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Everything posted by ravip

  1. As for me, I would get a filling done ASAP. The more the tooth rot, the riskier of it breaking off and complicating matters, and the pain that could occur. Early stages, the filling is simple and painless even without a anesthetic. Extraction would be my last resort! Just my 2 cents FWEIW
  2. The victim, an American woman, met the suspect, known only as Tim, through the Tinder app. After meeting at a bar, the suspect asked if he could stay at her place, to which she agreed, stating that there would be no sexual intercourse as she had to work in the morning. Tinder App...At the Bar... Spend the night together... I am sure the Chinese man was not homeless... So? What else? Bake a cake in the night?
  3. Chao Phraya Princess is very good.
  4. (My own body differs somewhat in that my penis is way bigger than that chipolata in the diagram - lol). Ever heard of a male saying my penis is way smaller than... (whatever)?
  5. Very true indeed. Seems humans have become insensitive to noise and inconsiderate to fellow beings. It's 'my world, only me' kind of thing.
  6. Really? This type of people exist globally. Some beat the smart devices by their normal conversation! Ever experience that on a crowded BTS?
  7. My question was... It makes one wonder if the past or the present is more 'liveable' . Has all the changes been for the good? Not what you posted... Why should they fit today?
  8. Shocking Vintage Ads That Were Actually Printed Published on July 3, 2022 Time marches on, but progress is the one way to measure society and humanity. How do you know if things get better or not? It’s best to compare situations from the past that were normal to see if they fit in with today’s standards. Therefore, many vintage ads haven’t withstood the test of time. They often project chauvinistic ideas that would bring controversy today. Below, you can see an interesting look at the past to show you how much life has changed. Some are cringe-worthy, but others aren’t. Regardless, you get an idea of what it was like decades ago. It makes one wonder if the past or the present is more 'liveable' . Has all the changes been for the good? Full article
  9. The difference between in-laws and outlaws? Outlaws are wanted. Alcohol is a perfect solvent: It dissolves marriages, families and careers. A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well. Archaeologist: Someone whose career lies in ruins. There are two kinds of people who don't say much: Those who are quiet and those who talk a lot. They say that alcohol kills slowly. So what? Who's in a hurry? Alcohol and calculus don't mix. Never drink and derive One nice thing about egoists: They don't talk about other people. Brilliant Puns: 1. A man who wants a pretty nurse, must be patient. 2. A man who leaps off a cliff, jumps to a conclusion. 3. A man running in front of a car, gets tyred; And a man running behind a car, gets exhausted. 4. War does not determine who is right. It determines who is left. 5. A man who drives like hell, is bound to get there. 6. A lion will not cheat on his wife, but a Tiger wood! 7. Toilets are a great place to think.No wonder they are called "Sochalayas"
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