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Posts posted by Flummoxed

  1. Regardless of what you think of Stickman, you cannot deny that the attitudes highlighted here are very real.

    Consider this... You take your Thai wife to the West and everyone you meet assumes you purchased her from an internet website, or automatically assumed that she is a whore and only with you for money. Would you accept that from your peers? Your friends? Your family? Your collegues? From anybody, for that matter?

  2. The point is "A lawyer is more socially acceptable than a bar girl"

    Why? I could have a far more entertaining, fun, and often intelligent chat with a bar girl than I could with a lawyer, who I find are usually rather drab when sinking a beer. At least they get me dancing :D

    I find it much more fulfilling to set an example to snobs and give all people at least one chance to be my friend. You however, only exhaserbate these outdated attitudes by pandering to them IMHO.

    This is going to run and run... but we might as well agree to disagree, suffice it to say that on this point, I don't like the cut of yer jib old boy.

    Like I said, no ill will intended :o

    Credit to Stickman's website for the following excerpt:-

    Grandma Stick says: For any Thai woman walking in public with a farang, irrespective of the status of the relationship, she will already be seen as sullied goods by many Thai people. For many Thai women, if they knew that the guy only wanted to be friends, and nothing more, she would not risk her reputation by being "just friends" which has a potential downside, but maybe not a great upside.

    You can't tell me that this is an acceptable attitude.

  3. Yes, I thought it seemed strange but I checked in a downtown Khon Kaen branch of BKK bank a few months ago because I had thousands of US Dollars in cash on me and wanted rid of it quick for safety reasons. They told me I could deposit and hold it in USD but had to withdraw in Baht. I declined because the Forex rate was <deleted> at the time (still is for that matter :o ) and dropped it into a safe deposit box.

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if they informed me incorrectly. The branch down the road would probably be singing from a different hymn sheet.

  4. I use MSN messenger. I know there is a Yahoo messenger etc but what I want to know is this-

    Is there a stable/safe bit of software that will run all contacts from all messenger programs so I don't have to have several messengers running at the same time?

    I know this is probably a silly question but messenger programs aren't something I know much about.

  5. I make the effort to get along with whoever is around. I guess I've not spent enough time with Thai's to have developed a class snobbery, uinlike you clearly have.

    A little off mark.

    I have simply been around my Thai wife long enough to acknowledge and accept her preferrences.

    That is to say... class snobs.

    We do have Thai/Foreign couples as friends but every case the Thai wife is middle class and has a university education.

    As do nearly all our non Thai friends

    What a shallow social life you must have. I don't confuse education with intelligence. I'm sure the 'Proletariat' could show you a good time and teach you a thing or two about life... but then, they probably wouldn't mix with 'your sort'


    I'm just being frank. No ill will intended. :D

  6. WinMX seems to be about the only P2P without any spyware/adware that I can find.

    What are the security/safety issues with leaving winMX running while I sleep?

    My firewalll picks up 20-30 intrusion attempts a night. Not sure if they're WinMX related though.

    For years and for thousands of downloads, I've never to my knowledge had a virus come through P2P... Is the risk really all that great?

  7. Don't leave me alone in Herts/Bucks :D We could put Iron Maiden on the duke box and everyfin' :D Don't leave me alone here... please :D Pint of old Peculiar, anyone :o Don't leave me alone here. We could go badger bating, or sumfin' :D

    I do miss Thailand. Don't leave me alone here Scamp :wub:

  8. What a waste of my keyboard's lifespan. How childish of him to run off and sulk. Most of the posts here have been kindly, including mine.

    In the same way a good businessman will create a market for the product he has, Scamp has created an audience for his VERY ordinary life....

    .... I'm still wearing out my keyboard, aren't I?!

  9. Its not a job i would consider, personally, but if it buys you time enough to find that "real" job then more power to you

    What about becoming a Go Go boy? Gotta be better than selling timeshare.

    There's a pub in Aylesbury that does a lovely steak and ale pie. Tempted Scamp? Come home!

  10. Its a means to an end i suppose.

    Bloody difficult job as well, soul destroying.

    Timeshare itself is a great idea, its just theres too many sharks in the game so actually buying something without getting ripped off completely is the challenge.

    Its not a job i would consider, personally, but if it buys you time enough to find that "real" job then more power to you

    I disagree. Buy a seal club and bash an old lady for her handbag, you'll gain more respect in this way than you would selling timeshare.

  11. Scamp,

    The following is the best and most genuine advice you will recieve please read it through. I mean it in a friendly manner...

    Get out of Thailand now. Do not think about it. Do not stop at a bar to have a beer and think about it. Do not stop at a bar to say goodbye to any bar girls or so called friends. Do not pass go, unless it is to collect 200 pounds. Proceed directly to the Airport. Immediately sweet talk the check in clerk to place you on the first available seat to the UK within the validity of your fare type. Once you are seated, only then you ,may allow yourself a longing look out of the window at the land you are leaving behind.

    Honestly, a return home is the best thing that could happen to you in your circumstances and I think you know it deep down. A while ago, I PM'd you saying as much, I Think you should have done so sooner.

    I found myself at rock bottom a few years ago. It's truly aweful, winding back in the UK with 23 pence in my pocket, no friends there anymore, no contact with family... truly aweful feeling (and it was raining). However, it didn't take me long to turn the situation around. I was back in Thailand within six months with a wad of cash in my pocket :D and did the 6 months here, 6 months there thing for a while. Last time I came back to England, I decided I would not return to LOS until I could do it permanently. I now work very long and unsociable hours and have no life whatsoever... but I'm earning a good solid wage packet full of super strong UK pounds and credit my Thai account regularly. It might take a couple of years, hopefully less but I'll soon be out there for good.

    I know it's the last thing you want to hear and believe me, it will feel totally rotten when you hit the tarmac at Heathrow... but from what I've read from you over the last year, I feel sure you'll turn things around and make something positive out of it.

    In fact, your base in Herts, or was it Bucks? is not so far from me. I'd be delighted to buy you a drink on your return (you'll need it) and chew the cud. In fact I might even have an idea for the future you might be interested in. :o

    There's no denying it. It is inevitable you'll be back home within weeks if not days. Do not get caught working with those time share scoundrels and get blacklisted, you'll never be able to go back. Get out now... excercise some damage limitation.

    I know what it's like to have to come home and start again. I'm a very busy man but I'm happy to be an understanding friend for you when you get back.

    Good luck to you Scamp.

  12. I say the following in all seriousness...

    The rules of engagement when dealing with women folk (not meant to sound war like) are complex in the extreme. In fact, so complex are the rules that they have only ever once been bound into a single book throughout time. So large was this rule book, that it collapsed in on itself under the influence of gravity, forming what is now a black hole somewhere in the Andromeda galaxy. We have therefore little chance of ever understanding them.

    I do know this, however... and that is that it's OK to cry in front of a good woman after you've spent years with her and it is for a good reason.

    Pleading with her to stay is not a good reason. Better to help her pack and call her a taxi. This rule applies to Thai women, Falang women, African women, Chinese women, Polynesian women.......................................

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