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Posts posted by spacemand

  1. I did once get the opportunity to see the "display" that came up when my passport was swiped at Suvarnabhumi. Photo image (last one taken at the counter, maybe?) plus a summary of about the last 20 entries and exits and some other details I couldn't get close enough to see. I have more than one passport and interestingly enough, all of my entries and exits on all of my passports (different nationalities) were shown in the display. It appears that the immigration database is smart enough to link by name and date of birth, even if nationalities are different.

    I think this is pretty accurate I entered yesterday at Suvarnabhumi without a Visa for the first time in a couple of years, just wanting the 30 day visa and the immigration officer asked me "No Visa?"

  2. Are you sure, I looked on AA's flts & schedule website, which goes to oct. 2012, No mention of CNX-UBP, I thought they would be in big advertisement mode upbeating the new flights, I'm still in Aus now, be @ my house in sankhaemphang late oct, & wanting to fly to ubon maybe 1/11/11, would be good to be on the 1st flights, I will keep checking this website & hopefully hear some positive news shortly, even if 2000 baht, it's still cheaper than 2 flts via BKK.

    regards songhklasid B)

    If you go to this page: http://www.airasia.com/th/en/flightinfo/flightschedule.page?

    And choose Ubon as your place of origin then they show but its not possible to book yet.

  3. Hep A+B is a must.

    Tetanus last 10 years so get one if its been more than a few years

    If you want to be more safe get: Japanese Encephalitis.

    Malaria only thing you can do is to take pills and the side effects can be really bad if you are going to live here longterm then its better to take measures to not get bitten than use antimalaria pills. Another thing to look out for is Dengue fever, so basically do what you can to avoid mozzies.

    Hep A+B is 3 shots and last 30+ years. The Japanese thing is a few years.

  4. My Non-O Visa expired in May and I returned to Thailand in April and got the 90 days more, its 100% true if your Visa expires on July 2nd then return on July 1st and you get 90 days more.

  5. Look at the history of Europe the "peasant" will revolt and its not going to be nice.

    My wife and kids have passports and we live close to Cambodia/Laos and when it happens I am ready to leave everything behind, its going to happen maybe not on July 4th but within the next couple of decades.

    People are getting fed up.

  6. Anyone departed on the early morning flights recently? Got a friend departing tomorrow morning on DELTA's 0555 hrs flight.

    Three hours enough time??


    Did that flight in the beginning of April when the delays were at their maximum and didn't take me more than 10 minutes at immigration. At LAX it took me longer and I flew business class so I got out of the plane first if not I would have spend more time there waiting at immigration than I have ever spend at BKK when I went through there were at least 200-300 people in line with 4-5 booths open (LAX).

  7. begin removed ...

    They otherwise know absolutely nothing of what Abbhisit, representing the 'old establishment' actually stand for, given that they've been 'in' for two years, and , done sod all. Lots and LOTS of words, but as yet no action. None.

    ... end removed

    The PM Abhisit government has been 'in' for 2-1/2 years. During many months they have been almost under siege by protesters, violent thugs and terrorists, and of course those peace-loving UDD members and other red-shirts. Furthermore every move the government tried to make was delayed by the PTP opposition questioning every single letter in a new law, measure (can the gov. do this, can they do this now, shouldn't at least a few more courts rule on the legality, etc., etc.) It's almost a miracle the government got anything done.

    How did they get into power? I remember something about a closing of an airport near Bangkok, were it violent compared to what happened last year no but if the army/police had moved in to clear the airport it would have turned out the same way.

    I am not taking sides but if you look at the situation in Thailand from the outside without taking sides you will realize that both sides is equally fracked up and after the election the same problems will still exist, no matter who wins the other side will not accept defeat and we will have the same old things happen again just at a larger scale.

  8. I think you will find that quite a few people are very interested in this conflict. There are now a number of threads running on the situation and they are attracting a fair amount of attention.

    Many posters, myself included, very much appreciate the updates and posts made by people in the area.

    I agree, I am in Sisaket and any information from people where this is happening is appreciated A LOT.

    i have followed the threads here in the last couple of days and got more information than from anywhere else.

  9. First reply was very informative. But exactly what authority do they have (if they even have one?). My Wife wants to open a shop. does she have to get some kind of permission from the leader or not ?

    My wife opened a minimart and internet cafe 10km from Sisaket in a village and she went to him asking if it were OK to do so and he answered it were fine with him as long as we were not open to late meaning until 21-22:00 were OK. My wife said that were the custom to check with him first but I don't know if he had any real say in the matter.

    All the permits for the minimart (beer, lhao, cigarettes and so on) and the license for the internet cafe were handled at the Amphur office in Sisaket and they were the ones coming to inspect the internet shop.

  10. I paid 320 baht at Swampy for a Whopper cheese/bacon with the upgrade to a large menu at domestic on Saturday morning at 5am. So the prices does not surprise me, Didn't see any specials in Thai only.

    For those commenting on why to buy fastfood, if you live somewhere with 200-300 miles+ to the nearst Mickey D or Burger King then you crave it when you get the chance once every 3 months.

    • Like 1
  11. I gave up on understand the USD/THB exchange rate and how it worked when people were shooting at each other in the capital and with government buildings been burnt down all over the country and yet still the stock market rose and the THB got stronger against the USD.

    Defies my logic so know being paid in USD I just watch the exchange rate with a tear in my eye hoping for the best.

  12. you can fly on Air Asia at 18:50 on monday at 2871.- tbt,return friday 20:25 for 1267.-TBT abut one hour flight plus a short bus ride to Sisaket.,and back to airport

    Do you know f they do a one way fare and what airport does this go from? I fancy hiring a car but am only travelling one way so need a firm where I will not need to return it. Any ideas?

    Thanks all for the replies, a great help

    http://www.airasia.com have a morning and evening flight from Survabhumi

    Thai Airways have a afternoon flight.

    Map of Sisaket here have both the steakhouse and the stadium at H7

  13. Hi Elwood,

    Eldest girl is recovering from her tonsillectomy so apart from that they are doing well!

    Thanks for that extra bit of info. What are your thoughts on that route? Any extra flights are a bonus and it offers an alternative route from Australia for me but I cannot see them filling three flights per week.

    Yes, followed her troubles on your website - seems that she was well looked after at the hospital. When I've had family sick, it's strange, but heart-warming, to see how family and friends all join in to help keep an eye on the patient, and spend hours, and sometimes nights, by the bedside. They did the same for me too.

    Hard to imagine being able to fill the Phuket flights, but then again the Air Asia big cheese is far better at this job than we are! Wondering whether they will be planning to arrange with tour companies to get some tourists to spend a short time in Isaan - Candle festival, the national parks, Yaso Rocket festival - then fly direct to Phuket, instead of the hassle of going via Bangkok? I have read before that it was hoped that regional airports could be utilised more to bypass Bangkok; easing strain on Bangkok and getting some tourist money to the regions.

    On another travel note, I was at the Bus Station a couple of weeks ago and saw a notice about a new route Ubon/Hua Hin, but didn't have a chance to go back for more details, except to note that the route seems to be via highway 9 and Rama 2.


    I did the Ubon to Hua Hin and were very pleased with it. the 32 seat bus with plenty of room, 600-700 for an adult, left Ubon at around 20:30 arrived Hua Hin at just before 7 I think not to bad would do it again if I had to do the bus thing. Left from Hua Hin at 18:00 and got to Ubon at around 05:00. Goes Ubon-Sisaket-Surin and then I were sleeping both ways but I know no Burinam.

    This is the flyer from the bus company: Ubon-Hua Hin

  14. I've been staying in Sisaket on and off for a year and I love it here I think its perfect its not to big and not to small.

    Got Pizza Company, KFC, Big C and Tesco and of cause a ton of 7-11s I can get most I need from back home. I am about your age and if you can get a teaching job or something else to do it would probably be a good idea, there isn't to much to do in Sisaket.

    Going to Franks is a good idea he is a friendly guy and will be more than happy to share his knowledge of Sisaket and have helped me out more than a couple of time. I have found most foreigners here nice enough.

    A while ago someone posted a map of Sisaket here and it were very helpful for me in the beginning, Franks is at G,1

    post-74672-085777400 1281162405_thumb.jp

    You can also download it HERE

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