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Everything posted by puchooay

  1. Oh dear. How sad. Never mind. It's become a sad situation whereby personal, current experience is not believed because one cannot provide a link. Even if the disbelievers have not had experience for over 10 years.
  2. So you admit to misleading applicants? Once again, in my own personal experience, healthcare jobs are out there for those without experience. I've done it, my wife has done it, my daughter has done it and a very large percentage of my colleagues have done it. My first job in health care was in an NHS hospital caring for elderly patients who had had accidents or relapses and were being rehabilitated so the could return home.
  3. Not personal opinion. Personal experience. I've just done a Google search. First 10 agencies all saying " whether you are new to care or have experience, we have a job for you", or words to that effect.
  4. Really? Surely Boots would be retail. I said "Healthcare" Under which we have social care, domiciliary care, palliative care, rehabilitation, patient transport, support workers, to name but a few. And, yes, it is an industry that currently has 50000 vacancies that anyone can do with no prior experience or training.
  5. Please show me where I said there were 50000 vacancies with NHS that anyone can do. Thanks.
  6. So the poor are in the places I mentioned. Maybe they could save some money by cooking healthy food at home. Last time I looked, fruit and veg were very good value compared to processed food.
  7. I work 5x8 hour shifts. My wife works 4x12. Both in the Healthcare industry. An industry with 50000 vacancies. Vacancies that can be filled by anyone. No experience required. A job my wife got within 2 weeks of getting her Biometrics card. We live in SE England. An expensive area for housing. We pay £1000 a month rent per month. We make sure we don't over spend when times are good. That way we have something to fall back on in times not so good. Our daughter too. Works in Healthcare. Had the job for 2 years. Only been in UK 2 years 6 months. She works hard and just got promoted. In those 2 years she has paid cash for a £6k card, moved into her own rented flat and saved money to travel to Thailand to visit her grand parents. If we can do it, anyone can.
  8. So obesity has nothing to do with Coke, Pepsi, KFC, McD, BK, pizza......? Wrong.
  9. Yes. Indeed. Apologies. Must have predicted text set to US.????????????????
  10. I may of missed it but I cannot find where you said how old you are.
  11. Fat people would generally eat that kind-of food anyway. Nothing to do with being poor.
  12. Working people should not be using foodbanks. Not if they are working a decent working week. Those that moan and moan about governments over spending, wasting money or making bad decisions should look at themselves.
  13. How strange. When I posted something I'd experienced first hand you would not accept it as I couldn't post a link. One rule for one.............
  14. Yes. There are forms that you need to sign at the land registry office. It proves the land was bought by a married couple.
  15. That may be true where you live, not where I do. Alot of what is in the media is exaggerated.
  16. Not Thai lawyer. The land office when I signed the forms. As for changes, I doubt it. Itt comes under the marriage law, regardless of nationality.
  17. Which has been caused by....? I'll answer. The war in Ukraine and Covid19 lockdowns, furlough payments, business grants etc.
  18. A strange comparison. Fuel requirements for an aircraft are based using many constants. The only constant here is your doom and gloom about a future you cannot confirm.
  19. No need to do anything. The land will be bought under "sin som rot" Both parties having equal ownership.
  20. Exactly my point. Some posters on here are posting drivel about a future that can't prove.
  21. That is the present. We've agreed on that. Although no one has actually proved to what extent each event has impacted on the present day situation. NOW please post some facts about the future to back your position. Like I said, I think 2024 should be about right.
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