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Everything posted by ravip

  1. Are you having issues caused by these cataracts? I found reading small print difficult. Long distance too, the smaller print on shop name boards, road signs were appearing blurry. I thought changing my current lenses would solve it - but during the testing, the optometrist mentioned about signs of cataracts. Then I we consulted an eye surgeon, and he confirmed. Night driving too was an issue - oncoming lights were blinding me. First I thought it was an issue with my windscreen.
  2. It would make a world of difference, if going out with her/him after landing! 555
  3. Yesterday, I was diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes, and surgery recommended. I am totally clueless about this procedure, and mortally scared of surgery (this will be my first). How painful can it be? What are the best practices in choosing an intra ocular lens? Is this a once in a lifetime operation (under normal conditions)? Recovery time (under normal conditions)? After full recovery, what precautions are necessary - eg is swimming OK Pool or sea? Any other... Thanks a million in advance!
  4. People addicted to alcohol = alcoholics People addicted to aseannow = ? (posting mundane stuff even while drinking)
  5. Vintage is the strongest cheddar followed by Tasty. Noble has a nutty flavour whereas Edam is tasteless (IMO). How many types of Cheddar are there, and the difference? And where does the Kraft Cheddar Cheese fit in?
  6. Thai normally do not know what is cheese. Most probably because cheese is not in their standard Cuisine. Similarly, many people on this planet might not know what a good/bad wine, whiskey etc is. Are all people familiar with the Chinese food which is consumed by over 1.4 billion people? Food is something very specific to each human or group. What is good to one might be unpalatable to another. For example, I don't like to be even near the smelly cheeses however expensive they are, nor would I touch Caviar! But I love cheddar which some classify as thrash! Tastes can be 'acquired' if one pleases - but it does not mean that eating this is hi-so and not eating that is lo-so!!! Just my 2 cents!
  7. Correct. But on occasions illegal immigrants are offered jobs at a reduced scale and without any benefits just for that profit. This creates quite a competition to the natives & the legal immigrants - and of course, this happens in the developed world too.
  8. What a pathetic situation. This not only happens in Thailand, but in many other countries too. When will humans stop taking advantage from the under privileged fellow humans... if ever?
  9. RIP to the poor man who lost his life for whatever reason. Police today discovered the dead body of a Canadian man under the platform of Chet Samian Railway Station Considering the above, I cant understand the above quoted response.
  10. Have a look at the following article. It might help you. Article
  11. I don't care a s*** about my wealth when I die! As long as I live, if I have enough, that's fine.
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