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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. You know what the funniest thing is. By banning him you have admitted defeat. Old erco has beaten you all hands down. :o

    Beaten me? Admitted Defeat?

    You sire, need to stop smoking that smelly <deleted>, i admitted defeat to no man/woman/beast, I, sire, have been beated by no man/woman/beast.

    I think when youve sobered up some, you may realise what a prat you made yourself look like with those comments.

  2. Here's a dilemma for you.... With all your honour and dignity what would you do? This test only has one question, but its a very important one.

    Please don't answer it without giving it some serious thought.

    By giving an honest answer you will be able to test where you stand morally.

    The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation, where you will have to make a decision one way or the other.

    Remember that your answer needs to be honest, yet spontaneous. Please scroll down slowly and consider each line - this is important for the test to work accurately.

    You're in Florida...In Miami, to be exact. There is great chaos going on around you, caused by a hurricane and severe floods. There are huge masses of water all over the place.

    You are a CNN photographer and you are in the middle of this great disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless. You're trying to shoot very impressive photos.

    There are houses and people floating around you, disappearing into the water. Nature is showing all its destructive power and is ripping everything apart.

    Suddenly you see a man in the water, he is fighting for his life, trying not to be swept away by the masses of water and mud. You move closer. Somehow the man looks familiar. Suddenly you know who it is - its George W. Bush!

    At the same time you notice that the raging waters are about to take him away, forever. You have two options. You can save him or you can take the best photo of your life. So you can save the life of George W. Bush, or you can shoot a Pulitzer prize winning photo, a unique photo displaying the death of one of the worlds most

    powerful men.

    And here's the question (please give an honest answer):

    Would you select colour film, or rather go with the classic simplicity of black and white?

    Decisions . Decisions!!!

  3. Could it be that Goosetie, Erco and Msnina is a Thai person who dispises farangs who go out with bar girls? Highly unlikely but you never know. Like a web stalker.

    I think you might have let fantasy over-take reality there bud, i could be wrong. :o

  4. I dont actually think the situation can be changed, without some serious culture changes also.

    Thai men have been visiting "service" girls in various establishments for time in memorial, the holiday makers (male) come here and visit the go-go bars... its the same thing, just a different flavour/venue for the tourist/farang/falang whatever.

    So in order to eradicate prostitutes from this country your going to need to take it right back down to a grass roots level. If you just remove it from the tourists eyes then the people who want it will find it anyway... if you dont remove it from the "sing-a-song" shops and the back street brothels, massage parlours etc then its a pointless excersise. I do beleive that its an industry that wont ever be erradicated.. the best you can hope for is to push it underground. In doing that who have you helped? nobody.

    I'm not actually in favour of the idea of removeing prostitution myself, although i agree Thailand should try to make some moves to clean up its image, and that is begining to happen. Rome wasnt built in a day.

    Maybe legalising the trade would improve matters, it goes against your line of thinking but it would allow for things to be more controlled, if its better controlled then it can be better placed, if its better placed then its not goign to get in the way of the family tourist. (the ones you and the thai govt want to encourage)

    Again, just my opinions, just my 2baht

  5. Ignore Lovelycutie as specified earlier she is an admin and is building up her posting numbers, do admins get paid?  If she does its a waste of money.

    As for Daviewavie he has gone since I asked him if he ran Prostitutes in his bar, he refused to answer as in an earlier post he made the bold statement that he was here 100% legal. Prostitution is illegal here, proving he tells porkies and is a hypocrite.

    Pepe Sorry I am not religious and certainly am not interested in a story that was written centuries ago, those quotes do not interest me, although it may be of benefit to some other members. Are you a practicing Christian? Prostitution is illegal and so are the Ponces that run them.

    Wolfie almost has me sussed, perhaps its time to buy a beer,

    LC isnt an Admin or a Mod, shes just a regular forum member... so you might wanna rethink your stance there Erco.

    Dave seems to be ignoreing you, after all the insults that have been thrown around this past week or so, your popularity rating is at an all time low. But i do remember Dave reffering to his "bar" as a "Club" which would lead me to beleive its not a little Soi bar with 10 BGs working in it. It sounds more liek a nightclub style place with legal, tax paying staff. If there are any working girls/BG's there its probably because they came in through the front door as customers... they get reffered to as "Freelancers" in my area... In Defence of Dave if his club has freelancers in it, its probably nothing to do with Dave. My opinion of Dave is hes a pretty much stright talking kind of guy, not a liar or a hypocrite. I dont actually know the guy so i could be wrong, but from what i know of his postings here, he seems lieka pretty sound guy to me.

    Religious arguments are pointless, religion is responsible for more bloodshed, more pain and misery than any other thing in this entire world. But i'm not gunna be drawn into a discussion about religion.

    Me have you sussed, well maybe, you've never directly insulted me (although i have directly insulted you on more than one occasion) and this past day or so has started to see you post more intellegent discussion. My justification for my previous insults, every other post i read from you was a direct insult at thai ladies (either BGs or normal girls), a direct insult at someone who married a girl they love or in fact jsut drivvel.

    In my humble opinion, now youve started to discuss things in a more sensible manner, i will discuss my opinions with you in a less insulting and more constructive manner.

  6. I have to be honest, i'm gunna throw in an opinion that doesnt agree with the majority here.

    Erco's last couple of posts have actually been quite sensible, thought provoking and interesting to read (i dont necessarily agree with his standpoint, but hes starting to cool down some)

    Yes he started his notority by stepping on a few toes, hurling insults (which got thrown back at him 10 fold) and generally leaving a negative impression on the ThaiVisa.com populace... but... but... He's starting to be a little more.. whats the word i'm looking for... constructive. Hes being a little less antagonistic...

    (except obvious attempts to annoy some members)

    Just my 2baht, and i guess not too many people are gunna be happy with my views here...

    Guess i'll just put on my flame proof suit and let you all start on me...

    Flame away!

  7. I'm no bible expert, but i was told once that there is mention of prostitution in the bible.. i dont think it had anything to do with Judus though.

    I've definately heard that its "the oldest profession in the book"

    Right or wrong...

    Moral or Imorral (by biblical standards)

    Thailand was a buddist nation last time i looked...

    (and i claim to know very little about that as well)

    So using the bible as justification isnt really a valid point. In my humble opinion.

  8. Ooooh the discussion is opening...

    Good points on both sides, i'm eager for this discussion to continue in a calm, well thought out and insightful manner...

    Wannabe Trolls.. butt out


    Off your PC and go prop up the Bar sad really.

    Still avoiding the questions, I will assume you have Prostitutes working at your sad little Bar so are therefore breaking the law. Enough said.

    Bye Bye.

    Is that the best you can come back with???

    <deleted>? and i thought you were a Real troll! ha! :D

    Ohh i had better be careful, Erco might start throwing his toys at me! :o

  10. I think you guys have been watching a little too much "X Files", the conspiricy theory junkies are becoming vocal! :D

    Of course, CIA, MI5 and the government agencies of all the western world scrutanise this forum in great detail, they scan all the posts, pulling off the IP addresses and traceing them back to your home telephone number so that they can observe your wrong doings, track down the international criminals and fine dodgers... its true, Tony Blair told me all about it the other night as we were crusing Soi Bangla looking for chicks (he was a little drunk though, he'd just drunk a whole bottle of Sang Som after spending the afternoon in Christines Massage)

    There again, you only need to be worried if your actually guilty of something, that parking fine you never paid before fleeing the country... it will come back to haunt you!!!! :o

    I really think some of you guys take this a little too far. :D

  11. Bird Flu is not something thats transmitted from eating cooked chicken.

    Heres a quote from the World Health Organisation (WHO)

    The virus is killed by heat (56 degrees C for 3 hours or 60 degrees C for 30 minutes) and common disinfectants, such as fomalin and iodine compounds.

    Under the heading "What are the control measures in birds?"

    Full report can be found Here

    So basically its always been fine to eat well cooked chicken, eggs etc.

    In answer to your question, I've not read of any mass deaths or culling for quite some time, nor have i read anything about people dieing from chicken flu. Last Thailand reporting of bird flu was Jan 23rd (or something like that, its on the website i've linked to above... go look yourself :o )

    Hope that helps

  12. Its been long enough and no ones given him an answer, so i guess the guy dun wanna be found. Also i agree that the whole topic is slightly dubious. If this "UKDog" guy has goods that need to be delivered, then im sure this "Alan" guy will be in touch when hes good and ready...

    I'll second the close topic idea, for what my opinions worth :o

  13. The Thai authorities have just upgraded their national security status from: "Don't care about it unless there's money in it for us" to "Lets go for Lunch"

    Its a bit late for lunch, you know how these Thais like to eat!

    A good friend of mine in the govt that the actual national security status has in fact been upgraded to... "Lets go have a massage"

    Not sure if that comes above or below the lunch one?

  14. You should be able to open a standard "savings" account (with an ATM card) without a Work Permit. I was under the impression Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) required a work permit... but i did open mine nearly 2 years ago, so i guess things could have changed.

    Your best bet, just go around all the various banks in your area and ask them, one is bound to say yes to you sooner or later...

    Hope you enjoy the shirts :o

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