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Posts posted by mxyzptlk

  1. I haven't contacted anyone regarding this. I've had 2 True boxes on the same feed before, so I don't think True are stopping anything.

    It's not too much of a hassle for me really as I only watch the footy on a Saturday / Sunday night and I can just switch the True box off.

    I don't want to pay any more than I'm already paying per month. The reason I got the RS Box is that it only costs 1800 baht to watch the EPL for the full season, as opposed to 599-899 baht per month charged by CTH....

  2. I currently have two set top boxes (True & RS Sunbox) running from a single cable connected to a True Visions satellite dish using a splitter. However, when I want to watch True, I need to power off (not just put in standby) the Sunbox and vice versa when I want to watch the EPL footy on the Sunbox I need to power off the True box. If I have one powered on and one in standby mode, I get a "No Signal" error. Would replacing the splitter with a combo booster / splitter fix the problem?

  3. The airlines can and will not allow you to board your flight if you do not have a visa if you do not have a ticket exiting Thailand within 30 days of your entry. Booking a cheap flight to a neighboring country will work, say Hat Yai to KL, but the cheapest option is to get tourist visas which will give you 40 days on entry and will only cost 1000 baht each.

    Does the tourist visa not give you 60 days stay on entry ?

  4. IMHO I think there is a greater risk of getting dengue fever from a mosquito bite than malaria and AFAIK there is no preventative tablets for this.

    Four or five of my mates have had dengue.You also have the option of covering up and using a spray containing at least 50% DEET on unprotected skin which stops the mozzies biting you . This is what I used when I first came to live here but now I don't bother. Unfortunately it smells a bit and some people have an adverse reaction to it. I live in Buriram province and I don't know of anyone who takes antimalarial tablets or uses a DEET spray under normal circumstances. I would only do it if I was visiting an area known to be high risk.... Check the link for malaria advice for Thailand from the NHS http://www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk/destinations/asia-(east)/thailand/thailand-malaria-map.aspx

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  5. obtaining a single entry Non 'O' from a neighbouring country is plan 'C'

    As mentioned above, Savannakhet Laos also issues multi entry, not just single.

    That used in combination with 60 days extension allows almost 17 months in country with border hops every 150 days.

    Yeah, I know mate, but I can't be arsed doing border hops.....10 years ago....no problemo....now I like "life in the slow lane"....Ta

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    This is not hearsay.

    My friend was told Today (Tuesday 21 October, 2014), since he and his wife have no common law children together, (and his wife went to the Office and spoke to one of the officers at the Immigration Office and was told the same thing). (not sure what I can say about specifics for id'ing people) that no marriage extension is possible.

    Also, the other friends I have, were told the same thing a few weeks ago, (I just found out today), but since he met the requirements for retirement visa (enough in the bank) he just did a retirement extension.

    So please, if you are just going to say this is BS, no need to respond. I am looking for well-informed replies that can help my friend to get around this current obstacle, as it is really getting him to think about leaving Thailand, and I don't think he really wants to do that.

    This is not hearsay.

    My friend was told Today (Tuesday 21 October, 2014), since he and his wife have no common law children together, (and his wife went to the Office and spoke to one of the officers at the Immigration Office and was told the same thing). (not sure what I can say about specifics for id'ing people) that no marriage extension is possible.

    Also, the other friends I have, were told the same thing a few weeks ago, (I just found out today), but since he met the requirements for retirement visa (enough in the bank) he just did a retirement extension.

    So please, if you are just going to say this is BS, no need to respond. I am looking for well-informed replies that can help my friend to get around this current obstacle, as it is really getting him to think about leaving Thailand, and I don't think he really wants to do that.

    I wonder if this is a case of your friend qualifying for a retirement extension which is less paperwork and less effort for the immigration office, that it was an attempt to steer him along that path to save the extra hassle for the immigration office. A good friend of mine applied for an extension based on marriage (at a different office) but as he had 800.000 seasoned, they pushed him down the retirement path....

    He is short the retirement by about 9 months for the big 50... Not sure he has the 800 either... just the 400 that I have confirmed...

    If you re-read your first post above (which is what my reply is based on) you said he got a retirement extension .......

  7. This is not hearsay.

    My friend was told Today (Tuesday 21 October, 2014), since he and his wife have no common law children together, (and his wife went to the Office and spoke to one of the officers at the Immigration Office and was told the same thing). (not sure what I can say about specifics for id'ing people) that no marriage extension is possible.

    Also, the other friends I have, were told the same thing a few weeks ago, (I just found out today), but since he met the requirements for retirement visa (enough in the bank) he just did a retirement extension.

    So please, if you are just going to say this is BS, no need to respond. I am looking for well-informed replies that can help my friend to get around this current obstacle, as it is really getting him to think about leaving Thailand, and I don't think he really wants to do that.

    I wonder if this is a case of your friend qualifying for a retirement extension which is less paperwork and less effort for the immigration office, that it was an attempt to steer him along that path to save the extra hassle for the immigration office. A good friend of mine applied for an extension based on marriage (at a different office) but as he had 800.000 seasoned, they pushed him down the retirement path....

  8. I don't know if you are hoping for answers of the type "don't worry, they don't care", but expectation aside, you can apply for a 60 days extension for visiting family with only marriage certificate and wife ID and house registration. That would give time enough for the funds to be seasoned in the bank.

    In any case, married people can always go for a visa run to Savannakhet, Laos to obtain a multi entry non-imm 'O" visa, without financial proof, on the same day.

    Paz, thanks for your reply.

    No, I'm not looking for those types of reassurances. I know I can apply for the 60 day extension, which is plan 'B' and obtaining a single entry Non 'O' from a neighbouring country is plan 'C' and then extending my permission to stay based on retirement once my money is seasoned. I'm just looking for local reports of successful experiences....

  9. Good evening all.

    Myself & my wife have never submitted the above completed forms (TM30 for Mrs. M and TM28 for me) to immigration.

    I live in Buriram province and do my yearly extensions of permission to stay @ Kap Choeng and my 90 day reports @ Korat (Dan Kwien) Immigration (unless the 90 day report is near the extension renewal date, in which case I do it @ Kap Choeng), both of whom have my details on the computers and I only need to show up with my passport to do a 90 day report. Since some immigration offices are now enforcing the registration process, has anyone using these two offices had any negative experiences at either of these two offices when submitting these forms retrospectively??

  10. Good evening all.

    I will be applying for an extension of my permission to stay based on marriage in mid December. My current extension (based on retirement) expires Jan 2nd 2015. During the last 5 years I have gone from extensions based on retirement to marriage and then back to retirement. I am applying for the extension based on marriage this time as (for reason's I'm not going into) my money won't be seasoned in time. I look forward to replies relating to real experiences from people who have successfully obtained an extension of their permission to stay based on marriage at Kap Choeng Immigration ONLY in the last couple of months....Thanks

  11. There are two separate issues. First. The OP forgot a 90 day report in its entirety therefor the IO at his discretion fined him the maximum of 5000 baht. Second Kap Choeng Immigration requires proof of residency for an retirment extention and it looks like he did have his wife at the first extension using her docs so therefor he will have to have here with him every year. Also he needs to be registered as living at that address as KCI are sticklers on this.

    By "registered as living at that address" do you mean completing forms TM30 (by wife as housemaster) and TM28(by him)? As I have read that some immigration offices are now enforcing this procedure....

    That is exactly what I'm saying as KCI is enforcing this.

    OK Thanks Khwaibah for the good info. I will be applying for an extension in Mid December and have never filled in a TM28 and Mrs Mxyzpltk has never filled in a TM30, so I will now be fully prepared (I hope!!) when I go there.

  12. There are two separate issues. First. The OP forgot a 90 day report in its entirety therefor the IO at his discretion fined him the maximum of 5000 baht. Second Kap Choeng Immigration requires proof of residency for an retirment extention and it looks like he did have his wife at the first extension using her docs so therefor he will have to have here with him every year. Also he needs to be registered as living at that address as KCI are sticklers on this.

    By "registered as living at that address" do you mean completing forms TM30 (by wife as housemaster) and TM28(by him)? As I have read that some immigration offices are now enforcing this procedure....

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