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Everything posted by puchooay

  1. I am very aware of that. Part of my job is to promote health and independence with older people. However, there is taking care and being reckless
  2. Not at all. I posted something. You disagreed. Up to you to offer your reasons for disagreement. Or is you disagreement unsubstantiated?
  3. You may wish to read up on the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
  4. The government's plan was vetoed by the wokes. Please don't twist things to suit yourself.
  5. Having read this topic a while back. I started to try different methods. I've been poaching rather than frying eggs for sometime now, since reading literature that suggests eggs aren't quite so bad for us if not fried. Here is the method I now use: heat water to a rolling boil. Break egg into a teacup. Turn heat down to medium. Lower the teacup into the pan at an angle that allows the water to enter. Wait a few seconds for the egg to start cooking then remove the cup. Allow egg to simmer for 2 minutes. Remove with slotted spoon. Perfect results every time.
  6. Twisting what people say does not make it wrong or you right. Keep up eith the discussions. This topic has become many discussions within a discussion. If you can't handle that, don't comment.
  7. How many illegal immigrants contribute? I believe that is the group being focused on here. There was a plan in place to combat the issue but the Wokes put a stop to it. It was a good deterrent and likely would have had an effect on numbers crossing the channel. Sadly, we'll never know by how much.
  8. My wife ran a business catering totally to expats in Buriram for 11 years. Good profits. Sold the business in 2019 due to relocating. New owners doing very well. Pandemic or not, people still need to eat.
  9. You must be unlucky. Our local clinic is excellent. Clean with good staff too. Masks? Why do they need them? Dogs? That's part of living in the village. Easy to avoid them. Kids? Easy to avoid them too.
  10. How did the family know he'd broken his hip? Why did they leave him outside? Why couldn't they take him ti hospital as it is only yards from their home? 85 years old with cancer, why didn't a family member cut the grass? They should be taking care of him.
  11. K1 generally learn/play in the morning. Have lunch then sleep in the afternoon. As the kids enter K2 they start to be weened off the sleeping in the afternoon. Those that want to sleep can do. Those that wake up are encouraged to take part in activities. K3 I'd generally full on. Desks and chairs, blackboard and books. Study is of course full of fun and student involvement to keep the kids attentive. Study ends at 4pm. That is generally the system in private schools. Government schools usually have K1 and K2. Then the real study starts in P1. The ages are the same when entering P1 as private schools tend to start K1 a year earlier.
  12. My daughter attended a great school. Not private, private does not guarantee "better" Not expensive, expensive does not guarantee "better". Not in a big city, that also does not guarantee "better". There does appear to be some school snobbery on this forum from some posters. There really is no need.
  13. Oh dear. I was only asking. I have seen kids struggle many times. They are just deemed "slow". Learning disabilities are never picked up by teachers and therefore never treated.
  14. It's the law in education in Thailand. Each subject in Thai schools must be taught at least once a week by a Thai teacher. Are you sure you're a teacher? You should have known that.
  15. Nice to see you didn't say "all". My wife has settled very well in UK.
  16. That's the best idea you've had so far. I totally agree with you. Your poor kid likely gets brainwashed too much at home already.
  17. Your grand daughter seems to struggle where ever she has been studying. With the exception, as it appears, of Technical college. Are you sure the issues are not nearer to home? Maybe she is not interested, maybe a bit lazy? Maybe she needs to be checked for learning disabilities, which is not something the school would ever suggest.
  18. @Speedo1968 You don't need a lawyer for a will. Are you sure you need a signature for the other documents? You'll be hard pushed to get a Thai law firm to sign documents that are in English.
  19. Our French teachers hardly ever spoke French. We learnt almost nothing. The best learning experience we had was when we had a week school trip to France. Stayed in a Chateau with French staff. The teachers there only spoke French. We had no choice. Learnt more that week than the rest of the 4 years of study.
  20. How did you learn your native tongue? It's the same idea. Immersion, body language and facial expressions. If your students don't have a clue, you are doing something wrong and need to change your style. Teaching in Thai schools is a dual process. All students also learn with a Thai teacher. Let the Thais explain in Thai, they are more fluent than you after all, then the Native English speakers do the conversation, pronunciation, role plays, situation play outs, etc. If a foreigner speaks Thai in a Thai classroom, what is the point of them being there? None.
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