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Everything posted by jchfriis

  1. Why do this sorry excuse of a human being get all this attention? Is it because as a Madison Avenue executive once said: Never underestimate the poor taste of the american public.
  2. May not be what the OP is looking for, but I wanted to show my favourite knife. It's a Laguiole, bought in France in the late 70's. Wasn't cheap then and today they start at about 100 Euros. It's still tack sharp.
  3. Corruption in the Olympics? I'm shocked! Next they will find corruption in FIFA!
  4. I worked in a cruise ship. And we got it. Many passengers and a lot of the crew got sick. We got two experts on board in the next port to help us get rid of it. It was a lot of work and gallons of chloride before the ship was declared clean of the virus. Even one of the experts got sick. I managed to avoid it. Probalby because I wash my hands all the time. Keep your hands clean and try to avoid any who may have it. It spreads by air and touch and is very contagious. According to NHS alcohol based sanitizers are not effective against this virus.
  5. Nice to learn about these galleries, but why on earth don't they publish the locations??
  6. I love a good action action movie, but this one was crap. Even Keanu Reeves looked like he was bored.
  7. There are three things that start a fire: Men, Women and Children.
  8. There is of course also the air filter which should be replaced every 24000 km according to the manual. If you don't have the owners manual, here's a link: https://www.manualslib.com/manual/1676410/Honda-Forza-300-2019.html?page=75#manual
  9. In short: Mirrors aren't like they used to be.
  10. According to the owners manual the oil should be changed every 12000 km and the filter every 24000 km. Personally I would change the filter with every oil change, and I would do the change more frequent than it says in the manual. Oil change is not where you want to save money.
  11. Israel used to be a beacon of democracy in the Middle East. Looks now like they are on their way to autocracy just like their neighbours.
  12. Didn't you mean: the more politicians they can buy.
  13. So what is Ukraine part of then?
  14. The answer to that question is no. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2014/11/06/did-nato-promise-not-to-enlarge-gorbachev-says-no/
  15. No that has happened to me. I don't use the scooter for longer rides only in and around town (Chiang Mai). On my 500 cc bike I can accelerate faster than most cars and thus get out of trouble.
  16. This is the reason I claim my space when riding a motorbike. I keep up with the speed of traffic and stay in the middle of my lane. If you want to overtake me you have to overtake as if I was driving a car.
  17. The russians have never experienced real democracy!
  18. No, they didn't ask for anything else, but I attached copies of my passport where they could see that I had stayed in Thailand on a "retirement visa" for many years before Covid hit and I was unable to return.
  19. I was in that situation and applied online and got a 90 days Non O (retirement) from the Thai Embassy in Denmark. So no conversion needed, just an extension.. If possible in the UK I would think that is the easiest way.
  20. I've always said that religion is a lucrative business and should be taxed as such.
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