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Posts posted by mxyzptlk

  1. The man, Kevin Wall, is doing a little better. He has opened his eyes and can move some of his limbs. If anyone understands Thai culture you will understand that I have been asked by the family not to post more information about this situation and how exactly it occurred. I have a photo of the man in the hospital that I received from the same source that sent me the photo of the teenage suspects. In the United States they are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law so I will leave it at that. I am sorry that this thread turned into what I should have expected, in light of the nature of anonymous postings on the internet. Nevertheless I will update this thread later as his condition improves. And we are certainly praying that he does improve. The family is very grateful for all the prayers and suggestions for improving his care. The wife is in contact with the American embassy.

    Well isn't that convenient, can not to reveal the source.

    I guess this is a new precedence for TV?

    I can not reveal the source.

    Innocent until proven guilty, and still we hang out the picture of the youngsters.

    I can't help wondering how you can show no sympathy for the victim of this crime but you continue to defend the perpetrators of this violence. There is no newspaper in Nongki. But the local police have the information you claim to be seeking. Why don't you visit the police station there and fill us all in with the facts. And then tell us why we should believe you? By your standards Thai visa should not even exist, as generally speaking nothing posted here is confirmed. In this case there is one other poster on this thread who has independently confirmed that the victim is in fact Kevin Wall and the time and place where the incident occurred. Maybe you can offer your services as a defender of misunderstood teenage gangs who roam the streets in Nongki? Just a thought...

    As a resident of Nongki, I can safely say that I've never seen any "teenage gangs roaming the streets of Nongki". I've always felt safe here.....and a lot safer than when I lived in the UK....The November festival is always a focal flashpoint for violence....I used to attend every year, but now I don't bother...but this is a yearly one off...

  2. I wish I could moan about paying more than the cost of a postage stamp to do my 90 day report, but the regional offices closest to me (Korat Dan Kwien Pottery Village & Kap Choeng in Buriram) don't accept mail in reports so It costs me around 500 baht in diesel for a round trip......You must be very lucky guys if this all you have to whine about.....

    IMHO you would be far better off directing your resentment at your local immigration office for refusing to accept mailed-in reports rather than at any of the posters on this particular thread including myself.

    It's not resentment, merely a statement of what happens at my local offices

  3. I wish I could moan about paying more than the cost of a postage stamp to do my 90 day report, but the regional offices closest to me (Korat Dan Kwien Pottery Village & Kap Choeng in Buriram) don't accept mail in reports so It costs me around 500 baht in diesel for a round trip......You must be very lucky guys if this all you have to whine about.....

    • Like 1
  4. Definitely sounds iffy to me, and yes I would be worried if I was you...

    Just for info, how much did you pay the agent?

    I got my last 2 marriage extensions at Korat and although it wasn't a great hardship, the requirements had to be followed exactly....

    Any under-the-counter dealings (and I'm not implying that is what's happened in your situation, as I don't know the full facts....and it appears that you don't either) will only eventually have a negative effect on genuine applicants....

  5. A few pictures taken in my garden.

    First shows the "tookay" which lives behind the AC unit. Second shows what I believe to be a St. Andrews Cross spider in my hen house. Third shows an egg laid by one of the chickens in the rafters of the hen house roof. Fourth shows one of my dogs relaxing under the still-warm BBQ bucket. Last shows another of my dogs relaxing on Mrs. M's motorbike.






  6. Just a snippet :-

    On my recent trip to Maesot I had the 1 year extention to stay forms all typed & printed out photos stuck and both copies signed with a blue pen, this is what I have done for 2 previous years.

    At check in at immigration office was given them back them saying these are photocopys re-write again on new forms all filled out by hand. blink.png

    Yes, the same thing happened to me at Dan Kwien (Korat) Immigration when I applied for my last extension, even though they had been quite happy for the last 2 years with the typed up forms, I had to write them out by hand....

  7. I lived in Korat and did not appreciate the distance to immigration. Very hard for elderly folks without a car to get there. Two years ago they refused to alllow 90 day address reporting by mail, the most convenient thing they could have done if they truely wanted to help foreigners living in the larger area.

    The staff can be rude and after having received donations, slipped in passports, or just on the table for years, sometimes maybe think that it is the norm. I personally did not enjoy my visits there. But then I do not enjoy most visits to immigration in Thailand, as there is always some new requirement that I am being asked to produce.

    My post is obviously misleading....by asking for reports I meant has any Buriram resident gone to Dan Kwien since Kap Choeng has re-opened for full service and been refused service and been redirected to Kap Choeng? and not the merits of one office versus another....or people just moaning in general....

  8. I have read various reports on this subject and am keen to learn of peoples actual experiences rather than "my mate told me" or an immigration official told me....type anecdotes. I have been using Korat (Dan Kwien) office for my last 3 extensions and 90 day reports which is around 120km round trip ( I live in Nong Ki) as opposed to the approx 260km round trip to Kap Choeng and potential procedural changes. Any reports from anyone?

  9. I don't have a problem bud..... what is the source of your information wrt the statement "so many westerners are flying under the radar and working illegally in Issan " which you obviously have a problem with.

    Suggested name for your next reincarnation - woodenspoon

    Have a nice evening....

    The thread I started on that forum has been taken off.....WHY ??

    Need I say more!!!!

    As I said in my OP...the guys on their are always going on about corruption and how bad it is in Thailand but some are no worse .So if you are saying I my next reincarnation should be a woodenspoon you must know something I don't then ???

    Unfortunately, as I am not part of the Admin or Moderator group on that other forum, I can't really comment why a thread would be taken off......my woodenspoon reference was referring to some of your more inflammatory recent posts and comments on the shout box on that forum.....as for knowing something you don't.....I don't think so, as you and your multiple personalities appear to know everything....

    • Like 1
  10. AL / PETE / KEN / JAMMY / Red_Jet Why not go to the Department of Labour and find out for yourself? Then when you find out how to do it, you can post your findings and potentially help other ex-pats in the region....

    Or are you banned from the department of labour as well????

    I don't know what you problem is mxy,Four of them names above are mine but not jammy,I have already said I have left twice and banned twice ( said once before but you have just jogged my memory :D ),it's not a secret.,If you look at the names on that forum ,If I'm banned i will still be on there and if I left it will say guest..That forum is the only forum I have ever been banned from and still post on many ..Many members on that forum have been banned from here and then come back and post under a different Nick,its not a crime.Sometime people get heated in a debate and they get banned simple. :)

    I may have to go to the DOL blind as nobody seems to know what to do.........,as so many westerners are flying under the radar and working illegally in Issan I can understand now why nobody wants to talk about it or know how to do it........looks like it could be down to me to find out how its done :)

    I don't have a problem bud..... what is the source of your information wrt the statement "so many westerners are flying under the radar and working illegally in Issan " which you obviously have a problem with.

    Suggested name for your next reincarnation - woodenspoon

    Have a nice evening....

    • Like 1
  11. The question was simple ..how do you get a WP locally....maybe the answer isn't ???

    It's been nearly 24 hours since I last posted and I can't believe that on a forum as big as Thavisa there is not one married guy that lives in NE Thailand that can give me a first hand report on how to get a work permit locally base on marriage and running a small business.There must be hundreds of guys with Bars ,Shops,Restaurants and working in family run business's that they have funded here but none can tell me the right way to obtain a WP at the local DOL. :huh:

    I don't really want to go in there blind, so any info will be helpful. :thumbsup:

    Someone told me guys with WP's in Isaan are as rare as rocking horse dung ( unless they are teachers ).....I think he may be right :blink:

    AL / PETE / KEN / JAMMY / Red_Jet Why not go to the Department of Labour and find out for yourself? Then when you find out how to do it, you can post your findings and potentially help other ex-pats in the region....

    Or are you banned from the department of labour as well????

    • Like 1
  12. If you are not using Chaengwattana you will need two copies of everything, everything is send to Chaengwattana for approval.

    And 365 days in a year.

    OP is asking about retirement extension renewal, in my experience its only one copy of everything. Two copies is for marriage extensions, that is sent away for approval.

    Retirement extension decision is made at the Immigration office.

    Personally I never have been asked to show where I live for retirement, you put your address on the TM7, but this year was asked to show my 90 day reporting slip.

    Yellow books are not mandatory, you can survive easily enough here without one.


    yes you are right, one set of everything for retirement as the local officer can make that decision.

    When I got my 1 year marriage extension @ Dan Kwian pottery village (Korat), I was only asked for 2 copies of the TM7 form+passport photo and one copy of everything else.

  13. Hi cardholder, I'm in the same boat as you, but don't have the cash. So it's off to Lao every 3 months. Not that far for me, but a goat track of a road. I guess it;s 6 of one or half a dozen of the other. In saying that I was lead to believe you could do your 3 month report at the local police station if you were far from the immigration center. Jim

    Hi James, I believe the 'rules' also stated that address reporting could be done by post - Korat don't seem to apply this rule. wasn't aware of the local cop shop option

    Although 90 day reporting is not allowed by post @ Dan Kwien (Korat) Immigration, they are very friendly and efficient. It typically takes me between 2 minutes & 15 minutes (depending on the queue) to do a 90 day report.

    It's all quite painless. My last 1 year marriage extension + 90 day report took around 20 minutes....

  14. Just be yourself mate....you will enjoy life so much more.

    Usually, the people who take the mickey are terrified of the thought of losing their own hair.

    I cut my hair every other Friday with the clipper set to number 0. It's easy to keep clean which to me means healthier also....

    For gods sake, don't be tempted to comb your hair round & round so it looks like a walnut whip....like lots of the old British guys do and think that nobody will notice......LOL

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