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Posts posted by arthurwait

  1. First reciept

    Water pump bpump nahm

    gasket/sealant cant read all the writing

    coolant nahm yah moh nahm

    belt sahi pahn


    Second receipt

    cylinder head fah suub

    engine oil + oil filter nahm mam kruang + sai grohng

    cylinder head gasket Bpra gan fah suub

    gasket cant read all the writing

    jea bah + jea ???? valve seat grinding can't read all the writing

    valve stem seals

    (had to ask the wife can't read the writing. Valve hats is what she told me before showing valve stem seals on google image)

    wage kah rairng

  2. I wonder if this is what I saw going through Udom Suk onto the Bang Na- Tradt maybe a month ago. It was either a SUV in the worst wrap job I have ever seen trying to look like a prototype car or was a prototype.

    I presumed it was a Nissan going back to their factory at the time.

  3. Seemingly he didn't pay, was instead advised they do not cater for business meetings, so stop complaining & get a room you cheapskate.............coffee is cheaper at home and nobody has to listen to your half baked business plan while you hog the good seats.

    Come on it must be embarrassing taking your business clients home to see that your 5000 Baht a month condo is smaller than your fortuner.

  4. Well maybe she just likes you and is in the job through necessity wants to get out and start again with you. Maybe she isn't fussed about how much you have and it's still almost certainly a better life than she will have with any Thai man. Although the likelihood of a Thai man starting anything serious with a single mum or ex pro is almost zero.

    Maybe she has several older sponsors already and just wants some fun and sex with someone she actually finds attractive. Most bargirls being sponsored are doing this with yes young/youngish farangs and ones that aren't being sponsored will still do it just for the sake of an enjoyable lay.

    Also many bargirls have Thai boyfriends their own age, while being sponsored by older men or not.

    Going to the village, who knows, maybe she just wants to have some fun with you there. Maybe she has old sponsors but wants to pretend it's actually a young normal boyfriend.

    Maybe she sees you as naïve for showing her your finances and plans to get as much out of you as possible knowing the police won't bother with you or just to have a big night out for her family at your expense.

    Or maybe it's for your internal body organs.

  5. Does this one come with crash testing ?

    How about a non-hideous interior ?

    Can this one accelerate with the rest of the traffic above 100km/h ?

    Does this one have the handling ability to change lanes ?

    Will this one still ride like a horse and cart ?


  6. Richard has pretty much covered it.

    Bang Na and parking at Bitec if you are allowed. Not sure.

    Ohn Nut has a tescos attached so I guess you could park there.

    Again as Richard said park at the airport and get the airport link, still never used the airport link myself though.

    And again like Richard says the expressways aren't as bad as they used to be and shopping mall car parks like Paragon are half empty before lunch and the amount of people in the likes of Paragon is only a small percentage of what it used to be and getting smaller as the economy gets worse. Bangkok isn't as busy as it used to be.

    Or you can park at Mega Bang Na and get a bus or taxi (about 80-100 baht ) To Udom SUk or even get their free bus there if you fancy a game of rugby to get on it with all the balloon chasers who won't pay 7 baht on the normal bus.

  7. The fact is this country has very little to do and a very low educated population. The only Thais I have met that can have a stimulating conversations were friends at university in England with me and some people they know and some my wife knows. They all themselves have left Thailand or live in Bangkok. Sure there are some more out there, but it seems most who get a decent education then spend their lives sitting in their parents business and that's pretty much it. You need to live on an estate with educated Thais or westerners or there is a high chance you will be mentally bored.

    The country makes it hard for foreigners to work here as that would increase the countries intelligence which the rich don't want. They just want a population to do their dirty work on the cheap for them. Most people spend most their time working in their own country and enjoy themselves in their free time, but with no work or very little mental stimulation people get bored or down.

    Pattaya maybe a bit of a grot hole , but it at least has some things to do and like minded people (no I don't live there). If you are bored there you will certainly be bored in the 'real' Thailand of Nakon Nowhere. Unless of course you like being permantly drunk, having conversations about Thai soaps and stars and going down the local karaoke bar for teenage girls and the odd waterfall. Mental stimulation .....no chance.

    The foreigners who seem happiest all the time here mostly live in Bangkok and work or teach all day and mostly mix with other westerners in western bars etc and some educated Thais or those that are in their first year or so here.

    Thanks for your thoroughly uplifting point of view. I seriously hope you do not live here, with that attitude. Have you tried any laxatives lately? They can do wonders to lift up the spirits.

    The truth is the truth. Which part do you think isn't true ?

    Here 7 years, only here for my kids.

    I am not doubting the extent of your misery here. I am only saying that there are things a man can do to improve his perspective on his life, and on his chosen place to live. Getting out of Pattaya often, and traveling around, with or without your family. Just get out. Change things up. Surround yourself with people who are not so down on life. A lot of options to improve your lot in life.

    What misery and who is in Pattaya ?

  8. Your post is riddled with sweepingly negative generalizations which very few people would agree with.

    Ok we will see. The post was aimed at why some people get down.

    My post may seem a bit down, but at the moment we have a 3 and a half year old and a 7 month old so so much of the time is looking after them while they sleep so yes I am a bit frustrated with the lack of mental stimulation/entertainment with other adults. Mix that with the neighbours both sides hounds from hell that are kept in cages going mad barking 24 hours a day waking us up 6 to 10 times every night I am on a bit of a tired fed up downer at the moment.

    Study Thai language, learn Thai cooking, study Thai art and architecture, travel, ride an elephant, go on a trek, swim, camp, garden, teach, exercise, read, start a business, volunteer, raise a family. Life is what you make it.

    I can hold a conversation in Thai read and write it, I'm very far from fluent at it but can do it. Maybe learning more would improve that but around the house (in Chonburi city) we are in until the new one is finished (1 and a half years late already) people do nothing but drink or watch Thai TV. Go to the next sois and roads and yes it's the same.

    Exercise, yes I do that been with the kids to the park yesterday evening and today, watched the first half of Chonburi v Navy yesterday, left due to kids needing to go to bed. Run yesterday, walking today. Swam on Friday and Tuesday. Used to cycle but since having kids I don't like to risk a cycling accident. Since giving up one of my cycling partners (both Thai) has had a car hit him and break his arm, the other got hit and broke his back.

    I've been cooking Thai food for 15 years since meeting the wife and other Thai friends at university. After 15 years it doesn't appeal much anymore. Still cook all the families meals cooked at home.

    Ride an elephant, no I've seen what happens when it goes wrong.

    Have a business, a couple between us. Working on something new at the moment, before seeing if it can meet all the legal requirements.

    Teach, sat in on the wife doing that many years ago both got fed up with the kids only turning up when they wanted and usually between half an hour to an hour late and then expecting you to carry on and hour late for them. Oh and check my SPAG, bad isn't it ?

    Thai art an architecture I'll take your word that it is of interest.

    Thailand has a very low educated population. Sure, Thailand's educational system can be improved, no argument there. But to conclude from this that it is impossible to have a stimulating conversation with the "average" Thai is ridiculous, and I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that if you find having a stimulating conversation with a Thai impossible, it is because of the limitations of your language skills. I have discussed Greece, the Burmese boat people, child rearing issues just in the past week with my 'Nakhon Nowhere' neighbors. It is also ridiculous to complain about lack of mental stimulation in a given place when you consider how much of your "mental stimulation" nowadays comes from cable TV, internet, i-tunes, social media, Amazon books, etc., all of which are available universally.

    As said there are Thais with decent education and interest but they don't seem to live round here, they go to Bangkok or abroad. As also said sure they are others around but you got to find them.

    The only Thais I have met that can have a stimulating conversations were friends at university in England with me and some people they know and some my wife knows.

    Again, this says a lot about you. You're suggesting that the only Thais worth talking to have to be Western educated. An extremely cultural centric point of view, which overlooks the fact that there isn't a profession out there which isn't well-represented by Thais.

    Again you choose not to quote the part where I said sure there are others about.

    it seems most who get a decent education then spend their lives sitting in their parents business and that's pretty much it.

    A stupid generalization. What about all the doctors, lawyers, dentists, engineers, accountants, entrepreneurs, etc? The fact that you seem to be referring to people who go into their parent's business shows how superficial your insights are. And another thing, when kids do go into the family business, where do you get off suggesting that they are just sitting around? Few Thai businesses are lucrative enough that they can support that kind of dead weight; everyone has to pull their own weight, and that usually means working 12 hour shifts 7 days a week.

    Again you choose to only quote what you want. Yep sure their are engineers and doctors and dentists. I know several engineers,Thai friends from university went on to be car designers , engineers , phd's , university lecturers, but all went abroad or to/ back to Bangkok. Wifes uncle was deputy chief scientist for the department of agriculture, her aunt was a economics university lecturer, but do there live here ? No. Are people like this all over Thailand ? No. Do most ex -pats meet people like this daily ? No.

    As for kids not doing much in the family businesses you obviously haven't seen half the cousins watching Korean soaps or playing candy crush except twice a month when the lottery tickets come out. Wholesale lottery ticket business for about 50 years so going for more than 20 years before they started (one does seem to do it all for them though) or the uncles house building business where one of the sons works hard and the other spends his time chasing gigs. Or maybe the wifes ultra spoilt brother who lay in bed until 6pm until the age of 23 or 24 when his mum provided him with everything start his own business which he has never paid back. Oh and still ended up credit blacklisted (5.3 +MB car repossession) before coming to ask mum for a new Mercedes and 24 million baht for a house. That got reduced to our car and 7.5 MB for a deposit on a house, that got turned down so he went to an aunt who also turned him down, should have seen how upset he was. Family businesses not supporting kids doing not much, hmmm if you say so.

    You need to live on an estate with educated Thais or westerners or there is a high chance you will be mentally bored.

    One of these gated communities, hermetically sealed off from everyday life? No thanks! That's the last place I'd head if I were looking for stimulation. Sounds like a recipe for either dementia or depression. I would be bored to tears in a gated community. No way, Jose!

    Each to their own. After having eateries open until 4am with customers blaring car stereos out at the previous house and the hounds from hell all night at this one, I know which I would choose.

    The country makes it hard for foreigners to work here as that would increase the countries intelligence which the rich don't want.

    Total B.S. The Thai government restricts foreign employment to provide employment opportunities to its citizens.

    We will have to agree to differ on that.

    They (the rich) just want a population to do their dirty work on the cheap for them.

    First of all, if you don't think that much the same can be said about income inequality in the West (which has dramatically worsened in the past 30 years) you are mistaken. My read on the situation is that Thailand is slowly transitioning from an agrarian economy to a more diversified one. I believe the Thai government is making genuine efforts to expand economic opportunites for people who otherwise would remain on the farm.

    Income equality in the west isn't the same. While those on benefits will deeply struggle, it isn't much, but it is more than is provided for people here.

    People on low incomes again can struggle with the cost of things in the west, but not on the same level as the poor here. Healthcare and schooling and opportunities for people in the west do not compare to those for the poor in Thailand.

    It's a country of business monopolies who donate to the governments to get what they want.

    Pattaya maybe a bit of a grot hole , but it at least has some things to do and like minded people.

    In all seriousness, and without taking a swipe at Pattaya and it's wonderful residents, are you seriously suggesting Pattaya as some shinning beacon where people seeking intellectual stimulation should head? With tongue in cheek, I can only say, 'who knew?' I always thought Pattaya was a place to go if you were looking for other forms of stimulation. whistling.gif

    Not at all, but people can find people that have similar interests and language there where they will struggle to find people like that elsewhere. You're not looking down on people in Pattaya are you, your lordship ?

    If you are bored there (Pattaya) you will certainly be bored in the 'real' Thailand of Nakon Nowhere. Unless of course you like being permantly drunk, having conversations about Thai soaps and stars and going down the local karaoke bar for teenage girls and the odd waterfall. Mental stimulation .....no chance.

    First of all, probably 99% of the guys living outside of urban areas are family men. That is, they have a wife, usually a child or two, and usually some extended family. So they are frequently more socially established than someone (I know this doesn't apply to everyone) who is sitting on a bar stool at 9:30 in the morning. Not to say that nobody out in the countryside has a drinking problem. But, just using Pattaya as an example, the Central Pattaya lifestyle is primarily geared towards bar life. And what do you do in bar? You drink, smoke cigarettes, play pool, darts, watch football on TV, and oftentimes have essentially anonymous sex with sex workers. So if you want to compare the likelihood that someone living a family oriented active "clean living" "simple" lifestyle out in the country versus someone persuing the above directionless (albeit stereotype, but nonetheless true) lifestyle described above, I submit that you are more likely to encounter the blues in a locale like Pattaya than out in the country.

    There are family guys everywhere, whether outside urban areas or in them like Pattaya. Many running businesses not sitting on barstools, You have seen all the farang businesses in Pattaya haven't you ? There are also barstool guys everywhere. 99% of guys outside urban areas are not family men, nowhere even close.Loads are single retirees and many of those married to Thais have absolutely nothing in common with their Thai families and can barely speak a word of Thai and the families can't speak a word of English. You have seen all the drunks and trolls we have had on here over the years who live outside of urban areas ?

    Most of the guys out in the country who are younger 50-55 also seem to work off-shore which adds to the stability of the upcountry lifestyle. Many are farmers or teach or are devoted parents. Everybody's boredom threshhold differs, but those who stay active, and have a sense of purpose, rarely give voice to complaints about boredom. They also seem to be fairly financially secure, at least not living from one SS check or pension payment to the next.

    If so many guys in the country work why are so many on here all day ? 50-55 is younger ?

    And as for this notion that all Thais want to talk about are i-phone apps, last night's soap opera plot, or the price of chicken feet at the market, all I have to say is work on your Thai and you will soon discover that Thais are a lot smarter and much more "mentally stimulating" conversationalists than you ever imagined. If the topic of conversation isn't to your liking, you can always bring up a topic which is more of interest to you.

    Yes again I said there were people but often hard to find. Have you witnessed Bangkok lately where they all walk and sit staring into their phones ? The BTS is like zombieland.

    In summary, life, no matter where you live, is what you make it. Dismissing a whole country and it's people as incapable of providing his lordship's requisite stimulation is just plain silly, and more than a little pretentious.

    I didn't dismiss the whole country did I ? As for your lordship and pretentious comments, I will refer you back Pattaya. thumbsup.gif

    The simple point is that compared to most of our countries there is little to do in the way of what we like doing back home and in places hard to find people to converse with, unless of course you are super quick at learning one of the most difficult languages to learn. It isn't the be all and end all , but it can contribute to the 'blues'. Especially outside of Bangkok. Unless of course you like Thai cooking, Thai architecture, riding an elephant. etc. thumbsup.gif

  9. The fact is this country has very little to do and a very low educated population. The only Thais I have met that can have a stimulating conversations were friends at university in England with me and some people they know and some my wife knows. They all themselves have left Thailand or live in Bangkok. Sure there are some more out there, but it seems most who get a decent education then spend their lives sitting in their parents business and that's pretty much it. You need to live on an estate with educated Thais or westerners or there is a high chance you will be mentally bored.

    The country makes it hard for foreigners to work here as that would increase the countries intelligence which the rich don't want. They just want a population to do their dirty work on the cheap for them. Most people spend most their time working in their own country and enjoy themselves in their free time, but with no work or very little mental stimulation people get bored or down.

    Pattaya maybe a bit of a grot hole , but it at least has some things to do and like minded people (no I don't live there). If you are bored there you will certainly be bored in the 'real' Thailand of Nakon Nowhere. Unless of course you like being permantly drunk, having conversations about Thai soaps and stars and going down the local karaoke bar for teenage girls and the odd waterfall. Mental stimulation .....no chance.

    The foreigners who seem happiest all the time here mostly live in Bangkok and work or teach all day and mostly mix with other westerners in western bars etc and some educated Thais or those that are in their first year or so here.

    Thanks for your thoroughly uplifting point of view. I seriously hope you do not live here, with that attitude. Have you tried any laxatives lately? They can do wonders to lift up the spirits.

    The truth is the truth. Which part do you think isn't true ?

    Here 7 years, only here for my kids.

  10. The fact is this country has very little to do and a very low educated population. The only Thais I have met that can have a stimulating conversations were friends at university in England with me and some people they know and some my wife knows. They all themselves have left Thailand or live in Bangkok. Sure there are some more out there, but it seems most who get a decent education then spend their lives sitting in their parents business and that's pretty much it. You need to live on an estate with educated Thais or westerners or there is a high chance you will be mentally bored.

    The country makes it hard for foreigners to work here as that would increase the countries intelligence which the rich don't want. They just want a population to do their dirty work on the cheap for them. Most people spend most their time working in their own country and enjoy themselves in their free time, but with no work or very little mental stimulation people get bored or down.

    Pattaya maybe a bit of a grot hole , but it at least has some things to do and like minded people (no I don't live there). If you are bored there you will certainly be bored in the 'real' Thailand of Nakon Nowhere. Unless of course you like being permantly drunk, having conversations about Thai soaps and stars and going down the local karaoke bar for teenage girls and the odd waterfall. Mental stimulation .....no chance.

    The foreigners who seem happiest all the time here mostly live in Bangkok and work or teach all day and mostly mix with other westerners in western bars etc and some educated Thais or those that are in their first year or so here.

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