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Everything posted by ravip

  1. A plane is about to crash. The pilots were the first to jump, they left two parachutes for the three remaining passengers: The smartest man in the world, a priest and an art student. The smartest man in the world takes one without thought and says: "It is evident that the world will need the likes of me. As I am one of the only individuals that could make the world progress to its full potential." He soon jumps without looking back. The priest looks at the student with resignation. "My child, take the last parachute, as a good christian, it is my duty to save those en need." The student shrugs. "Don't worry father, the smartest man on the world has just jumped with my school bag."
  2. Doctor: you've been bitten by a radioactive shark Me: so i'm gonna get shark powers, right? Doctor: you no longer have legs... Me: just like a shark!
  3. I just found the worst page in the entire dictionary. What I saw was disgraceful, disgusting, dishonest and disingenuous.
  4. A WW2 pilot visited a girls school. He was talking to the pupils about his time in the battle, and he said, “I was flying in formation when three f*ers came up behind me”. The teacher quickly interjects, “young ladies, you must understand the ‘Fokker’ is a type of German aeroplane”. The pilot replies, “yes, but these f*ers were flying Messerschmidts”.
  5. The CEO of IKEA was just elected Prime Minister of Sweden. The first thing he'll do is to assemble his cabinet.
  6. With that logic, why did you decide to settle down in Thailand? Wouldn't you be more happy in your own country?
  7. Absolutely true. I cant imagine enjoying life with only my family, while the people around are suffering.
  8. Didn't you get something like this? What exactly is your Windows 11 version, please?
  9. The level of happiness has deteriorated dismally, globally IMHO. The advancement of technology definitely has contributed to this. Just observe, the interactions between members of these 'anonymous forums'... People are rude, intolerant, abusive and makes enemies out of total strangers because the other has a different opinion... yes, ones true self come out when one is behind a keyboard, hidden under a cloak of anonymity. Unhappiness does not totally depend on money, colour or race... just ones attitude and general mental status.
  10. Come to think of it, which came first? The Phobia or the virus? Could the virus be a by-product of the phobia?
  11. Who doesn't get components from China? There seems to be a serious China Phobia spreading around.
  12. The police chief asked, "Do you have any leads or suspects for the murder case?" The officer responded, "I'd like to interview the bartender wearing high heels and a leopard print dress." The chief frowned and said... "Please, just wear your police uniform."
  13. I asked my new girlfriend when her birthday was.. She said March 1st, So i walked round the room and asked her again...
  14. I'm sorry to hear your uncle was run over by a boat in Venice. . My gondolences
  15. What’s the difference between a casual dress party and an orgy with pirates? One, you come as you are, and the other, you “arrr” as you cum!
  16. A man meets his Tinder date at a carnival. "There's so many games!" he said, "What do you wanna do?" "I wanna get weighed." she says, shyly looking at the ground. They go to the GUESS-Your-WEIGHT booth and she wins a stuffed animal. "What next?" he asks. "I wanna get weighed." she says, confidently looking at him. They return to the GUESS-Your-WEIGHT booth and she wins... nothing... The vendor has a good memory. "What now?" he asks, a bit annoyed at the repeat activity. She looks at the man, holding his gaze and carefully says "I. Wanna. Get. WEIGHED." He ends the date right there and storms off. Dejected, the girl goes home to her roommate, who asks, "How was your date?" She throws the stuffed animal to the ground and shouts, "Wousy!"
  17. Is the delivery charge included in the card price?
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