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Everything posted by puchooay

  1. I was referring to the second part of your post.
  2. Still banging the same drum, I see. Totally blind comments.
  3. As someone clearly still living in the middle ages it was likely not much more than a couple of great. No wonder he has the hump with the monarchy. ????????????
  4. So far in this topic, every incident that occurs is the other person's fault. Nothing to do with culture, the way people are, curiosity or YOU. Time to take a long hard look at yourself. You clearly misunderstand most situations and are living in a life you don't understand. At 5 years old the boy will live on and move on. Object permanence is already present in his mind but can be lost over time. You said he foesnt speak English. You can't be having that much of an effect on him. He will move on and so should you. (If any of your tales actually occur).
  5. You clearly have not kept up with the posts on the thread and are basing your comments on a visit you made. When did you visit Isaan and how long did you stay? Which province did you stay in?
  6. That still doesn't explain why you wrote a load of rubbish about Isaan when it seems you've likely never even been there.
  7. Why post incorrect, outdated information if you don't care? Strange.
  8. I think you are out if touch with the development of the North East region of Thailand.
  9. Such a good basis you got his name wrong.????????????????. His name was Norby. I knew him when he was in Surin.
  10. You obviously haven't read the report. Instead, as usual, you jump on the anti government band wagon. In fact, so much so I guess you are driving. ????????
  11. And file it in the Fiction section.
  12. Only if they have progressed as far as ILR or if they work in health care or for NHS. Those on spouse visa or FLR need to pay in excess of £1600 for NHS cover every 2.5 years.
  13. The rote style of teaching, probably used by 80% of teachers in Thailand, will be easy to replicate with AI. Other forms of teaching,dare I say the correct ways; asking questions, inviting questions, learning by doing, are not so easy to do.
  14. How many of those scanned had abnormalities with regards to their sexuality?
  15. How many people were involved in these brain scans?
  16. I apologise. At first read I felt you were insinuating I'd posted something I hadn't.
  17. That is a fact. I will make statements when there are facts to back them up. The post I was referring to was full of questions. It's quite amazing that, whilst showing 2 sides of this complicated case, whilst constantly stating I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with any part, whilst never having stated what side of the fence I am on, I'm accused of all sorts of things. Criminology is fascinating. How different criminal minds work is fascinating. How the system has changed is interesting. The way criminals were diagnosed mad and how they were treated in asylums is tragic.
  18. Did or didn't what? No need for me to make my mind up. I've been asking questions. No one has been answering do it seems no one has made their mind up, with the exception of one poster who refuses to see both sides.
  19. Belfield is a rapist and child killer. Please explain how he and Bronson are the same?
  20. No need for them to "believe" the lawyer. He us telling the truth. He's not allowed to lie. It's a matter of how the parole board balance the appeal for parole. It's the fact that I have the ability to see things both ways that appears something you cannot comprehend. Nothing I have written is untrue or "false" as you have suggested. I'm purely showing both sides of the situation. If you want to believe I'm deflecting, that's fine. Even though your accusations are a result of a blinkered view.
  21. Oh dear. That statement is clearly wrong. So wrong.
  22. I hope the parole board don't erroneously believe the lawyers case is deflection. It is all part of the law in UK.
  23. Strange he was never charged for it. Did he exagarate it in his book for effect? He says "before their very eyes". Whose eyes? Maybe the prison officers allowed it to happen. The victim was a peado. Wouldn't be the first time they've turned a blind eye to such things. Ian Huntley was attacked even though he was supposed to be in isolation.
  24. That is false. There have been no claims he has ever attempted to kill anybody.
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