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Posts posted by Flummoxed

  1. How can I disable the account? The only options available are Limit account, delete account or admin account.

    Thanks Wolfie.

    P.S. Clean sweep from Spybot S & D... Norton security suite all clear.

  2. No... also, it rather strangely activated the 'Ask for password on resume' feature on the screensaver :o . It's definately the printer software that did it. Also, I have to click on my name to logon whereas before it just booted straight to my desktop.

    I can't understand why it would make these changes.

  3. Motosai Hang, a popular Isaan tune that everyone in Thailand seems to know.

    Can anyone tell me the artist, however... and any online resource where I might be able to download it (tried the P2P's already).

    Also, what does 'Motosai Hang' actually mean. I asked my girl and her answer was - 'Motosai not so good'. :o any advances on that?

  4. i'm glad the flood of bargirl threads has been stopped , they were becoming tedious and low rent. informed discussions on the subject seem a thing of the past and bargirls were being grouped as a kind of stereotyped sub class that warranted lack of respect and degradation from those who thought themselves too snotty to asociate with them and looked down on those who were open enough to say that they did.

    i also take exception to those who post things like

    ....my wife (non- bg)...etc etc etc....

    as if anyone cares. if they were in their home country would they introduce their partner......"meet my wife.... by the way she is not nor ever has been a prostitute."

    thailand really does some strange things to mens self image and it does make me wonder about the calibre of some of the characters out there.

    men can get done over by girls from each and every background, in each and every country of the world.

    leave your victorian guilt at heathrow or schipol and just enjoy life as you find it.

    and let others enjoy their lives too.

    if you are shy,lonely,lazy or horny then go to soi cowboy and buy your company for the night/week. if you are good looking and confident and want another kind of experience then go to a club or find your partners the western way.

    there are only human beings out there, good and bad. its not a world full of bg or non-bg.

    grow up.


    i also take exception to those who post things like

    ....my wife (non- bg)...etc etc etc....

    I could never fathom this one either. What are they so afraid of? Were they introduced wearing stockings and suspenders :o

  5. As a little side question, am I right in thinking abortion is illegal in LOS?

    Whatever the case, I know they happen anyhow. How much does it cost in Thailand (No, my girl isn't pregnant;-)

  6. Someone said somewhere that if I and markt, taxexile, and other dinosaurs etc., etc. read the recent offerings on TV we would not be inclined to participate as the present quality leaves a lot to be desired...how true that is.

    We presently have soap operas, the brutally inane and billions of bar girl discussions that have not been edited/deleted by our mighty moderators. What gives Dr PP, George an the rest? Gone to sleep or just giving the rest what they want? I say censor the bastards in the name of good taste and a tastefull TV website. Banishment is an honor for those of us lucky enough to be so honored...too good for them. A simple 'tut, tut...tutsi and the others would not approve' would suffice.

    What is all this bar girl shit? Someone said that a separate topic category should be started and I wholly approve. If all the dumb threads were to be lumped together then we could easily count how many are attracted to the topic and who they are. I married a bar girl as have many others here and to dispell prurient speculation spoke about my dedication to her when she joined me in the UAE and became ill and ended up in hospital. Bargirl or not she is my wife and her health and safety is my responsibility. My heart was broken...I was powerless to prevent the gastritis that laid her low. But do people want to hear about a real issue like that??? Nooooo. They have polls to determine falang depravity by measuring the age difference between thai girl and falang husband.

    And there useta be serious issues discussed here. My declaration that the US support of Israel and the associated insult to arabs everywhere was vigorously debated with Georgie with assistance from Boon Mee. Fireworks, bombs and verbal abuse hurled to and fro in the name of serious discussion. Don't see nothin' like that around here no more (just boring old farts talkin' about how they would like to buy outrageous motorcycles and parade about with lovely young thai women attached...). Disgraceful.

    Moderators...protect us from mediocrity and self indulgence...

    Power to the people!

    Reply...if you dare....


    I used to get sucked into these anti-bargirl threads, until I realised that those who were writing them are merely inexperienced youths with a complex and are unable to cope mentally with Thailand.

    I have come to realise that I think I have chosen wisely with my ex-bar girl wife. She has an experience of mankind that would put most of us to shame, yet she can maintain a childlike approach to life that keeps me young at heart and in spirit. She, like your wife, I'm sure, is dedicated to me and we don't let the rantings of the aforementioned posters spoil that for us, do we.

    Don;t let them get you down, they're just inexperienced, as we once were.

    Lets sink a beer together one day :o


  7. For around 7 months, I've been trying to get rid of a DSO Exploit that Spybot s and d detected. It removes it successfully but on restarting, it's there again in 5 places.

    last week, I remastered my hard drive after reformatting it and added SP2 perfectly. Within hours, the exploit was there again!!!!!!!! and I just can't get rid of the bloody thing.

    I need to know what it is and how to get rid of it. I'm beginning to wonder if it's a false alarm problem from Spybot.

    Also, within minutes of connecting to the internet after the re-master, I had 37 spyware and tracking cookie problems... only a few minutes was all it took... and with my firewall up and running :D they still slipped under the radar :o

    Unbeleivably, many of them came from the MSN main page! MSN are supposed to be against this sort of thing. Everytime I visit MSN, Spybot has to block adware or spyware.

    I'm considering purchasing Symantec's internet security package. Any comments on this?

  8. If I lived in a place where the locals looked at me with hatred then I would insist on moving. You are lucky to be in a position to be able to do that.

    Well, I can't really can I? I can't just abandon my wife or make her move away from her family. Sure, the village in question is a few km's away... but a few km's too close as well, besides which you'll find them in evrey town, village, country. I guess in Isaan/thailand, the Farang is often the hated ethnic minority and the subject of racism. Kinda reminds me of that Alabama drawl and hooded men with flaming torches. I'm exaggerating of course but there really is a feeling that they wanna kill me sometimes.

    I resisted calling them a bunch of FKN hooligan scumbags for fear of someone here calling me a biggot... but that's exactly what they are-drunkard loser waster hooligan f*ckwits who just want a pop at the Farang.

    (To prevent a barrage of anti-Flummoxed posts, I hereby state that I am only referring to the few Thai people who try to make me feel unwelcome... most of them think I'm great and respect me and my wife :o )

  9. Paranoia is something I am sometimes guilty of. I still consider LOS to be a comparatively safe place in comparison to my homeland (UK) re muggings etc etc.

    However, recent high profile murders/shootings have got me thinking about a few incidents in the next nearest village to my girlfriends village...

    Now, everyone in her village gets on very well indeed with me. They have come to trust me and my motives and the feeling is mutual. However, in the village just a few km's down the road I feel I am utterly despised. In the first few months of my initial arrival, several Mor Lam concerts were staged to which me, my girl and her Brother and Sister attended. I was, of course, the only Farang there, indeed for many a mile, for that matter. I am normally looked upon with friendly curiosity by the locals but in this particular village, I feel in great danger at these concerts and other gatherings. All of the menfolk, in particular, the ones in their 20's will stare at me with a certain vitriol in their eyes and will sometimes even utter something nasty to my girl (which she just ignores) in Khmer, a language I don't understand.

    At first, I would comfort myself with the fact that, if there were problems, there are volunteer cops around to protect me. You know the ones, beige uniforms, big wooden sticks that they're itching to bash someone with. After a while I realised they also had utter hatred of me.

    Towards the end of one evening and when many were drunk on the local fire water, my girl and her family suddenly grabbed me and said we were to leave immediately and with great haste. I looked to see a gang of drunk youths amassing nearby and looking for trouble. I didn't want to go because we'd been having fun and I've never been one to run away like a coward, besides which theyd've felt they had acheived something. What changed my mind was the fact that these so called volunteer cops were looking on and smiling, almost as if they wanted to see me beaten to a pulp. Before I knew it I'd been bungled into the family pick-up and I was being whisked to safety.

    I hasten to add it's only this one village where I don't feel safe. I trust my instincts and there's a big problem for me there.

    As you know, guns are readily and easily available in Thailand. I've seen quite a few men around here sporting a firearm on his belt, trying to be a real man (they're not always just off duty cops, I'm sure they're civilians). I just don't know what the problem is in that village, I've not p*ssed anyone off there. I'm genuinely scared that one day, I'm going to get a bullet in the back of my head at one of these local community events from someone who's drunk and despises me enough to write my name on a peice of lead while shouting '<deleted> you, you Farang <deleted>'.

    Not only that, I was once wondering around by myself in the woods with my slingshot. I came across a guy hunting lizards. I smiled at him and greeted him. The look and the silence I got in return could have frozen the heart of love itself. If he wanted to kill me there and then out in the woods, no one would ever know what happened to me.

    Scary sh*t.

    I consider it a great acheivement to have gained the genuine friendship of the people in my girls village... but I'm completely lost as to the cause, defense and remedy to my problems in that other village. :o:D

  10. I've considered this because when the time comes and the only relative back home I dearly love passes away I will naturally be devastated. I can't rely on emotional support from others I know in England therefore I would very much want my Thai wife to be with me during my grieving... surely the British embassy could realise that?

  11. Guys 'n' gals, there's only one good way to do it. I wire my money using SWIFT directly to my Thai bank account and make doubly sure the option to send in Sterling (or Dollars if your US, obviously) is checked. The Thai bank will do the exchange at interbank rates. I save loads doing it this way.

    Also, check to see if there's an equivalent of Nationwide BS in the U.S. They never charge me comission on ATM withdrawals, in fact no charges at all and it's at the interbank rate.

    If only I'd realised sooner how much I was paying Barclays... BAAAstards :o

  12. Laser tatoo removal in BKK. Readily available? Safe? How effective is it?

    Does it leave scar tissue at all? Paeng mai :o

    Reason I ask is the tatoo in question is right in the middle of the chest and looks bloody aweful if she wears a low cut dress. If it was removed, even the slightest scarring would probably be just as bad as the tatoo itself.

  13. As much of my money is now in my Thai Bank account, I often use the visa card to pay for goods and services while in the UK. Today, I used it at Tescos in Hertfordshire. The young lady on the till was Thai. When I produced my BKK Bank card, she looked very surprised. She exclaimed 'How you can have this, you England guy!' I explained that I spend much of my life in her homeland and that is why I have the account.

    She is convinced that she cannot hold an account in Thailand because she has renounced her Thai citizenship and is a British passport holder (why she did this is beyond me, I'd have gladly swapped with her;-))

    I don't want to give her the wrong advice next time I see her, so can you think of any reason why she would not be able to hold such an account? If I can, surely she can?! :o

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