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Posts posted by spacemand

  1. So, based on this irresponsible response, when the next tsunami, quake or flood hits Thailand I assume the Thai government won't be calling the USA for assistance.

    Did Thailand ask for aid from the US after the last Tsunami?

    I wish they would have let the US NASA use the base but Thailand has also has a powerful neighbor they need to not upset. They gain nothing nor do they lose anything by neither saying yes or no.

    Don't know if they asked for assistance but as recent as the previous floods US troops helped.

    I am not a huge supporter of the US but they are good at helping out when there are a crisis like the tsunami or other things because of their huge presence all over the world and their massive resources.

  2. Only a fool would assume the US government has other countries' best interest at heart.

    A request like this deserves careful scrutiny, but unfortunately the Pheua Thai government has spent the last few months trying to whitewash the crimes of their esteemed leader and followers, nothing else matters to them.

    I assume you are Thai from you user name but this post shows exactly whats wrong with Thailand.

    Its 2 sides against each other and the other side is always wrong, look at the previous posts this request were submitted to the previous government and they could have handled it.

    The current government chickened out so they are no matter.

    The lines are drawn and its only going to get worse.

    Thailand can be compared to the USA 2 parties run by extremists that will do everything to gain power.

  3. On the Sisaket map Bergen - see Spacemands map posting #14

    Maybe soon time for a hash run in Sisaket SantiSuk.........biggrin.png

    Yes - that had been in my mind for a few months now. Loads of bamboo bars on the south side of town by the looks of it.

    Are any of you SiSaket dwellers likely to be up for a social night out. All you have to do is turn up for a walk (run if you like) and sing a couple of silly songs, drink a few beers then hit the lights (the latter is optional)! Could be August 4th or October 6th.

    A lot of fit guys that easily can make a walk in Sisaket for 1-2 miles ;)

    If you come from Ubon then make a deal with Brian/Frank to start at one place and end the other would be fun I think, quite a few people would show up, I know I would.

  4. I don't get why AA want to move to DMK they have a majority of the domestic market and they would continue to have that if they stayed at BKK but now they are losing the a lot of the people connecting through BKK. AA is not that much cheaper than Thai and if you add in the hassle of going cross town and the risk of losing a flight they are not worth it I would rather spend 2 hours extra waiting at BKK than risk missing my flight. For me I am going from 100% AA domestic flights to 100% Thai flights with this change.

    If DMK gets flooded this year all the savings AA got will be wiped out for years to come, I think its a bad business decision.

    • Like 2
  5. The champagne most be flowing at Thai Airways headquarters today they just got back a lot of business they lost to AA.

    I usually fly AA because it saves me a few hours at BKK connecting to my domestic flight, from here on out I am only flying Thai when you count all the fees and all Thai is not that more expensive and adding transport cost and time between DMK and BKK and I am guessing I am not the only one not wanting to go cross town.

  6. as to some of the other comments on this thread a great many are wide of the mark.

    for one thing secrets must be one of the tamest bars on walking st.

    upstairs most of the 24 rooms are run as a hotel.

    as for larry being rich don't make me laugh he rents a 29 mr room in one of the cheapest condos in pattaya.

    he's a nice guy and merely the manager, and in the many times i have been in the bar i have never once seen him handle money, some of the story just does not ring true. but when do reporters ever wory about that when telling a tale

    Agree 100% with you, Secrets is a "hostess" bar and I have never seen Larry doing anything but making customers comfortable, the whole thing about him handling cash for a girls exploits I doubt very much same as I doubt them employing anyone under 25 :D

  7. Thai International & Bangkok Airways must be rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of losing the only low cost carrier out of Suvarnabhumi! The loss of a significant competitor!

    Air Asia are guaranteed to lose pretty much all interconnecting domestic to international & international to domestic traffic - except when changing from Air Asia to another Air Asia flight!

    This feeder business is worth millions (and not of Baht!) and the loss of this business could very well offset any financial gains from the lower landing & passenger fees applicable at the old Don Muang. Indeed a significant revenue loss could lead to increased fares with Air Asia and not the savings being promoted.....

    Another significant complication is that Air Asia would also require international handling facilities at Don Muang - Immigration officers, customs officers, bonded warehousing etc. Whilst the physical buildings still exist from times past (but in what condition?), at a time when Immigration personnel appear to be under so much pressure & criticism at Suvaranabhumi, can they truly afford to split these already stretched services / resources between two airports?

    I used to be a regular flyer with Nok Air, but they lost me when they moved back to Don Muang. Sadly it'll be the same for Air Asia if they make the move too & will result in higher fares with Thai Airways & Bangkok Airways on domestic services out of Suvarnabhumi - in a market with no other real competition.

    AA is an aggressive and fast growing business.Could be that they are planning Air Asia X long-haul flights direct into DM as well as KUL, and compete with Thai on international as well as domestic routes.

    They have done a good job with the LCCT at KL, might be prepared to lay out the dollars at DM as well.

    AA tried long haul and failed, not the same money in it as with short haul, its a whole different business.

  8. I-ve flown with AirAsia about 40 times without problem, if they move to Don Mueng they lose my business. There's no way I will be flying in from Swampy then traveling across to DM to get a domestic flight.

    Too much aggravation. No thanks.

    Same for me I fly 4-5 times a year outside Thailand and 90% of the time use AirAsia because they fit best with arrivaly/depature in Swampy. With Thai I have to wait 2-3 hours more in Swampy but rather that than going cross town.

    Thai is only a few hundred baht more than Air Asia when you calculate all the fees so no big deal.

    Correct, and not having to face dragging your case down to the taxi rank, getting a surly Somchai, then sweating about getting across the traffic to catch your connecting flight.

    Really, no thanks. Thai Airways will sweep up, maybe that's the plan!!

    I think Thai is hoping for this because a lot of the domestic passengers connecting in BKK will switch to them to avoid a cross city travel even with free air con airport busses its to long a trip to save a few baht.

    If AA moves to DM Thai will be the winner.

    Go to Swampy at 5am and look at the departures AA have at least double the amount of domestic flights compared to Thai. AA is crushing Thai on the domestic market only place Thai have the upper hand are on intercontinental flights.

  9. I-ve flown with AirAsia about 40 times without problem, if they move to Don Mueng they lose my business. There's no way I will be flying in from Swampy then traveling across to DM to get a domestic flight.

    Too much aggravation. No thanks.

    Same for me I fly 4-5 times a year outside Thailand and 90% of the time use AirAsia because they fit best with arrivaly/depature in Swampy. With Thai I have to wait 2-3 hours more in Swampy but rather that than going cross town.

    Thai is only a few hundred baht more than Air Asia when you calculate all the fees so no big deal.

  10. Hi Guys,

    Don't worry, if you have a windows PC you can watch the EURO 2012 game tonight!

    Sign up for a totally FREE trial from our website to test our service for 2 days.


    Happy watching the game with good ole English commentary!



    I can't see how this is a legal solution.

    Do you have the legal rights to UK TV in Thailand? Do you have an agreement in place with BBC and the other channels you rebroadcast?

    I know for sure that the online rights to Euro 2012 were sold specifically to only be allowed for a certain geographic area.

    I like your idea and I would sign up for it if it were legal but I can not see how you can provide your service legally.

  11. Walking street is the street that have the Sunday night market, If you come from Pompiman hotel and walks down the street towards the train station is on your left side.

    On the old Sisaket Map its the same location as the old Sisaket Coffee.

    The zoo is also on the map its all the way down in the left corner, in the Somdet Phra Sri Nakarin Park.If you come from Kantharalak the turn left on the ring road pass the Aquarium next big intersection with traffic lights turn right, then 300-400 meters straight then turn left at the traffic light and its 200-300 meter down the road on your left side.

    • Like 1
  12. Its a Mexican twist there is a facebook group for the place if you search with some pictures, the name I think is just a tongue in cheek to have a a little fun and a theme.

    I know the owner a little a jolly American that knows his food. Its a new place open for 4-5 days but expanding the menu almost daily and with only one other Farang place in town there is definitely room for it.

    For pizza, stews, pies, sausages, schnitzels and european type of food we have Living in the Past by Frank and Nong

    For burgers, Mexican style and so on we have Cuckoo's

    Both places and the owners are great and no matter where you go you will get go service and good food, both are worth a visit.

    • Like 2
  13. Used to be a Leo guy but converted to Chang EXPORT in my opinion the best Thai beer, if you haven't tried it give it a go-

    • Like 1
  14. It will be a busy little stretch of road once it gets up and running. Local gossip has DoHome building a big new place same side of the road towards Home Hub.

    The side road of the ring road should be raised if it is the location, it were flooded for a long time during the flooding.

  15. Storms can be very local so you have to get the news from someone right there, we just had a very bad storm with tiles flying off the neighbours house and my wife 15 kms away didn't notice a thing except for thunder in the distance and that happens all the time.

  16. I was under the impression that a marrage in Thailand was legal in the USA? What is the differance?

    A legally registered marriage in Thailand in recognised as a legal marriage world-wide.

    A divorce in Thailand is not recognised world wide it must be endorsed by a Country that is party to the Hague Treaty of which Thailand is not. (Where property and children are involved).

    Yes but you might have to register it in your home country before they recognize it, in the eyes of Denmark I were single until I registered the marriage myself, my wife could have shown the marriage certificate at the Danish embassy when applying for a visa but it would not have counted as her being married to me if I had not registered the marriage in Denmark.

  17. 1) There is a school with a English program that starts at about 11 years old from what I hear its very good but costs about 60.000 a year must be good they have more applicants that spaces.

    2) There are 3-4 places run by foreigners that serves farang food I am not sure if the market is big enough for another.

  18. Red Cross 5 meter high Tsunami have hit Aceh


    Secretary General of the Danish Red Cross Anders Ladekarl tells politiken.dk that a 5 meter high wave have hit Ache in Indonesia.

    "Its information we have received from our international representative in Jakarta who are in contact with the area where the Tsunami have hit" says Anders Ladekarl to politiken.dk

    Rest of story just tells about aftershock and panic in the costal areas in Aceh.

  19. 13.31: En fem meter høj bølge er slået ind over stranden i Aceh-provinsen i Indonesien, melder svenske nødhjælpsarbejdere i området ifølge Ritzau.


    A 5 meter high wave have hit the beach in Aceh province in Indonesia, reports Swedish relief works in the area according to Ritzau

    Source Danish newspaper: http://ekstrabladet....icle1740175.ece

    Ritzau is a Danish news agency.

  20. Indian Ocean wide tsunami alert. Tsunami watch. It happened in the ocean, so a big deal. Likely to produce a tsunami like seen in 2004, but not 100% sure yet.

    2 different experts on CNN says Tsunami still possible but most likely not the size of 2004 due to horizontal movement of quake. The 2004 quake were the perfect storm for creating a huge Tsunami. This quake is different in several ways people should still be alert.

  21. I arrived at 2 am and had an onward domestic flight with TG at 6:15 AM what I saw surpised me a lot.

    3:30AM AirAsia started to open their counters for flights on the TG side there were 2 guys sleeping behind the counters.

    04:00 I were milling around in the TG area to unload my bag so I did not have to carry it around and since their first flight is a 06:05 I assumed they would be open, the board showed that my flight were open for checkin.

    04:15 2 hours before my flight 100's and 100's of people at FD's counters TG dead except for around 15-20 people looking around trying to figure where to check in.

    04:30 I am starting to think is TG on strike or what is happening the airport is buzzing FD is overflowing with people trying to check in long lines and row AB is dead except for the 2 sleeping guys and a handful of passengers looking around for a place to check in.

    04:45 TG staff shows up to check in passengers and I got checked in for my flight which turned out to be 60-70% full.

    The TG domestic flight is about the same as as FD flight if you count in booking fees, bagage fees and so on but been the national carrier I expected more. I did not expect that my flight showed as checkin on the board and then for another 45 minutes the checkin area were a wasteland with no TG staff.

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