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Everything posted by puchooay

  1. Does that make all Catholic clergy peados? Does that mean every Muslim is a terrorist? I guess not.
  2. People sleeping rough and food banks does not equal "destruction". There are homeless people and foodbanks where I am but no destruction.
  3. No they haven't. I'm in UK now. Things looking OK. Can't see any evidence of destruction.
  4. Your point of view is political. That is my arguement. As I've pointed out more than once. You've chosen the political view you agree with. You have not considered the bigger picture.
  5. I don't "hate" them. Neither do I "hate" any political party. Hate just uses up too much energy.
  6. No. I don't have political opinions or views when reading Economics. As I previously mentioned. Yes, I have. Twice.
  7. I've explained already. You are allowing politics to get in the way. Your posts make it quite clear you hate the Tories and all they stand for. That stance clouds your judgement.
  8. That's one way of looking at it, but flawed. The other ways to look at it you won't agree with because of your political views When I studied economics our lecturer told us one thing to remember. " Economics is not politics. Don't let political views sway your judgement."
  9. Not at all. There are simple ways to do it. My first job was linked to the stock exchange. Price fluctuations, record dates for dividends, dividend rates. It's really not difficult. Buy, keep, get dividend, hold on then sell. The big bang and abolishing the idea of only bi monthly settlement dates made things easier.
  10. It's not difficult to make money on short term investments. Notice I said I would calculate. Not save for. Prepared but not tied.
  11. Were such things available back then? 555 I remember it was a 100% mortgage on a 46k 1 bedroom flat. Not fixed rate. I think our mortgage rate was something like 15.7%. Quite a chunk of change.
  12. If I were in the market for a mortgage and base rates were below 1% I would calculate what my payments would be if base rates were 5%. I would not then think rates were so low that I could go out and spend spend spend on credit; cars, TVs, computers, phones, holidays, etc. I would also expect, with a virus and lockdowns, there to be serious financial issues in the country after that passed and would prepare for it. Too many times people go mad when the going is good only to be caught short when things go belly up.
  13. Interest rates have been far too low for far too long. At 4.5% they are approaching something near to " normal".
  14. Massive increase? Not really. If people can't take care of their ien finances, they can hardly stand there and blame the government for making a mistake. You say the electorate have noticed. You seem to know a lot of people.
  15. "All the time"? Never lose?
  16. In my view ; Surely anyone with an iota of knowledge and thought would have realised rates could only go one way. Anyone who can get a 250k mortgage should have that knowledge. I'm not sure why you mention "tying up capital". Surely it is just living withing one's means, isn't it?
  17. I hope, if there is a new government, they don't change too much. I consider myself an ordinary person. Throughout the Covid pandemic and the energy crisis I believe the Government have done decent things with financial support for me, my family and other ordinary people.
  18. Lovely. Let's file it in the Fiction section.
  19. I did recognise the sarcasm. It's quite funny that many posters on another topic slate Isaan because the lack of expats to talk to and the lack of Western food choices. ????
  20. Quite handy. The foreigners seem to work much harder. If it wasn't for foreign restaurants and take aways, plus the foreign delivery drivers, there'd be nothing to eat after 7pm.
  21. Thank you for saving me from having to prove my point. You've done it yourself, above.
  22. Exactly. You are very confused, maybe naive, with regards to Isaan people. You keep writing the same, incorrect and wide of the mark, things despite being advised you are just that.
  23. Interesting. Insulting others just because they try to advise you which, I believe, is why you posted. By the way, you mentioned earlier that little Dang doesn't speak any English. ????
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