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Everything posted by Xonax

  1. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!
  2. I guess that Interpol had sent an arrest warrent to Thailand and that he was well aware, that he would have been arrested, if he went to Immigration to extend his stay or tried to exit Thailand. Sadly we expats have no legal way to watch tv from our home country and have to choose between being a pirate or watch Thai-tv.
  3. Increase the fee for visiting a government hospital from 50 Baht to 200 Baht and immediately the congestion will disappear!
  4. I love my cash! Just imagine how easy your money in an electronic account could be stolen, or even frozen or confiscated by a government.
  5. The speed has gone up a little since the first day of trial. But it is still a very bumpy ride and definitely not safe for elderly people to be standing, when the younger population have occupied all seats.
  6. The worst scam in Thailand is the dual pricing in national parks and other places.
  7. Easy come, easy gone. He may have gained the money from corruption.
  8. How long has it been since he has cleaned the water tank and washing machine? Maintainance is often not prioritized in Thailand.
  9. From the original article: "Astonishingly, the Chinese employer even provided them with 900,000 baht to cover their transportation expenses" "If they wished to return home, they would be required to pay a repatriation fee of 190,000 baht to the employer" So still a good profit then, unless they flew in a private jet!
  10. Flash floods in Bangkok. Has that ever happened before? Would it be in the canals or in the river? What time should we evacuate??
  11. A few weeks ago, when I took a taxi home from Suvarnabhumi airport, the taxi driver was on 2 phones at the same time. He used some kind of app to record and send voice messages and had to press the screen when he was speaking. Then the persons in the other ends would reply and the conversations would go on and on. In my thousands of taxi rides in Thailand, not a single driver has met my expectations, that the driver should be polite, not be on the mobile phone, not listen to the radio or watch a movie and keep both hands at the steering wheel when driving with passengers.
  12. Piccolo means small size in italian language!
  13. Vote buying without honoring the payment. Time to give the votes back to the people by dissolving Pheu Thai Party!
  14. The Yellow Line system has postponed announced opening dates so many times, so that when they do actually open, nobody will believe it. For years motorists have been held hostage in severe traffic jams, while most of the time few or no workers have been seen around the cordoned off parts of the road.
  15. I totally agree. As a bonus Southeast Pharmacy sells at wholesale prices.
  16. If you wish to avoid tourists, don't go the the main tourist areas og Bangkok!
  17. If business is as uaual, the only thing that is keeping MF to get the PM, is the size of the brown envelopes distributed to the senators.
  18. Many new pockets to be filled after the election.
  19. 10,000 Baht in the wallet is more important to the majority of Thais than free Marihuana. Most voters are not even tax-payers and will be more than happy to let others pay the bill. Why hasn't the Pheu Thai party not been banned for this vote buying policy?
  20. So when will the Election Commission ban the Pheu Thai party from the upcoming election??
  21. Running away from the scene like scared chicken. How brave ???????? I hope that they get to spend the remaining of their holiday in detention.
  22. GoAir - Go First - Go Fund me Airlines.
  23. Maybe it's more likely that he had tried to replace his Schizophrenia medicine with Marihuana. Lunatics doesnt always act rationally. I noticed in the video, that the bib used a win rider as a battering ram.
  24. The beach chair vendors are already placing large orders for millions of new beach chairs! It is already getting harder and harder to find small undeveloped placed for people, who are not happy to spend their holidays together with unmannered mass-tourists.
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