arrested by the military to the Naresuan base in Prachuap Khiri Khan but red-shirted supporters in the base secured his release and sent him to the rally site at the Government House again.

    Jatuporn urged red-shirted protesters to travel to Bangkok or seize provincial halls.

    The Nation


    1at·tack audio.gifPronunciation: \ə-ˈtak\ Function:verb Etymology:Middle French attaquer, from Old Italian *estaccare to attach, from stacca stake, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English stacaDate:1562 transitive verb 1 : to set upon or work against forcefully 2 : to assail with unfriendly or bitter words <a speech attacking her political enemies> 3 : to begin to affect or to act on injuriously <plants attacked by aphids> 4 : to set to work on <attack a problem> 5 : to threaten (a piece in chess) with immediate capture

    Does it mean KILL ?


    Not at all. Nobody said KILL.

    So forget it, you cannot put that word into peoples mouths, no matter how much you try to distort the truth.

    Attack thats what was said. Kill no but who is he telling this too. When you tell someone or some people to attack the government and you do not qualify what you meen by attack it can mean what ever including KILL !!!!

    If they are attacking the goverment the way they are with an order to attack then every person so doing is guilty of treason.

    So dont try and defend the undefendable

    The poster ealier said

    Reds want to Kill Anhisit.

    This is not true. And this is why the ongoing debate has been happening.

    The OP of that comment has since corrected their mistake, and said that it was wrong, and nobody said they wanted to kill the PM.

  16. Does it mean KILL ?


    Not at all. Nobody said KILL.

    So forget it, you cannot put that word into peoples mouths, no matter how much you try to distort the truth.

    I did not put the words kill in there, but when you attack someone you are tryong to hurt them or kill them, either way it's wrong.

    I'm sorry levelhead, the game is up, you can protest all you want but the red shirts have openly called on their followers to hurt the PM of thailand. This is treason

    Treason The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family

    Treason is a crime, therefore the leader of UDD are criminals and the UDD is a criminal organization. No amount of spin will change that fact.

    Give it up, it's over

    *edit, removed my nested comment

    So the Coup in 2006 was "treason".

    The Yellows were "treasonous".

    Now you are getting to the root of the problem. The coup in 2006 was a treasonous act.

  17. AJE reports just now on the latest update.

    Abhisit "shamed" into cancelling the ASEAN summit.

    Abhisit called for strong response and said it would happen soon, "but nothing happening"

    Is Abhisit in control ? Lost control over the police. Big question marks raised over whether Abhisit has any control of the military.

    Policemen have been putting on red shirts and joining the demonstrations.

  18. Please show me the evidence where they say "Kill the Prime Minister"

    Nobody is saying Kill Abhisit.

    For anyone to try to suggest this is the case is a liar.

    Jatuporn Promphan Sunday urged red-shirted protesters to rise up against the government and attack Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban as first sight.

    He said there was no longer rule of law so the red-shirted people would attack the government.

    He claimed that he had been arrested by the military to the Naresuan base in Prachuap Khiri Khan but red-shirted supporters in the base secured his release and sent him to the rally site at the Government House again.

    Jatuporn urged red-shirted protesters to travel to Bangkok or seize provincial halls.

    The Nation


    1at·tack audio.gifPronunciation: \ə-ˈtak\ Function:verb Etymology:Middle French attaquer, from Old Italian *estaccare to attach, from stacca stake, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English stacaDate:1562 transitive verb 1 : to set upon or work against forcefully 2 : to assail with unfriendly or bitter words <a speech attacking her political enemies> 3 : to begin to affect or to act on injuriously <plants attacked by aphids> 4 : to set to work on <attack a problem> 5 : to threaten (a piece in chess) with immediate capture

    Does it mean KILL ?


    Not at all. Nobody said KILL.

    So forget it, you cannot put that word into peoples mouths, no matter how much you try to distort the truth.

  19. Ok, i didn't see the words "Kill him" used by red leaders.

    Was it "get him", "catch him"? I don't remember, it was on Nation's breaking news.

    As if it makes any difference - it's treason either way.

    And for anyone who's seen reds attacking his car and the dirver - "kill him" sounds like a proper description of their intentions. It was a lynch mob, no two ways to look at it, and you don't deal with it by holding elections - there must be respect for the law first and reds publicly abandoned it today. In fact I remember Nattawut reportedly telling them that they don't recognise the law in this coutrny anymore.

    Thats better.

    Its very wrong to accuse the Reds of saying they will kill him when they did no such thing.

    They knew the car was empty, its said they smashed it up to retaliate against the force used on them.

    So as they knew he was not in the car, how can there be any intent to "harm" someone who was not in it?

  20. Can anyone confirm this? Thaksin in Thailand? Recent rumors that he was in Cambodia and he's publicly announced the start of his "peoples revolution" and his return to Thailand. Nobody can say he hasn't got balls!

    If he had balls he wouldn't have fled the country in the first place. He'll wait till things "settle down" in one way or another before deciding whether to ride his fat little arse back into town.

    He'll never come back. Take that one to the bank. He is only trying to negotiate for the release of his money. If that happens, you can bet he'll be on the video, telling everyone that they have "Won a great victory", and asking them to go home.

    This is about money. Isn't everything?

    This is about something far bigger than Thaksins money.

    If you really have not worked that out, then you really should not be commenting on the situation.

    I see you are another new user name just signed up today, looks like lots of muzzled and banned posters are eager to get back on here and start telling lies all over again, not saying you are one of them, just commenting on your recent sign up.

  21. How about prison time for those that took over the airport?

    Just about the same as a justice finally served on my traffic ticket - irrelevant.

    We have a red mobs on a hunt to kill the Prime Minister - that's as treasonous as it gets, and it's happening right now.

    Please show me the evidence where they say "Kill the Prime Minister"

    Or stop posting your nonsense.

    Jonathon Head reported, the reds leadership - Attack the government in any way you can. Not a direct quote, but if it comes back on the news at 8 I'll get it.

    Nobody is saying Kill Abhisit.

    For anyone to try to suggest this is the case is a liar.

  22. How about prison time for those that took over the airport?

    Just about the same as a justice finally served on my traffic ticket - irrelevant.

    We have a red mobs on a hunt to kill the Prime Minister - that's as treasonous as it gets, and it's happening right now.

    Please show me the evidence where they say "Kill the Prime Minister"

    Or stop posting your nonsense.

    &lt;deleted&gt;? What do you think they want him for..to give him a good talking too; like the driver this afternoon!! ...some people on here need to step into the real World..IT IS VERY VIOLENT

    Unless it is on record as saying they want to KILL HIM.

    HOW DARE ANYONE TRY TO STIR UP TROUBLE by suggesting they have said they want to kill him.

    They do want to talk to him yes, they do not want to kill him.

    Some people are disgusting in the way they show their bias and make up stories. Imagine saying openly you want to kill the PM. How stupid.

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