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Posts posted by arthurwait

  1. It takes time for Toyo to gather enough Old Lexus bits to launch an All New Toyota anything. Its not just Toyo. the All New Honda Civic will be 2 Years old before we see one with the superb new auto box.sad.png

    This promises to be the first Civic I will ever own. Beats the crap out of the Accord. Looks superb, but not sure if we'll see it in this form in Thailand:



    What is it with the current trend of designing cars that look like they have had an elephant sit on the side of it ?

  2. Just to clear something up for a couple of posters. Yes a lean mixture will cause an engine to run hotter, but not hot enough to blow a head gasket or crack a head.

    Overheating after 15 mins from cold sounds like a faulty thermostatic fan switch not bringing the fan on.

    Glad all is well eventually.





  3. I had this in Bang Saen I went through on green the cops were waving me and cars behind me through. They then blocked the road causing the cars to sit in the turn with no where to go when the red light come. They then pulled everyone over for jumping the red light.

    Tried arguing with them that the light was green and they waved people through but they weren't interested.

    They wanted 500 B at the station.

    And they expect respect. cheesy.gif

  4. I wonder what that was ... a special machine or apparatus for grinding the block properly... a Black & Decker sander? sorry

    No, he showed me an enormous sort of very heavy, thick flat grey rectangular thing.. it looked a lot like a perfectly angular grindstone..

    Like this ?


  5. The mechanic.

    A head has to be removed and refitted in sequence and stages with a torque wrench or it can bend.

    Seems odd they wouldn't know about that - they do these head jobs at least once a month: I've seen them doing them, and had friends who had them done there..

    It's very easily done if you get slack or try to rush it.

  6. A very clear clash of "face" versus "real world" ... it's a very hard thing for a Thai to accept.

    The Govt is looking into what Hospitals are charging, the more urgent need would be to look into what these "schools" (and I use the word lightly) are charging for things.

    Education should be free (for all) right up until University age (at least). But that would also require an increase in the competence and quality of what is taught and the teachers themselves.

    That would require them to pay taxes and think about others, when all they do think about is themselves and trying to convince people they are rich.

  7. facepalm.gif

    What's the bet crusty the clown bent the head himself ?

    By clown do you mean me or the mechanic? Because I thought the head had to be heated to warp. Seems not terribly likely in the shop?

    The mechanic.

    A head has to be removed and refitted in sequence and stages with a torque wrench or it can bend.

  8. There's lots of slang and online jargon which makes it impossible for automatic translators such as google.

    Although I'm able to read it, I'm too lazy at the moment to translate. But I'd just like to say that OP probably also know about using google translate and got similar incomprehensible results as you guys did.

    I used google translate for a few words I didn't know.

    Still waiting for your attempt. coffee1.gif

  9. เอง (myself/yourself) อย่า (don't ) มา (come) แหล่ ( facebook like ??) คน (person) ที่ลบโพลสเฟส ( at deleted post facebook) เอง (myself/yourself) ได้ (can) มี (have)เอง (myself/yourself) คน (person) เดียว (only/alone) เค้า (he/she) ไม่ใช่ (not) ควย (as well/ together) นะ (meaningless polite word) ไม่ชอบ (don't like) หรือ (or)มี (have)ใคร (who)ที่หวัง (hopes ??) ยุจะมา (will come) หลอก (pretend ?) ทำ (do) เหี้ย (monitor lizard/ A hole/ damn) อะไร ( what ) ความจริง (truth)ใจ (heart) มี (have)ไหม ( silk... I suspect wrong spelling means No?? as in a question)

    โมโหโว้ย ( ????? ) อยากฆ่าคน ( want to kill person)

    แล้ว ( then) โทรศัทที่ว่า (telephone) ให้น้อง ( give young person) เอาไว้เอง ( want to hold/save myself) ว่า (think) เค้า (he/she) เชื่อเอง (believe him/herself) ไหมเเกล้ง ( don't pretend) โง ( ??) เฉยๆ (meh/average ??) หรอก ( I think they mean 'or' typo) เองเอามาเเต่ ( him/herself want to come but) ไม่อยากให้เค้า ( don't want to give him/her) ดู ( typo ??) เฟส (facebook) เอง (him/herself).

  10. ใคร (who/someone )ลบ (delete)โพลส (polls/ maybe post) เค้า (he/she) ขอให้มัน (want to give it) เป็น (is) ใส่ (put in/put on) ลง (down) หำ (esarn for penis ?? )

    ลบทำไม ( delete why ?) เอง (myself/yourself) มีใครที่เกาะ ( have who at island) ใช่ (yes ) เปล่า (naked/ empty (google translate)) อย่า (don't) ให้ (give ) รุ ( ?????know ?????) นะ (meaningless polite word)

    เพื่อเป็นการ (in order to (google translate) or husband is (my translation)) ขอโทษ (sorry) โพลส (polls) เลย ( meaningless polite word) ว่ารักเมีย (think love wife)

  11. It must be possible as the breakers bring engines in from Japan. Japan has a rule something like engines can only be 3 years old before being hit with a huge tax. Whether a foreigner is allowed to do it I don't know.

    Most older cars like Mercedes have Toyota engines in already. They replace them as the parts are much cheaper for maintenance. Old Mercs are bought by people desperate to appear rich but have no money. They want Toyota prices.

    This is the parts section of Dealfish, olx, Kaidee.com, there are some exotic engines on there such as 2 Ferrari v8's and a BMW V10, they have been up for at least a year. A Jag XJS V12, several corvettes, a few Lotus's. Again no one is buying.

    Non ASEAN cars are subject to 234% total tax, As you can guess only very, very rich buy exotics or newer sportier stuff, they don't need to buy secondhand parts.

    Again look at kaidee for older classics, they never sell as there is very little interest in classic stuff. New car = face, old car doesn't.

    Good luck if you do go ahead you might find a market. You do need permission to import here before you import. And things like engines can only go into the bluebook if they have proper import documention and receipts, if they don't they are basically worthless.

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