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Everything posted by jchfriis

  1. That solution is indeed interesting. Unfortunately it will never happen. There is too much religion involved on both sides!
  2. Wow that is amazing. But I don't understand. A similar specked Macbook Pro costs Bht. 154,400
  3. I think the KKK would qualify as a nazi group.
  4. I don't think so. The far right party in Sweden are using anonymous accounts and spouting their views and vitriol and fake news through them. Moreover the leader of the party thinks that is the way to do politics and refuse to do anything about it. The problem started some years ago when the Swedish government allowed too many refugees to enter without having the infrastructure to integrate them into Swedish society. So now Sweden has a huge problem with ghettos, gangs, violence and murders almost every day. You see the same problem in some other European countries.
  5. This surely gives me a lot more confidence in the so-called experts. NOT
  6. 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😀
  7. I think Trump is looking at himself in the mirror and is projecting that image onto his no. 1 enemy.
  8. And they don’t link to the source anymore.
  9. It seems to me Aseannow.com reporting gets worse every day.
  10. Robert Murdoch became a US citizen in 1985, but I guess there are no laws to base an indictment upon. Otherwise Trump would have been in jail a long time ago as he avoids the truth as much as possible and more. What I don't understand is how can it take more that 4 years since Jan 6 and Trump is still walking around free! He should have been in front of a judge and jury a long time ago.
  11. Most of the (<deleted>) stuff tyrants do is illegal, until they come in a position to make it legal.
  12. As a European citizen I bloody well hope you're right.
  13. In my youth and home country I had a Vespa 125 for a couple of years. Here in Thailand I’ve had Honda Wave, Honda PCX and now a Honda Leaf (chose that because of the large under seat space). All great scooters. Use the scooter for getting around town and to the local market. Had big bikes too (BMW, Kawasaki, Benelli) Sold the Benelli recently because I’m getting up there in years. Different vehicle for different purpose. I wouldn’t like to live here without a scooter.
  14. Just as Mao said: Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
  15. Yes, I wonder which year that photo was taken!
  16. I guess whoever wrote the story didn't attend math class.
  17. If you play golf there is a distinct advantage. if you're on a tourist visa you will pay twice as much as if you're on a non-o retirement.
  18. I would say time for a court hearing and hopefully some time in a jail cell.
  19. They might as well put up a sign saying: COMMIT SUICIDE HERE
  20. Does driving a brand new Bentley make you intelligent? 🤔
  21. So where can you get permission for trafficking drugs? 😂
  22. Approximately 4.2 million according to this article in Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_sexual_orientation
  23. Generally I agree with you. But this particular thread has been fun to read as I believe 99 percents of the comments have been made in jest.
  24. I was away during covid, but on coming back one of the first things I did was going to the barber. As for saving lots of money, I think getting a good haircut and a full shave for less than a 100 baht is the cheapest luxury you can get.
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