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Everything posted by jchfriis

  1. Typical blah blah and knee-jerk reaction from the government. I've read about these fights between vocational schools all the time for the last 15 years, and it seems that not much has improved.
  2. Search for Russian Driving on Youtube and you see that traffic there is even worse than here.
  3. I do believe your cardiologist is wrong. Abut 5 years ago I had a checkup which showed that my cholesterol was higher than the so-called standard and the doctor prescribed me Statins. I didn't know anything about the subject so I took them before bedtime every evening for 2 weeks. I woke up around 4 am every night with a splitting headache, so I did some research and concluded that statins were not for me. My now ex-doctor told me that I had to take them, When asked why she could not give any other answer than that it was dangerous not to take them. She even told me to sign a paper for refusing to take them. I told her what she could do with that document and have never been back to that clinic. Interestingly enough my doctor in Denmark agrees with me ( he doesn't get commission on prescriptions ). I'm 75 years old, never sick (had a bit of covid a year ago), take no medications. I play golf, go to the gym and most importantly eat real food, including red meat.. Come from a hotel/restaurant background and when I read the labels of most of the food you get in the supermarkets it scares me. So my advice is, don't eat anything that comes out a factory.
  4. Unless you can find an artisan bakery where you live (we have a couple in Chiang Mai), bake your own. It's fun and then you know what you put in your stomach. The plastic wrapped excuse for bread you find in the supermarket is poison. I once bought one of those and left it on the kitchen counter. It still looked like new after 3 weeks. Now what kind of chemicals makes that possible?
  5. What can i say, just that - Mirrors aren't like they used to be.
  6. I guess they never heard the expression: If the student hasn't learned, the teacher hasn't taught!
  7. From the linked article: " Thunpisit continued to explain that as they reached the junction leading to Kanchanaburi bypass road, he indicated to turn left when the saloon car, travelling at high speed, slammed into the rear of his truck. The impact caused his vehicle to veer and hit the road barrier. Kitti, who had been sitting in the back of the pickup, was thrown from the vehicle by the impact and hit the ground. The saloon car then dragged him into the barrier, resulting in his death, reported KhaoSod. Thunpisit added that the young female driver of the saloon car sustained minor injuries. She apologised, claiming she hadn’t seen his vehicle ahead, causing her to crash into it at high speed. This ultimately led to the fatal collision."
  8. Or as I like to say: If you can't say something positive about someone, shut the f*** up.
  9. One browser that has not been mentioned here is Vivaldi https://vivaldi.com It has built-in password manager, blocks tracing and pop-ups, has lots of features and is very customisable. I use it both on my Mac and on a Linux machine.
  10. Why do this sorry excuse of a human being get all this attention? Is it because as a Madison Avenue executive once said: Never underestimate the poor taste of the american public.
  11. May not be what the OP is looking for, but I wanted to show my favourite knife. It's a Laguiole, bought in France in the late 70's. Wasn't cheap then and today they start at about 100 Euros. It's still tack sharp.
  12. Corruption in the Olympics? I'm shocked! Next they will find corruption in FIFA!
  13. I worked in a cruise ship. And we got it. Many passengers and a lot of the crew got sick. We got two experts on board in the next port to help us get rid of it. It was a lot of work and gallons of chloride before the ship was declared clean of the virus. Even one of the experts got sick. I managed to avoid it. Probalby because I wash my hands all the time. Keep your hands clean and try to avoid any who may have it. It spreads by air and touch and is very contagious. According to NHS alcohol based sanitizers are not effective against this virus.
  14. Nice to learn about these galleries, but why on earth don't they publish the locations??
  15. I love a good action action movie, but this one was crap. Even Keanu Reeves looked like he was bored.
  16. There are three things that start a fire: Men, Women and Children.
  17. There is of course also the air filter which should be replaced every 24000 km according to the manual. If you don't have the owners manual, here's a link: https://www.manualslib.com/manual/1676410/Honda-Forza-300-2019.html?page=75#manual
  18. In short: Mirrors aren't like they used to be.
  19. According to the owners manual the oil should be changed every 12000 km and the filter every 24000 km. Personally I would change the filter with every oil change, and I would do the change more frequent than it says in the manual. Oil change is not where you want to save money.
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