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Posts posted by Xonax

  1. Unfortunately the Thai drivers don´t know how to enter a multi laned road. I often see cars blocking traffic several lanes, in order to get to the middle lane immediately.

    And after making a U-turn, I often see cars blocking the traffic, trying to get to the furthest lane immedialely. That´s why U-turns are always congested.

    And very often I see bus drivers blocking the road, when stopping the bus in the middle lane, in order for passengers to get in and out.

  2. "The 10 locations people have been urged to stay away from are Victory Monument, the Major Ratchayothin cinema complex, Seacon Square, CentralWorld, Khao San Road, Chitralada Palace, Si Sao Thewes, Mor Chit bus terminal, Soi Nana and Pata Pinklao."

    So celebrating everywhere else will be safe, or.....?

    "Officers at all 88 police precincts have been ordered to go on standby during the December 8-17 and December 20-January 3 periods, in addition to attending to their regular jobs."

    So 18-19 December will be safe, or.....?

    "Security will not just be heightened during the Christmas and New Year celebrations, but police will also keep a watchful eye on drug dealing, theft and burglary and murder cases."

    So they will now finally start doing what they are paid for, or.....?

  3. Central department stores have some good ones.

    I bought a Remington with ceramic blades two years ago and it still cuts as when it was brand new. It comes with a handy bag for protection.

  4. Who cares? Unless it was a deliberate act by the government to kill him then this really is a moot point. The poor guy died doing his job in what was basically a war zone at the time with thousands of people holding Bangkok hostage, storming offices of the government and the media while setting up armed fortresses and forcing the government to use force since they refused EVERY lawful command to disperse during their month long siege.

    I am sorry anybody had to die or be injured but this reporter either knew or should have known what he was getting into and urban combat is usually has high casualty rates among non-combatants.

    It is great to know the facts but when all is said and done, does it really matter what side the bullet came from? If it was the government forces then they should be immune to prosecution unless it was a deliberate kill. If it was the Reds then it still doesn't matter unless you can specifically identify the person who pulled the trigger.

    Any finally who can believe anything at this point after so much time has passed. Too much time to fabricate evidence and tamper with witnesses. Not to mention, I though this government was big on putting this all in the past.

    Any photographer should be aware of the risk, when he is moving around in a war-zone. Innocent civilians (if he can be called a civilian) are being killed in every war, but why not blame the Red Shirt rebels, who actually started the war and among others shot RPG grenades to kill innocent civilians and did what they could to burn down Bangkok. When will they be forced to pay for all the damages?

  5. I use to think

    the pvc is for transport only and that it should be removed for using.

    While sleeping, we "produce" a lot of water (sweat) and this water needs to go somewhere .....

    if you do not remove it, there is a good chance there there will be mold (แม่พิมพ์) after some time...

    Yes - another main purpose for the mattress, is to absorb your sweat and let your skin breathe during your sleep.

    PVC covered matresses is for children and older people who is likely to wet the bed.

  6. Yeah, let's see him try to buy some Coke Zero or Pepsi Max.

    Pepsi Max (and other Pepsi products) has been sold out in Bangkok for more than a month now. Why don´t Pepsi Thailand provide supply from other factories in the country, or even from neioghbouring countries? Typically Thailand . If anything goes wrong, people just have to accept it, because nobody is willing to change their procedures!

  7. Last year, when the Red Shirts attempted to burn down Bangkok, BTS offered a refund of unused trips, but then service was cancelled for several days. This year during the flood, BTS has been operating almost normally, so why would you expect a refund?

  8. Unbelievable ... this could mark the start of a very dark era for Thailand

    The start of this new dark era for Thailand started already, when the majority of people voted Pheua Thai party to form the government. Unfortunately democracy always has a bad side.

    The only way to save Thailand is to fight corruption with all means. The politicians, government officials and police are all corrupt and greedy, so a special corruption force would have to be formed. But as all politicians (maybe except one) are corrupt, it is hard to see, how Thailand will ever get a government, who are willing to fight corruption. Abhisit claimed to be willing to fight corruption, but could not do it alone. The poor people, the voters for the Pheua Thai party, do not understand, that when they don´t mind politicians being corrupt, they will never get at better life. Fighting corruption is the only way to get a better life for these people, as corruption basicly is rich people stealing loads of money, that could have been used for benefit of the poor people.

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