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Everything posted by ravip

  1. A clear explanation. Dicks very often get what they deserve...
  2. "It is very easy to meet idiots of all sorts in Thailand,mostly in bars..." In bars of other countries you meet intelligent people? Idiots ONLY in Thai bars? This kind of answers the question very clearly on the subject line (Are there any 'normal' farangs living in Thailand?), does it not? 'We' are far superior than the Thais... Thats why we are in Thailand. OMG
  3. TBH there are many other 'great' countries that do the same! So much so, they are almost loosing their identity. TH is still fighting strong, albeit inviting a lot of flack... which proves they are doing ok...
  4. LOL LOL LOL which country does THAT? I'd love to have the list.
  5. Really? So been direct is kind of lousy? Pick pockets are great?
  6. Pussys are difficult to control...
  7. No. It can be dangerous to arrogant foreigners who think they have descended from Mars - well, those foreigners are in danger not ONLY in TH, but in any country, including their home country.
  8. Obviously the fault of the farangs. Cannot blame the locals. Ever experienced the loud mouthed foreigners on the skytrain? Disgusting... to state it politely.
  9. Many of us fail to see the truth, or accept it due to our ego - easier to blame the Thais. Thank God, the Thais are so tolerant!
  10. Having just one crazy neighbour is a curse.
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