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Posts posted by spacemand

  1. I use AEON when having to use a ATM card they are free there is a link on their website to their ATM locations. AEON for example have ATMs at Big C and Tesco in Sisaket where I stay so its pretty simple there.

    Autthya also have ATMs at both Tesco and Big C in Sisaket at Tesco they charge the 150 fee at Big C they do not.

    I usually transfer to my Thai bank account via a wire I only pay $5 for a wire and a couple of hundred Baht to receive it to my Thai account and it give a lot better exchange rate just remember to send the money in your local currency.

  2. Tried the sleeper once from Bangkok to Sisaket 2nd class I think we pay around 800 per person and I have no problems using it again. I am 185cm and it were big enough for me and I slept more than I expected almost all the time.

    There are old and new cars the new ones seems to be old Chinese cards and according to my wife that have done the trip a few times they are much better than the old ones, only having tried the new ones I don't know anything about the old ones, on our trip the new cars were the last 3-4 cars at the back of the train if it helps.

    The news ones are 4 bunks 2 up and 2 down with the down being 100 baht more expensive because they are a little bit bigger.

    Shortly after departure a guy comes around and makes the bed for you with clean sheet, blanket and pillow. There is a curtain you can put all around your bunk so there is total privacy. Aircon were not to cold

    There is also a 1st class which is a bit more expensive but were sold out when we went from Bangkok to Sisaket.

    I would use it again with no hesitation having only tried a sleeper in Denmark 20 years ago and from what I remember this one were better and the option I am going to use with the new time tables.

    Its supposed to be possible to buy online on: http://www.railway.co.th/english/index.asp

    When I checked a month ago I got a warning saying there were a virus on the page and now the page to book does not work.

  3. Great. Not a schedule for anyone coming from outside Thailand and want to go to Ubon or in my case Sisaket.

    I arrive at about 3pm along with a lot of other flights from Europe so I have 3 choices.

    1) Go to DM but small delay and I risk missing the plane.

    2) Spend a night in BK and leave early next morning.

    3) Take the 8pm sleeper from Hua Lamphong

    Easy choice for me option number 3 and it will save me 2-4K baht

    Same when flying to Europe most flights are late night and either a loooong wait in Swampy or going from DM to Swampy.

    I flew Ubon - BKK on the late flight on Feb 14th and it was full, not a single empty seat as far as I could see.

    Luckily I won't be traveling back and forth to Europe in the future but if I want to go to Bangkok my money would be on using AirAsia then the afternoon flight from Thai and Nok a distant 3rd.

  4. Latest news Michael Connell - November 2008

    The FPSS has received updated information on Michael who is now in building 12 in Bangkwang Central Prison. He now works in the prison hospital and pharmacy. For such a young lad he is remarkably strong and a survivor - I hope, although he did go through a really bad patch earlier this year and was not well at all. I am in contact with him and see him when I return to Thailand each year.

    From http://www.usp.com.au/fpss/case-michael_connell.html

  5. I don't know much about teaching in Thailand but I can add this about Sisaket where I spend half my time and half outside Thailand.

    A school close to our house asked my wife if I were interested in teaching at the school and they must be a bit desperate since I am not a native English speaker I am not sure if they know this, the pay they offered were 20,000 a month.

    Thanks for the info, that's about 60% of the pay in the big cities. I guess that the going rate for out in the provinces.

    Like I said I have no idea about teaching or saleries.

    Don't know if you already know Sisaket but it is cheap here I budget 10,000 a month for house, water, gold satelite package, electricity and internet and its more than enough, I am renting a 1200 square feet house in town only use air con at night in our bedroom. If you plan on staying Sisaket drop by one of the two Falang restaurants both owners are great and plenty of teachers you can talk meet there.

    I could live on 20,000 a month here but it wouldn't be fun but double that amount and you live a comfortable live.

    I am in Denmark now but will be back in Sisaket in May if you are interested I can try to get the info about the school from my then you can try contacting the school and ask them what they are looking for, just send me a PK-

  6. When I try to reply or post a new thread I can only write in the box I can not go back using the arrows to correct anything, I can not write below a post I am quoting basically I can only type and use back space I can not even see the blinking horizontal line.

    I consider myself pretty internet savy and posts on a lot of forums but this is the only place I have this problem.

    I am using FF 3.6

  7. I don't know much about teaching in Thailand but I can add this about Sisaket where I spend half my time and half outside Thailand.

    A school close to our house asked my wife if I were interested in teaching at the school and they must be a bit desperate since I am not a native English speaker I am not sure if they know this, the pay they offered were 20,000 a month.

  8. Here's my list of monthly expenses, all taken from last months bills. The telephone bill is the most unpredictable, depends how many times I phone family and friends in UK/Canada, but is never less than 500 baht, or greater than 1000.

    Electricity 981 baht

    Drinking water 350 baht (10 dozen bottles at 35 baht for 12)

    Water 87 baht

    Telephone 802 baht

    Internet 186 baht (I'm on dial up and use at card at the moment, changing to faster service soon)

    Satellite TV 1413 baht (For the footy)

    Gas 100 baht (a bottle is 300 baht and lasts 3-4 months)

    Cigarettes 930 baht (10 a day)

    Total so far 4849 baht

    The rest goes on food, ( but we have a large garden, and grow most of our own fruit and vegetables), petrol for the motorcycle, bus fares, and feeding our animals. We don't have a car, we could easily afford one, but I hate driving.

    Just noticed my third biggest expense is cigarettes, so I'll be cutting down to 5 a day from now on.

    Someone asked what people do for a living who've posted on this topic. I'm retired, keep busy by exercising, gardening, looking after all our animals, I'm learning the piano, and can play guitar, usually watch a movie or football or Uk TV from my collecton at night time. I realise (before the snipers start :) ), that this lifestyle wouldn't suit everybody, but my wife and I enjoy everyday.

    Sokal - hope you enjoy your retirement. :D

    If you can get a good internet connection for 500-1000 a month you will actually save money in the end.

    Calling to UK/Canada can be done cheap using Skype.

    I have a 1.5 megabits which is OK but the best I can get and I have no more problems calling home using Skype than a cell phone.

  9. My wife an I are doing this on her suggestion for our "village" weeding we give as much as possible in Sin Sod and we will get it back from her mom after the weeding - minus of cause expenses (except maybe for 10K for her mom which I have not discussed with my wife yet :)

    Its tradition in some parts of the country and I have no problem with it when its for show at least :D

  10. I work in the Debit card business and we see this on a regular basis that the ATM malfunctions.

    Wait a couple of days and it might be credited back to your account by the owner of the ATM if this does not happen and they are not helpful you should contact the bank that issued the card then they will charge back the transactions for money not dispensed it can be a lengthy process of up to 60 days but in most cases the bank that owns the ATM will not contest the charge back because they can see there is a surplus in the ATM.

    Our card holders are most often told by the bank owning the ATM to contact the issuing bank so don't be surprised if the bank is not cooperating

  11. I work in the Debit card business and we see this on a regular basis that the ATM malfunctions.

    Wait a couple of days and it might be credited back to your account by the owner of the ATM if this does not happen and they are not helpful you should contact the bank that issued the card then they will charge back the transactions for money not dispensed it can be a lengthy process of up to 60 days but in most cases the bank that owns the ATM will not contest the charge back because they can see there is a surplus in the ATM.

    Our card holders are most often told by the bank owning the ATM to contact the issuing bank so don't be surprised if the bank is not cooperating

  12. Lomatopo, I can easily say that more than half of the Thai passengers in F are not legit full-fare First Class customers. Most of the time they get OpUped (like you said) and these people are usually related to the staff at Thai Airways. They know how to do so without having to write anything down in their accounting system. I have seen many of the sneak-ins as well (in domestic flights). You know, pay economy or some even fly for free but sit in BC.

    This happens everywhere, I got bumped from monkey to business on a CPH-GIG because I had a family member who works at SAS with me at the airport.

  13. I stayed at The KaewKwan Resort with the wife while looking for a house when we first moved to Sisaket we stayed a month for 6,000 I think it were.

    Friendly nice helpsome people its run by 3 sisters I think, good food, VERY quiet, 7-11 2-3kms away, laundry, clean and so on. It had all we needed while looking around for a place and I would have no problem staying there again.

  14. I eat a lot more pork and chicken while in Thailand.

    I don't like fish or anything else from the sea and the beef is horrible so the only options for me are pork and chicken but the the food is still great despite my limited menu and I miss it when I am not in Thailand even being from Denmark one of the biggest pork countries in the world with 5 times more pigs than humans :)

  15. I just give the wife everything I make every month. I only need a few hundred baht a day for incidentals. And then she is responsible for paying the bills. Saves me alot of headaches.

    Better yet, I don't have to listen to her overly active imagination decide that I have a mia noi. Since she controls all the money, she knows I couldn't possibly pay for one. You only get into trouble when you try and hide the finances from the Mrs. Just find a girl who you trust to take care of your money and turn it all over to her. Lots of problems go away after you do that.

    The stress of doing it the other way around just isn't worth it.

    LOL I am the same.

    She knows our monthly budget and I rarely have more than 1-2,000 in my wallet.

    A lot easier to hand her the money and have her pay for everything when we go anywhere and she is more responsible when it comes to money than more often than not its her telling me that maybe we should consider this a little bit before we buy it.

    I agree with the imagination she knows I don't have any cash, she knows the monthly income, I trust her and if her imagination gets the better of her I just tell how the frack would I be able to afford that. It works for us and I don't have the head ache of making sure bills are taken care of and I think it looks better that she is paying at the supermarket or restaurant than I am, might be just me feeling this way.

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