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Everything posted by puchooay

  1. Large companies, like 7/11 ( the topic of the quote you quoted) pay a national wage with the exception of a supplement for Bangkok.
  2. OK. Please explain the similarities between "might" and "want". Thanks.
  3. It's a shame many people chose to ignore them. I've never been offered one. Must be as I've been mortgage free for quite awhile now. It's easy to do with forward planning.
  4. You said I was wrong about the hourly rates. My post shows I sm not. Your post is inane.
  5. My first rule whenever I looked at getting a mortgage. Work out what the payments would be in the case of an interest rate increase of upto 5%.
  6. If you are in Mukdaharn go to the river. Face north and look right. With exceptional long vision or even a pair of binoculars, you should be able to see some Lao beer. ????????????????????
  7. I leave my place at 2:30am when doing the Savannakhet run. Never go on Thursday or Friday. Don't wish to be held up over the weekend. Go Wednesday or before allows for mishaps and a 24 hour delay.
  8. You clearly have no knowledge of how business law works. You also clearly have no idea of how staffing works in 7/11 franchises.
  9. Thanks. As is your refusal to answer straight forward questions for fear of undermining your stance.
  10. If he was trying to control her he would be telling her not to go. He would be offering some kind of threat or ultimatum. He would be suggesting something detrimental to her could happen. I have not seen that. He is simply questioning the safety of the roads. Something that has been bemoaned by most members on this forum one time or another. All of a sudden the roads are safe and there are no problems.
  11. Excellent. Girlfriend's son. 5555 Let's believe him over what the law says. How old is he?
  12. Once again you have let yourself down with a lack of understanding of English.
  13. Please show me then. Educate me. Anyone who is working in 7/11 on contracted hours will be on minimum wage. Maybe you know some who are working under the radar so they don't have to show how much they are earning, do tax returns or pay into the Social Security scheme. That's up to them.
  14. Really? So a shop owner is told they must increase the salaries of their staff. They are going to take that on the chin and accepts profit loss? I very much doubt it. More so in Thailand.
  15. No. that was a suggestion by someone else. He has never said he "want's to fake covid". He acknowledged it as an idea but not something he wants to do.
  16. I got a pay rise that I believe is fair to me and to the economy of the country. It means that the company I work for does not have to raise their prices to the consumer because the employees asked for a ridiculous amount, thus fuelling inflation. Let's give the rail workers a big rise so we can see the consumers complain about ticket prices rising. Let's give the NHS workers a big rise so we can see tax payers complain that taxes are going up. Let's all suffer just so a few can get ridiculous pay rises. Where on earth is the RCN come up with 19.2% from? Let's give everyone inflationary or above inflation pay rises and the watch inflation continue at the levels it's at. Actually, No. Let's not. Let's grin and bear it, let's ride the storm, let's stop over spending when times are good. Let's take care of our own economic situation just like the moaners are suggesting the government should. Remember those queueing up at the airport going on holiday complaining about delays? Those moaning because their new car they bought on HP or PCP had been delayed because of the chip issues? Those queueing up over night to get the new Iphone? They are the same people that will be complaining they can't pay their bills in January because they spent so much at Christmas. Reel it in people. Help yourselves instead of expecting others to help.
  17. I said he is showing concern. Nothing about caring for her. So please tell me how he is controlling her? That is what you suggested.
  18. Maybe they could but it wouldn't make any difference. Prices would rise. The 600b would only be worth the same as what they get now. That's the problem with Thai economics. People only think about what they receive. They don't think about what they need to spend.
  19. I went on one of these office trips once. I got really p%$£ed, got off with one of the office girls and had a go at the bosses wife. Never got asked to attend again. Maybe this could be added to the list of options for the OP and his wife. ????
  20. I don't believe he is. He's showing concern, possibly justified. He's certainly not controlling her.
  21. It is well known that the consulate closes at that time for applications. I guess better planning would have got you there earlier. In my experience they have always been firm with the rules. Sit back and enjoy your stay with a few bottles of Lao Beer.
  22. No, I haven't. I am doing well. I believe I said I was well off. I started with nothing. I work and manage well. Every asset, pound, penny, baht and satang I own has been accrued by working, managing my finances, not over spending, not buying things just because I have spare money, planning for future rises, calculating mortgage payments a upto 5% more per month before signing on the dotted line and not expecting Government handouts if I f$##ed up. If everyone did that they would not be in the opposition they are now. No, I can't provide a link as you can't link to common sense. Incidentally, I got a 4% payrise. Did I strike? No, because I understand how economies work. Inflation wasn't as high as it is now for a long time and is unlikely be as high for much longer.
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